
Prompt not displaying Hostname for AIX's KSH

Similar to question 1171663, AIX appears to not have the $HOSTNAME option available. $hname and $hostname are also non-existent. Other than doing the following within .profile - export HOSTNAME=`hostname` Is there an official manner where AIX users should be capable of getting the proper results when using: PS1="${HOSTNAME}:\${PWD...

extracting portion of jar to a path

Hi, I am using the follwing command and my intention is to extract only DYEDistinctAppServer.topology from discovery1-full-8.1.0-07-10-2010_1055.jar at data/product/template-topologies/DYEDistinctAppServer.topology path. Command: jar -xf discovery1-full-8.1.0-07-10-2010_1055.jar -C data/product/template-topologies/DYEDistinctAppServ...

Problem compiling boost.asio example on AIX with IBM Visual Age C++ 7.0

This is definitely going to be one of my more arcane questions, but I hope someone has had to deal with this pain. I am porting some software to IBM AIX 5.3, using IBM VisualAge C++ 7.0 compiler. The source code depends on boost.asio for networking, and when I was building the code, I got an error from the source: include/boost/asio...

How do i create a VM Ware Image of an AIX LPAR?

Hi, I want to clone a AIX LPAR and was wondering if the physical machine could be converted into a VM Image? I have used the VMWare Converter to create a VM Image of a physical windows box and the documentation states that you can do that for Linux Boxes too. I don't see information on AIX ...

fgetc does not identify EOF

Below program runs fine on solaris/linux various flavor, but not on AIX. on AIX while(c!=EOF) if i replace by while(c!=0xff) it just run fine completely Any thought ? i checked the man page of fgetc on aix, and it should return EOF constant ! #include <stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char c; FI...

AIX5.2, xlC: Getting unresolved symbols when linking a shared library which depends on static library which depends on another static library

This is for AIX5.2, xlC compiler. Lets imagine we have two static libraries: A.a (contains funcA() function definition) B.a (contains funcB() and funcC() functions) Major thing is that funcB() in its body calls funcA() from A.a. But funcC() has independent code from A.a. Needs to create a shared library,, which calls funcC() fro...

AIX vg creation problem in shell script

Creating a volume group using mkvg -y trialvg xyz works but the same line represented like this mkvg -y $vg_name $dev_name in a shell script causes the following problem : bash-4.0# ./ Creating VG trialvg with device xyz Executing Command: mkvg -y trialvg xyz 0519-100 libodm: Cannot open the object class collection file. ...

Correct way to call some make targets depending on the value of environment variable?

I should create several packages of our application using make(on AIX). Content of packages should be different depending on one environment variable. Somethink like - if environment variable WITH_CPP set to "Y" then c++ part of application should be built and packed to installation package. If environment variable WITH_CPP set to "N" th...

Problem invoking jni on AIX

Hi i am writing program where C will call Java static method using JNI. Program works well on Solaris, Linux but on AIX it dumps the core Analyzing the core is not giving any info unfortunately, crash is happend in below function. any clue ? Anyone has successfully called this stuff on aix ? (i am using jdk 1.4) res = JNI_CreateJava...