Why do I get an Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in ADO.NET?

Original Question: Why do I get an Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric in ADO.NET code using the Money Data Type when amount is greater than $999,999,99? Just as the question says... I have a bit of code in the data access layer that talks to a Sql Server 2008 database. There is an Amount column...

How does ORM solve bidirectional relationship between entities (NHibernate, for example)?

I'm writing a homework for my RDBMS class, I need to perform CRUD operations on quite simple domain, which is cyber sport championship. Students are required to use ADO.NET. My question is how can I solve bidirectional relationship, for example 1:m (every championship has many matches, but every match belongs to only one exact championsh...

problem installing the WCF data services

I am trying to install the WCF data services from However, I only get the error message: "the update is not applicable to your computer". I am using Windows 7 with .NET 3.5 SP1/.NET 4.0 installed. Do you have the same proble...

SqlDataReader doesn't have third record set

I have a Stored Procedure that returns three record sets. Here it is being called in Studio. EXEC CampaignData '007CF7F8-AE8D-DE11-8BBA-0003FF4C13C9' I can't cut and paste the record sets from Management Studio but trust me it shows three record sets, first one has one row with 2 values, the second has three rows and the third has 2 r...

Efficiently adding large amounts of text to a database

I have a C# app that needs to add large amounts of text to a SQL Server database (one row could have up to 1GB of text). So, I have some code that looks like: SqlParameter param = command.Parameters.Add("@text", SqlDbType.NVarChar); param.Value = new string(buffer); The text is added in chunks, so the buffer is say, 20 MB. I've tried ...

Connection Pool in the context of ADO.NET

Like in ThreadPool Is connection pool is a waiting threads for establishing ADO.NET connection controlled by CLR ?. I mean "Pooling" mechanism is same in both ADO.NET and MultiThread ? ...

What is the most annoying feature (or lack of feature) you have found in the Entity Framework?

I am starting with the Entity Framework. It sounds great. But I am wondering if I should watch out for some weakness somewhere. Any experience there? ...

SQL <-> Class (De)Serializer?

Today I learned this JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Foo foo = ser.Deserialize<Foo>(jsonSz); I had to match the class with the json I was pulling from a remote site. It saved me much time that I could just write the class and not worry about processing the data and putting them into the class. I also didn't need...

How can i retrieve a table from stored procedure to a datatable

I created a stored procedure so as to return me a table something like that create procedure sp_returnTable body of procedure select * from table end When i call this sp on frontend what code i need to write to retrieve it in a datatable object. I wrote code something like this one. I basically want to know retrieving and storing ta...

What is a better practice ? Working with Dataset or Database

I have been developing many application and have been into confusion about using dataset. Till date i dont use dataset and works into my application directly from my database using queries and procedures that runs on Database Engine. But I would like to know, what is the good practice Using Dataset ? or Working direclty on Database. ...

Performance gains using straight vs an ORM ?

would i get any performance gains if i replace my data access part of the application from nhiberate to straight ? i know that NHibernate uses at its core ! ...

DataTable filter expression with DateTime and less-or-equal operator problem

I have the following code: DataTable t = new DataTable(); t.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; t.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime)); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; DateTime yesterday = today.AddDays(-1); DateTime tomorow = today.AddDays(1); t....

ADO.NET Entity Framework

I have little bit knowledge on Entity Framework.As we can do almost all operations using MS Application Block,What are the benefits do we gather using Entity Framework ? ...

Transactions carrying over after an ExecuteNonQuery?

Hello, I've discovered something pretty amazing that works recently. I am wanting to know if it is "correct" and if it should work "everywhere." (as, it's not just a coincidence and it's supported as some sort of standard) Well, I can have code like this... IDbCommand cmd=new ....; //this changes depending on if I'm using Sql Server or...

SQLiteFunction Simple Not Working

I an attempting to use a SQLiteFunction from my C# and ADO.NET code. Can anyone say why I get this problem? An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException' occurred in System.Data.SQLite.dll Additional information: SQLite error near "DEMOIT": syntax error I am using .NET 3.5 x86 with SQLite ADO.NET 1.0.65 - Help!...

How do you update a table with a foreign key to another table in ADO.Net Entity Model?

I have 2 tables, Table1 has a primary key 'CustomizationId', and Table2 has a FK Customizationid which matches this. Table2 has no primary key. I am trying to add a new record from a web based form. I attempt to save this to the database and I get an error: Customization customization = new Customization(); Code...

Installing and Using System.Data.SQLite (An ADO.NET provider)

Hi, I am a newbie in regards to System.Data.SQLite and .NET, so bear with me. I can't seem to get System.Data.SQLite even installed correctly. The self-installer completed and everything seemed to be kosher, but nothing seems to be working. In VC# Express, I tried to create a little sample program(, but it's s...

use parameters in the SQL IN statement - ASP.NET

Hi, I have a query looks like this SELECT CompanyId FROM CompanyTable WHERE CompanyName IN ('Subway','A & W','Pizzahut'). Is there any way I can use sql parameters for the names list? Thanks Edit: Sorry, forget to mention this is not a stored proc ( which I prefer but can't use in this project ). When I say 'parameter', I mean par...

Why should i use LINQ to SQL when ADO.NET works better than this

Why should we use LINQtoSQL when ADO.NET is giving us better performance? Checkout this link which shows the comparison reports I am looking for Speed /Performance of my application rather than deployment easiness. Is there anything else which should we considered before i leave LINQ to SQL and go back to my OLD ADO.NET DataAcces Layer...

Learn LinqToSql or stick with ADO.NET?

I'm debating what technology to use for an upcoming ASP.NET project. Assumptions: I will be using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (.NET Framework 3.5) The back-end will be a SQL Server 2005 database (or possibly 2008) Code will be written in C# I already have experience with LinqToObjects and LinqToXml I also have experience with ADO.NET and s...