
how to handle the visibility of the ItemizedOverlay in mapview in android?

i want set the visibility to itemized overlay in map view. if the zoom level is less than 10 i want to set visibility of overlay is GONE else VISIBLE. how to do that? and also cant set zoom level Listener. ...

route finding between two designation on maps in android?

i want to just find a shortest path between the location on map. we have to pass the location's geopoint then click the button to get direction. it will show the shortest path like a blue line. how to do this? i search about this. many of them import a package*;. where i have to get this? Any Idea???? Edit:got down...

Drop Pin on Default Google Maps from My App in Android?

hi all, i have an address for a location. when i click some button in my app. it should redirect to default google map in android and drop the pin to that particular location. how to do that? Any Idea? ...

Drop pin in MapView

I readed this: and do all the same. But there is no pin droped on the map, after i call: startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)); The map centered on that uri-location, but no any pin dropped on the map. So, there is a question: How to drop...

Adding an overlay to Google maps with path taken

Hi, I am trying to write a class to track a person's location(s), and to draw the path they've taken on a MapView. This feature of the program is for the user to track their speed, distance, path, etc. while running/cycling (or whatever else) using their Android phone. This is my first Android application, and I am not sure how to do th...

How to display route with Google Maps API in Android application?

I don't get it and I can't find it by myself. How to display (and update) a route between two locations (for example, current device location and destination) in Android application using Google Maps API? ...

Does android maps support ground overlay?

I have a weather image I would like to use as an overlay in the google maps android api. I would like to achieve the same result that I get from using GroundOverlay in KML files, such as <GroundOverlay> <name>myimage</name> <Icon> <href>myimage.png</href> <viewBoundScale>0.75</viewBoundScale> </Icon> <LatLonBox> ...

Android: Getting an invalid KML file from google maps

I'm trying to get and display a live .kml file from using Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=104538451667315338387.0004887d133ba2ab6eec9&amp;ll=42.029611,-93.646109&amp;spn=0.011396,0.022724&amp;z=16l&amp;output=kml"); Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW...

Position of builtInZoomControls in WebView and MapView

I noticed that the position of the builtInZoomControls in WebView (bottom, horizontal right) is not consistent with the default position in the MapView (bottom, horizontal center). 1) Why is that not consistent? (Probably a question to be asked to Google) 2) Is there a way to horizontal center the builtInZoomControls of the WebView wit...

Equivalent of for OpenStreeMaps (OSMDroid)

Any idea what's the equivalent of method in case of OpenSteeMapViewItemizedOverlay ? ...

Google Maps & apps with mapview have different current positions

I have a mapview where I want to track the user's current location. GPS as well as 'use wireless networks' is activated in my phone settings. Nevertheless, since I'm indoor I don't get a GPS fix, therefore the location is determined via network; wifi spot is available. I have the Google Maps app running as well as my application running...

opening another activity from the map overlay dialogs

I am trying to create a map application and I need to do something similar to what Google Maps does. I want to open show a list of locations and when user taps on them I want to show a dialog. I was able to do it till here. But now when the user clicks on the dialog that opened I want to show another acttivity with the details of that i...

Problem using Runnable + Handler.postDelayed for bitmap marker animation

I want to place an animated marker showing a user's current location in an Overlay over a MapActivity. I need to be able to turn the animation on and off. I thought this could be accomplished as follows: /** * Class to display current location marker above MapActivity */ public class MyLocationOverlay extends Overlay { private Ca...

ItemizedOverlay seems to be drawing with a "broken" projection

I have a strange problem that I don't really know how to attack so I'm wondering if someone has had a similar problem before. I override the draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) method in an ItemizedOverlay subclass to draw some paths, text etc. between the items. The first thing I do in the override is call super.draw w...

Adding items to Android Maps Overlay does not immediately show on map. How do I fix?

Hello, I can't figure out how to tell my Map to redraw its overlays once I've updated them. Can someone enlighten me? Currently the user has to touch the screen before the map is redrawn. Thanks! ...

GoogleMap Android Box Status draw

Does android Google API Map has a way to add some kind of Status Box like in this pict Or must i write my own??? if that the case whats the best way to procede?? ...

[Android] How to implement a little static map preview as list icon?

I built a ListActivity and now I want to add Map Previews as the List Icons. I dont want to extend MapView because: 1st I just need a little static preview and 2nd I already extended to ListView. I already looked into using the static map api, however that also doesnt look quite good in that small dimensions:

Android: add overlay to MapView?

I have subclassed Overlay as LandMarkOverlay (and implemented an onTap(GeoPoint) method). In the main activity I do this: setContentView(R.layout.main); MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); landmarkOverlay = new LandmarkOverlay(); //add the landmarkOverlay ...

How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Is there an API to do that?

I worked through and now I want to show a balloon with information, when a marker is clicked. Just like here. (This part of my question seems to be answered by Commonsware. So, dont recognize it.) Honestly, I dont know what that guy is doing in his answer. He is ...

can't view map in emulator

Hello, i can't seem to view map in the android emulator, it keeps showing me a screen dialog to choose an action to complete the viewing, but when i choose anyone, nothing happens. Here is the screen dialog: ...