
Change an editable-text value in Allegro CL

I'm trying to change the value of an Editable-Text control in Allegro CL (version 8.0.1) by clicking a Default-Button. I've read about (setf value) but haven't found any examples. The function I have ttached to the on-click event is the following (defun form1-default-button-2-on-click (dialog widget) (declare (ignorable dia...

How can I do setf on a struct's accessors when using intern

I'd like to setf different fields of a struct depending on a certain variable. I decided to use the following approach: Generate a string with the field's accessor name: (setq my-string (format nil "STRUCT-ESTADISTICAS-NUM-~S" x)) and then use intern with funcall: (funcall (intern my-string) *estadisticas*) This call returns t...