
List of Open Source projects that aid Android app development

A lot of open source libraries that aid in Android application development have sprung up with time. IMO looking at source code of good projects helps learn the system better, faster and not to mention reduces development time. Is there a recommended list of such projects or if not, can we build such a list? I think it will really be use...

Android Notepad Tutorial Crashing

I'm trying to run the Android Notepadv3 app on the Motorola Droid. When I am creating a new note, if I rotate my phone so that the view should switch to horizontal, or if I open it up so the keyboard is exposed, the app freezes and crashes. I haven't modified the program in anyway from Exercise 3 solution (

Is there a max to the number of Activites that can be declared in a manifest?

Hello, I am working on an app that will potentially have dozens of screens a user can access. Not all need to be active at any one time. I have a few main screens that are presented to the user and then depending on what they select, the app will need to present new screens. From what I've read here it seems that the best practice is ...