
Why use AMQP/ZeroMQ/RabbitMQ....

as opposed to writing your own library. Were working on a project here that will be a self dividing server pool, if one section grows too heavy, the manager would divide it and put it on another machine as a separate process. It would also alert all connected clients this effects to connect to the new server. I am curious about using Z...

Multiple consumer one queue

Is it possible to make multiple consumers to share one single queue in RabbitMQ? I am currently using this php library to work with RabbitMQ, from what I observe, although I have 2 identical instances of a consumer script running, but only one would respond to the message passed... ...

RabbitMQ gives a "access refused, login refused for user" error when attempting to follow the celery tutorial

I'm attempting to follow the celery tutorial, but I run into a problem when I run python celeryd: my RabbitMQ server (installed on a virtual machine on my dev box) won't let my user login. I get the following on my Django management console: [ERROR/MainProcess] AMQP Listener: Connection Error: Socket closed. Trying again in 2...

How can I create and process SOAP requests in Delphi without HTTP?

Is there a recommended way / a tutorial which shows how to create and process plain SOAP request with Delphi without THTTPRio, for example, if I want to implement SOAP over JMS, SOAP over AMQP or SOAP over SMTP? Simplified code examples: // create a SOAP request (client side) RequestXML := Service.Add(Arg1, Arg2); This code would gen...

Low-latency, large-scale message queuing

I'm going through a bit of a re-think of large-scale multiplayer games in the age of Facebook applications and cloud computing. Suppose I were to build something on top of existing open protocols, and I want to serve 1,000,000 simultaneous players, just to scope the problem. Suppose each player has an incoming message queue (for chat a...

How can I set up Celery to call a custom initialization function before running my tasks?

I have a Django project and I'm trying to use Celery to submit tasks for background processing ( ). Celery integrates well with Django and I've been able to submit my custom tasks and get back results. The only problem is that I can't find a sane way of performing custom initialization in t...

Is AMQP production ready?

I'd like to use AMQP to join two services one written in C# and other written in python. I'm expecting quite large volume of messages per second. Is there any AMQP Broker that is production ready? Are the python & .net bindings good enough? ...

Multiple consumers & producers connected to a message queue, Is that possible in AMQP?

I'd like to create a farm of processes that are able to OCR text. I've thought about using a single queue of messages which is read by multiple OCR processes. I would like to ensure that: each message in queue is eventually processed the work is more or less equally distributed an image will be parsed only by one OCR process An OCR pr...

Example of standalone Apache Qpid (amqp) Junit Test

Does anyone have an example of using Apache Qpid within a standalone junit test. Ideally I want to be able to create a queue on the fly which I can put/get msgs within my test. So I'm not testing QPid within my test, I'll use integration tests for that, however be very useful to test methods handling msgs with having to mock out a load...

How to use listen on basic.return in python client of AMPQ

I'd like to make sure that my message was delivered to a queue. To do so I'm adding the mandatory param to the basic_publish. What else should I do to receive the basic.return message if my message wasn't successfully delivered? I can't use channel.wait() to listen for the basic.return because when my message is successfully delivered...

zeromq/AMQP plugable?

[1] I was reading through the AMQP standard, and it seems that there is a clear separation between the exchange, queue and binding component. However, looking at the zeromq docs, it doesn't seem as if zeromq allows you to plug in your own exchange/queue/bindings implementation. [2] Also, is there any AMQP framework available where I don...

Retrieve messages from RabbitMQ queue(s)

Hey guys, I'm looking to implement RabbitMQ into my PHP application, and am using the php-amqp extension. My only question is this, how do I easily query to return the contents of the queue in PHP? php-amqp seems to not enable me to do this. If I am going wrong, please help me out here :) ...

Can txAMQP unbind in RabbitMQ?

I want to remove bindings in RabbitMQ without deleting the bound queue. I am using txAMQP with the 0.8 AMQP spec; it seems to be the only version that RabbitMQ supports but it has no unbind method. Oddly enough, a perusal through the source code suggests that RabbitMQ supports unbind, which leaves me rather confused. Can I unbind with ...

AMQP C++ implementation

We are writing C++ code which needs messaging. Is there a free/open-source and stable AMQP server available that has equally stable C++ client library with it. We also need to provide Python interface of our code to users (idea is to do maximum stuff in C++ and expose the API in Python). What can be best way to achieve this. ...

Is there a AMQP implementation that has stable C++ Client libary

Is there a AMQP implementation that has stable C++ Client libary ...

Can ActiveMQ CPP Api be used to Talk to RabbitMQ Broker?

We have C++ Software that needs to send message via RabbitMQ broker, has somebody tried ActiveMQ CPP lib (CMS) to send/receive messages to RabbitMQ broker? ...

How to use an external server with Ruby AMQP Carrot Library

I am using the Ruby AMQP Carrot library and I am trying to talk to a test RabbitMQ server on a virtual machine. The AMQP port is open on the machine but I can't get Carrot to establish an external connection. I have tried the following: Carrot.queue('message', :durable => true, :server => '') Carrot.queue('messa...

Observe metadata operations in RabbitMQ

I want to send a message whenever RabbitMQ creates or deletes a queue, exchange or binding. Is this feasible from a client API? What about as a plug-in? ...

AMQP client message format

From what I understand of AMQP, "clients" of the message bus can use any format they wish i.e. the fabric is opaque to the client messages. Is it a common practice to include an overhead specifying the protocol format of the messages for a given "exchange"? e.g. have a "\n" terminated first line specifying the protocol MIME-type (XML, ...

What is the "delivery mode" in AMQP?

I understand that 2 options are available: "Non-persistent" "Persistent" But what does this actually mean? "Non-persistent" as in : the AMQP fabric will try to deliver the message if there are no consumers, the message will be dropped? "Persistent" as in : AMQP will retry the message until a consumer accepts it?? ...