
ruby on rails add functionality to model property change

In my rails model, I have a decimal property called employer_wcb. I would like it if, when employer_wcb was changed, a dirty bit was set to true. I'd like to override the employer_wcb setter method. Any way to do so (in particular using metaprogramming)? ...

Override same Class method in Ruby with Multiple Modules, with need to call super. Do I use Method Alias, or some other clever trick?

Here's the situation: I have a User model, and two modules for authentication: Oauth and Openid. Both of them override ActiveRecord#save, and have a fair share of implementation logic. Given that I can tell when the user is trying to login via Oauth vs. Openid, but that both of them have overridden save, how do "finally" override save...

alias_attribute and creating and method with the original attribute name causes a loop

Im trying to dynamically create a method chain in one attribute in my model. By now I have this function: def create_filtered_attribute(attribute_name) alias_attribute "#{attribute_name}_without_filter", attribute_name define_method "#{attribute_name}" do filter_words(self.send("#{attribute_name}_without...

alias_method and class_methods don't mix?

Greetings, I've been trying to tinker with a global Cache module, but I can't figure out why this isn't working. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is the error produced for the below code: NameError: undefined method get' for moduleCache' from (irb):21:in `alias_method' module Cache def self.get puts "original" ...

Alias method chain in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, how could you create a new function with the same name as an existing function, while also preserving the original function so it could be called from within the new one? ...

Chain of Responsibility and alias_method problems in Ruby

I'm trying to implement the chain of responsibility pattern in Ruby and ActiveRecord for a polymorphic object. I'm having a few problems. Sometimes I get an error that a method is not defined when I try to alias_method it, I think this is because the class isn't loaded or something so I explicity do a send to get the method I get a bu...

Is there an elegant way to test if one instance method is an alias for another?

In a unit test I need to test whether alias methods defined by alias_method have been properly defined. I could simply use the same tests on the aliases used for their originals, but I'm wondering whether there's a more definitive or efficient solution. For instance, is there a way to 1) dereference a method alias and return its original...

OO-Perl Aliasing Class Attributes

I have a module that I'm working on. I am setting up a few attributes like this: $self->{FOO}; $self->{BAR}; $self->{FOOBAR}; And, I want to use AUTOLOAD to help create methods for accessing these attributes. For example, $foo->Bar() returns the value of $self->{BAR}. No problem. Everything is standard. Now, I want to create alias M...