How does rolling back an application level transaction interact with SqlDataAdapter events in ADO.NET, or does it at all?

When utilizing the RowUpdated event in the SqlAdapter class, i'm assuming that it is raised directly following the return of the database interaction that executes the update. If that update is part of an application level transaction (utilizing the SqlTransaction class) which is then rolled back, does this affect or interact at all wit...

C# convert bit to boolean.

Greetings. I have MS SQL server database that content data field of BIT type. this field will have either 0 or 1 values to present false and true. I want when I retrieve the data to convert the value of I got to false or true without using if-condition to convert the data to false if it is 0 or true if it is 1. I'm wondering if ther...

How to do wpf datavalidation with

How can i use data validation mechanisms with datatable or datasets. I have an input form which i am binding to a datatable.Now i want to do input validation how can i do that.I have tried using validationRules but i cant bind parameters to it.I tried using idataerrorinfo but cant get a clue.can someone provide some input..? ...

Using old-school ado but can anyone improve this using L2S or dynamic sql

I am rolling through all the cols on a particular row for processing. I am looking in general to replace using with L2S or some dynamic sql that can positionally read the columns on a particular row for processing. This is my test code. I apologize for inefficiencies like sending the DataTable down to find the col name. It is a...

How to delete multiple rows from datatable in VB.NET 2008?

How to delete multiple rows from datatable in VB.NET 2008 without looping? I do not want to delete from the database. I want to delete from the local data table. I know the Select method and also Remove and remove at method too. But that needs looping to delete the rows from the data table. I have 40000 rows and I want to delete sele...

MVVM: entity framework and model

Hi, I'm writing an application in wpf that uses MVVM. I wondered if I could use entity data model as a model in MVVM? Is it the same? If not, why? Thanks for any help. Regards, Ev. ...

How to Remove multiple records from Datatable in 2008 not from database in local table ?

I have datatable in 2008 has 40000 rows. i want to delete 1000 rows from that datatable not from database. i want to do this without looping I know remove and removeat but both need looping. is there any way i can achieve this thing ? ...

Is EF4 "Code Only" ready for production use?

I've been looking at the new Entity Framework 4 Code Only features, and I really like them. But I'm having a hard time finding good resource on the feature. Everything seems to be spread around blongs here and there, so this make me wonder if it's ready to be used for a serious project? What do you think? Is it ready for production use ...

Implementing search functionality with multiple optional parameters against database table.

Hello, I would like to check if there is a preferred design pattern for implementing search functionality with multiple optional parameters against database table where the access to the database should be only via stored procedures. The targeted platform is .Net with SQL 2005, 2008 backend, but I think this is pretty generic problem. ...

Get the identity value from an insert via a .net dataset update call

Here is some sample code that inserts a record into a db table: Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet() da.Fill(ds, "Shippers") Dim RowDatos As DataRow RowDatos = ds.Tables("Shippers").NewRow RowDatos.Item("CompanyName") = "Serpost Peru" RowDatos.Item("Phone") = "(511) 555-5555" ds.Tables("Shippers").Rows.Add(RowDatos) Dim custCB As SqlComma...

How is timezone handled in the lifecycle of an ADO.NET + SQL Server DateTime column?

Using SQL Server 2008. This is a really junior question and I could really use some elaborate information, but the information on Google seems to dance around the topic quite a bit and it would be nice if there was some detailed elaboration on how this works... Let's say I have a datetime column and in ADO.NET I set it to DateTime.UtcNo...

How do I manually edit table mappings in ADO.NET in Visual Studio 2010?

I can't seem to find the answer to what I think is an easy question. I have a Entity model I just created and I want to set the name of the table and the columns by hand. I can see the "mapping details," but how do I edit them or add to them? ...

sp_procedure_params_managed - how to eliminate these calls from EnterpriseLibrary?

We noticed in a SQL Server Profiler trace that this proc is being called: sp_procedure_params_managed Each call has 350+ reads in the trace! We are using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data in an ASP.NET front end. How can we eliminate these stored procedure calls? We are not explicitly calling it in code. I'm running Sql Ser...

Why does var evaluate to System.Object in "foreach (var row in table.Rows)"?

When I enter this foreach statement... foreach (var row in table.Rows) ...the tooltip for var says class System.Object I'm confused why it's not class System.Data.DataRow. (In case you're wondering, yes, I have using System.Data at the top of my code file.) If I declare the type explicitly, as in... foreach (DataRow row in table...

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in I am using the following code by passing the table and number of rows to get the records but is there a better way. public DataTable SelectTopDataRow(DataTable dt, int count) { DataTable dtn = dt.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ...

Passing DataAdapter.InsertCommand into method results in null value for OleDbCommand

I'm trying to learn ADO.NET from "Programmers Heaven: C# School" Thats the code I've created basing on that ebook, but running it causes: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. When trying to add Parameter (cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + col, OleDbType.Char, 0, col);) to the Command. Could ...

Are there any reserved words in SQLite?

Three questions about reserved words: Are there any reserved words in SQLite? If so, what are they? If there are reserved words, is the correct syntax for using one of them as a column or table name still to surround it with brackets? E.g., [User] or [Name]? Are there any implications with using words that are reserved in other flavors...

Updating gridview using entity framework

Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out the best way of getting the record and update in to gridview using entity framework in C#. I need implement Next & Previous button in gridview and based on pagesize i want to navigate records using Next&Back button. Any one give simple example for this context. ...

How to return table name from stored procedure in dataset.

I used a dataset to store 15 tables that I need at the time of loading. When i filled all the tables using stored procedure it returns me all the table but name of the table doesn't comes as that of actual table name in a database. It takes all the table with table name as Table1, Table2, Table3... I want them to be with the name as t...

Unable to determine the provider name for connection of type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection'.

Hi, i am using the Ado.Net Entity Framework with Code Only (Tutorial at: ADO.NET team blog) and i want to be as much database independent as possible. In my first approach i just want to go for Sql Express and Sql Compact databases. With Sql Express everthing works fine but with Sql Compact i get the exception mentioned in my question....