Subsonic query: Problem with the produced query

Hello there, I'm having a problem with subsonic quey. The deal is, I have a View and I want to query it's data to produce something like the following SQL statment: select * from myView where (col1 like '%a%' or col2 like '%a%' or col3 like '%a%') and col4 = 1 and col5 = 2 But instead the query that is submited to the DB is somet...

Using ThreadPool threads with long running ADO.NET queries. Is this scalable?

We are currently enhancing an ASP.NET app that performs quotes on a number of products. At present the existing quote engine is basically a big stored procedure (2-3 secs per call) followed by a small amount of business logic that runs after the procedure call. We are looking into multi-threading the call to each product in order to sp...

ADODB not properly installed on Win7-64?

My .net windows forms app won't run on Windows 7 64 bit. Error says ADODB not found. Giving it the dll (by putting it in with the program) then gives error that ADODB provider is not properly installed. How to fix this? ...

SubSonic, and Microsoft stopping support for LINQ.

Hello, I am a front end developer working on a small social network. Currently, we are using SubSonic and it has satisfied all of our needs. Since Microsft has stopped supporting LINQ, I want to know how this will affect the development of SubSonic if at all. Is there any reason to move to ...

LINQ To Rest missing functions like Count() and First(). How do I add those to my ADO.NET Data Service?

I have an ADO.NET data service based off of a LINQ-To-SQL class. I can query this ADO.NET service using LINQ to Rest queries which build simple rest statements. But if I want to use other functions that work in LINQ-To-SQL I get an error that the LINQ-To-Rest statement can't be made into a rest query. Example: X.Data.Cust.CustData db =... Modeling Question

I have built my database design and diagram. Now i want to build a model of that design. Now my question is that, should i build a model of the the whole design?(Since the design is not so big) or create several models for convenience? Which is better? I have Student, Teacher, Course, .... tables Should i make studentModel,...

Linq to ADO.NET parent/child query help

Hello I want to use Linq to ADO.NET to fetch all rows that match the criteria below from a DataTable. Select all rows where "parentId" equals "id" of a row where "parentId" equals null. Order by "Name". Can someone tell me how to accomplish this (preferably using both Query Syntax and Method Syntax), and possibly point me to where I...

Using SqlDataAdapter in an ASP.NET page

I'm writing an ASP.NET 2.0 page in VS2008. In my Page_Load method I have the following: DataTable table = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conString)) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(cmdString, connection)) { adapter.SelectComma...

Reading Excel file w/ - no data (or tables)

This is my first attempt to read an Excel 2007 file via, and I must be missing something b/c when I try to run the query, I get an exception. When I started looking, it's b/c the table (worksheet) isn't there. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here is my code: string cs = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB....

LINQ to SQL, ExecuteQuery, etc

This might all be a bit subjective: Our organization has made a strong attempt to adopt LINQ to SQL as our primary data access method and for the most part this works well. (Let’s leave the EF out of the discussion.) Some of our developers find LINQ difficult and migrate back to traditional raw SQL via ExecuteQuery. We also utilize Ope...

List<object[]> using more memory than DataTable?

Guys, I've always believed that DataTable would consume more memory than a generic List. I am testing loading a DataTable and loading a List from a SQL Server query. In this case, the DataTable is consuming less memory. I'm getting the top 2000 rows and there are 134 fields per row. One binary field and the rest are standard varchar, in...

What is the right way to call an Oracle stored function from and get the result?

I've got a codebase using ado to connect to an Oracle database. We have lots of stored procedures that we call, some with multiple out parameters. However, I now need to call a stored function, and it's not clear to me how to get the result of the function back into my VB code. Edit: I'm returning an integer. How do I properly c...

Concurrency violation updating a SQL database with a dataadapter

I'm having some trouble updating changes I made to a datatable via a dataadapter. I am getting "Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of 10 rows" 'Get data Dim Docs_DistributedTable As New DataTable("Docs_Distributed") Dim sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CompanyID, SortKey, OutputFileID, SequenceNo, DeliveredDate, IsDeliveryCodeCou...

Why does ObjectDataSource.DataBind() return rows, while ObjectDataSource.Select() doesn't?

Hi I thought calling ObjectDataSource.Select() gives the same results as calling ObjectDataSource.DataBind(), but in some cases that doesn’t seem to be true: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ODS1" TypeName="PersonDB" SelectMethod="GetPeople" runat="server"></asp:ObjectDataSource> <br> <asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" DataSourc...

DevArt's dotConnect for Oracle vs DataDirect's ADO.NET data provider

Has anybody done a comparative analysis of dotConnect for Oracle from DevArt and the ADO.NET data provider from DataDirect. We are thinking of using the Entity Framework support available in these frameworks for a critical enterprise application. Some articles that I read suggest the following: DevArt dotConnect is much faster as comp...

why I can't use two datareader in one procedure?

Hi everyone, can you explain me why I can't use two datareader in on procedure? Here is the sample code: Private Sub Do_Execute() Dim conx as SqlConnection Dim cmd1 as SqlCommand Dim cmd2 as SqlCommand Dim drd1 as SqlDataReader Dim drd2 as SqlDataReader conx = new SqlConnection("connection string") conx.Open() c... update

How can i add and update new row into sql server through The foll code is generating error on update statement. Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da) Dim sql As String sql = "SELECT * from resumemaster" connect(sql, "resumemaster") Dim dsrow As DataRow dsrow = ds.Tables("resumemaster").NewRow Fo...

Connection Pooling and Multiple Connection Strings

An ASP.NET 3.5 application has two connection strings: Data Source=RedDB;Initial Catalog=Red;User Id=myuser;Password=pas;Max Pool Size=50;Min Pool Size=1 Data Source=BlueDB;Initial Catalog=Blue; User Id=myuser;Password=pas;Max Pool Size=375;Min Pool Size=2 Suppose the RedDB connection has a stored procedure that is hanging indefinite...

How do I natively translate SqlType to underlying SQL type declaration?

Is there a way in .NET SqlClient to translate SqlType to actual SQL type declaration, like SqlInt32 -> "int" SqlGuid -> "uniqueidentifier" SqlXml -> "xml" SqlString -> "nvarchar(??)" without doing it manually? CLARIFICATION: I am trying to automatically refactor a number of SQL select statements, and I need to know what types d...

How do I use an ADO.NET managed provider in Excel?

I have an ADO.NET Managed Data Provider that is registered in machine.config in DbProviderFactory - It is available for use from, say, Analysis Services, so I know it is correctly registered. However, I need to be able to query the managed provider from Excel, but the managed provider doesn't appear as a choice from Data Link Properties...