
AlertDiaog builder using layout, how do i get values of EditText's

I have the following snippet of code , i'm trying to get the text values someone types into the EditText's LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(this); final View loginView = factory.inflate(R.layout.login, null); b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ public void onClick(View v) { ...

what context should i use AlertDialog.Builder in?

Could anyone please explain what context should i use the AlertDialog.Builder class? I am new to android app development and I frankly don't understand which context to use when? Say, I want to create an object for AlertDialog.Builder class - AlertDialog.Builder ab = new AlertDialog.Builder(); ab.setMessage("Test");; What...

Android - Change the text of the positive button of an AlertDialog

I reuse an AlertDialog box in my android app. I create a dialog in the onCreateDialog() method and in the onPrepareDialog() method, I try to change the text of the positiveButton using the following code. alertDialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, this.getString(R.string.add), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { pu...

Where is my AlertDialog?

I am trying to add a yes/no confirmation popup to an android OnClickListener. Is it OK to use an AlertDialog.Builder in a setOnClickListener or should I be taking a different approach? I have stepped through the following code using the eclipse/android debug environment and expect the popup to appear at the .create, awaiting user respons...

AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver

I'm trying to create an application that can use the android as a fax machine, IE Send a picture as a fax or receive a fax and save as a picture. So far I'm starting from the ground up and making sure I can intercept a call at the users discretion. I have an Receiver registered in the Manifest of my program with a filter of Phone_State w...

Show AlertDialog on Activity start, but not on screen orientation change?

It seems when screen orientation changes, the activity's onCreate() method is called. In my onCreate() method, I have an AlertDialog which pops up when the activity is called. The problem is when I switch the screen sideways, the popup is displayed again. How can I avoid this? ...

Creating AlertDialog with Static Methods?

I've completed most of the game I'm attempting to make and throughout the project I've created one particular Activity which also calls a SurfaceView and a Thread. I put an update() method in each of the 3 classes so they each know where the other ones are everytime something changes. Apparently, the only way to do something like this ...

Problem: items from array (AlertDialog)

Hi all, Thanks to help people! I use an AlertDialog with list (singlechoice->radioButtons). When I choose an item from the list, a toast come and I do a setText of the item on a textView. Everything works when I declare my items like this: ((ImageButton)findViewById({ p...

Application crashes while doing AlertDialog.Builder create() method - Android

Hi. I am testing my application on an LG Eve phone. I have an application that tries to download something from the web, and when it throws an exception, it is supposed to launch an alertdialog saying that there was an error. When the phone has no wifi signal, the program crashes at builder.create() (see code below). However, when there...

android AlertDialog get return value withouth handler

i would like to show a number of alertdialogs so the user has to handle off some questions (a little like a wizzard) is it possible to make the alertDialog wait until the user chooses something and then returning the choisen value? HashMap<Integer, Question> questions = DataConnector.getCallQuestions(position); int nextQuest...

How to customize the list items in an Android AlertDialog

I want to show multiple lines with different text styles for each item in a list using AlertDialog, but can't fine any example. Does anyone know how to customize the items of an AlertDialog? Or do I really have to create an Activity with a ListView for this? ...

AlertDialog setContentView taking over screen

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm having a hard time setting a custom view for the body of an AlertDialog. Here's what I'm doing to set the custom view: protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.setContentView(View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.dialog_body, n...

What is the best way to stop an activity and alert the user?

I have an application that must create a database and if that fails, then no sense moving forward. I've built an AlertDialog and show() it but it never displays. The logic falls through and then barfs because of the missing database. What is the right/best way to throw up a message and halt the activity? The code below executes fine ...

[android] change dialog typeface to use external fonts

I need to change the dialog's typeface to use an external font that supports some unicode characters. Unfortunately, there is no AlertDialog.setTypeFace() method available... Any ideas? ...

What is the process of creating an AlertDialog with ListView in Android?

I want to know the process or order of creating the AlertDialog. The order of I asking this question is that I suppose to filter and disable some list item in the AlertDialog. It this must be dynamically. So I chose overwrite the onPrepareDialog(int id, Dialog dialog) method. First I create a AlertDialog in the onCreateDialog(int id) me...

How to disable some items in listview which is in the Alert Dialog

I want to disable some items in ListView which is in the AlertDialog. How may I do it? ...

the specified child already has a parent

I created the AlertDialog using the builder...It can shows when we call the show() method... i have the cancel button in that dialog...i can cancel that dialog by click the cancel button..My problem is once i canceled the displaying dialog...i can't show the dialog at next throws some exception like the following 09-09 12:...

HELP ANDROID : AlertDialog from call screen

Hello everyone, I thank in advance all those who read this and who will try to help me. So my problem is that I want to display an alert in the call screen when the user initiates a call. Currently I have: - A class MyAlert extends Activity to view and process the alert - A class CallReceiver extends BroadCastReceiver to process the c...

Android: Passing a variable outside from AlertDialog onClick

Hi! I want to pass a variable to an outer function when user clicks on "OK" in AlertDialog. I'm trying this for example but it won't recognize the Variable (Yup). public final void deleteBookmark(Cursor cur, int pos) { //fetching info ((Cursor) cur).moveToPosition(pos); String bookmark_id = ((Cursor) cur).getSt...

Change dynamically items in a listView

Hello! Im using a custom listView with a Title and a Subtitle where you can read a brief explanation of the item. For each item on the list, im displaying an alertDialog to select an option (different for each case). When the option is selected, i want to change the Subtitle for the option selected by the user. This is what i tried: ...