
problem with AJAX request

i hava created the ajax XMLHttpRequest request for getting the data dyanmically , here is the code var XMLHttpReq; function createXMLHttpRequest() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { XMLHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { if(XMLHttpReq==null) ...

AutoCompleteExtender issues

Hi all, I'm using an AutoCompleteExtender in ASP.NET/C# to retrieve data from my database, along with the primary key of the field. When a name is chosen, the details (name/pk) are retrieved even before clicking submit, and it then passes these onto a hidden field. The issue I have is that if the user types in an incorrect name, the pk ...

data type for text formated as.. bold italics underline and other properties

I want to save the contents from HtmlEditor(Ajax Control) into a database field. If i try to save as VARCHAR than error comes as data too long. Please help. ...

Use Drupal7 AJAX goodness programmatically

X post from http://drupal.org/node/953016 The Drupal 7 AJAX system is great, it works very smoothly for forms and even for links. What I can't work out how to do in a sane way is to call it from javascript. I may want to have a dynamic page without a form and as part of that make a Drupal ajax call, specifically so that the ajax comman...

Web sockets make ajax/CORS obsolete?

Will web sockets when used in all web browsers make ajax obsolete? Cause if I could use web sockets to fetch data and update data in realtime, why would I need ajax? Even if I use ajax to just fetch data once when the application started I still might want to see if this data has changed after a while. And will web sockets be possible ...

ajax chat that somebody has used and actually works !

Hi all, I've been looking for an ajax chat module (similar to facebook chat) to intergrate into our dating site, but I cannot find any decent options. Most seem to have been abandoned at various stages of development (Envolve.com, stickapps.com). I am looking for something that has no flash and doesn't require popups to be disabled. Doe...

how to implement javascript "star" function of Google search result page?

Hello everyone, When in Google search result, in each entry of search result, there is a "star" nearby, and end user could click the star to indicate whether the result is good or not. I believe this function is implemented in Javascript. My question is, I want to implement a similar function in my own web application. Which is there i...

Reload contents from the log file on the page using AJAX

I am running a shell script in the background and redirecting the output to a log file in php. I want to display the contents from the log file on the page. I am able to do that using the code below. <?php $logfile = "hello"; ?> function displayOutput() { var html = <?php echo filesize($logfile) ? json_e...

DOJO xhrGet how to use returned json object?

This question might be a bit stupid, but how can I access the data returned from the xhrGet outside of the get itself? Firebug shows that the "json" object has an array called results, which stores the json Object from the response, but when I try to access it it is null. So: how do I access the received data on the last code line? Thank...

Upload data:image image without user interaction in a Google Chrome Extension?

I am making sort of a Parental Control Monitor extension thing; for a friend. Would there be any way to upload the images taken using the captureVisibleTab method? The data:file path cannot be saved and checked again, because the parent wouldn't be using the same computer. ...

Loading more files via AJAX

Hi, Is it somehow possible to load more files via AJAX? Example $.ajax({ url: ["test1.html", "test2.html", "test3.html"], success: function(data1, data2, data3) { // Do something } }); Because I would like to avoid callbacks... $.ajax({ url: "test1.html", success: function(data) { $.ajax({ url: "test2.h...

Updating ASP.NET server-rendered controls using ajax

This question got me thinking about how one might go about doing the relatively undoable: seamlessly integrate server-generated HTML from ASP.NET with client-side control via javascript. Sure, you can always use javascript/jquery/libraries to create the same display client-side. But much of the time, it's easier to do all the rendering o...

jQueryUI DatePicker Customizing the Year

I have a Datepicker using jqueryui DatePicker. The behavior requirement is: A User can store a Birthdate for a friend. The User should be able to store a year if known, or select "N/A". If "N/A" is selected, Store the year 1900 in the database and only display the day and month in an input field to the User. The dropdown should star...

Dojo Select widget not selectively querying contents from datastore

I have been trying to use the query functionality of the ItemFileReadStore to filter the list of a select widget's selectable options and it seems that my queries are having no effect on the widget. The query is being done through the onChange event of another select widget, my objective is that when one widget selects a value the other ...

How to display the content of a tab when a button is clicked

I have a page, home.php. On the page, I have CSS tabs tab1 and tab2. The tabs are on the same page not different pages. I want the content of tab2 to display whenever I click the submit button in the content of tab2, not take me back to tab1. How can I use JavaScript to implement this behavior? <html> <head> <title>home</title> </head> ...

Does the method argument in AJAX need to be upper case?

Well basically what the title says, when making an AJAX request with JavaScript. Does the method, i.e. GET / POST, need to be upper case? Thanks in advance. Edit: Even a yes or no will suffice. ...

Ajax or jQuery page reload with new data added to sql database

I'm totally new to ajax, but pretty good with PHP. I have a PHP page which currently refreshes every 2 minutes because it has to check for new data in the sql database. It's pretty annoying if you're using it and it keeps refreshing. The database is updated about 3 times a day, but what is shown on that page needs to be kept current with...

AJAX (jquery) + Tooltip

I use an tooltip. When I hide the native browser function for the tooltip function, (remote Attr title), after an Ajax update there is no content at all! How can I fix this? jQuery('.tooltip').each(function(){ $(this).data('title',$(this).attr('title')); $(this).removeAttr('title'); jQuery(this).hover(function() { too...

JSON, MySQL, PHP - encoding problem

Hello guys. I have been trying to implement an AJAX call on a database returning a JSON file with PHP and eventually met the encoding problem. My database has some char fields with customers' names and, since it is in portuguese, european characters are pretty common. Hence the some results with those characters are returning null via ...

Concurency and AJAX applications

I have an application wich is multi-user and only one user can do a specific action and has to wait for another user to finish is task. Right now it's implemented with spin lock like so: while(($Application = Application::LoadLock($_SESSION['userid'], $_SESSION['DB'])) === false) usleep(100000); But this way the transition aren'...