
Can't use/find my custom view when defining layout

Hello, I'm trying to create a custom view and then using that custom view in my layout. My custom view is called "NodePickup" and I have two files for that: res/layout/nodepickup.xml src/ nodepickup.xml <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android...

Java error with "Hello Form Stuf" tutorial.

I am a java neophyte. I followed the tutorial at to add a button and OnClick handler by copying the tutorial code into mine: public class FormStuff extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(B...

Can I add a click event to a text span?

I have a large text view that I am styling with a SpannableStringBuilder. I want to be able to assign custom click event handlers to certain spans of text. For example, if I click a superscript character I want it to pop up a toast with some information about what the superscript references. So far I have found linkify which helps to mak...

Reboot/Power Off Android Emulator

I installed new fonts on my Android emulator. The instructions say I have to reboot my device. I tried using the "Power Off" button but it just displays "Shutting Down" and does nothing. Even when I go to the adb shell and run "reboot" it hangs. Any ideas how to restart the emulator so that the new settings appear? Thanks. ...

How can I suggest a feature to the Google Android team?

I have been looking for a easy way to add borders to custom made Views (Compounds or whatever), and the only answer I found was that there is no built-in support for that. Instead there are suggestions that you should add Views on top/below the View you want borders on and a bunch of others really messy ways to get borders. Coming from ...

Is OpenGL on Android a battery killer?

Hey, I'm currently implementing a software keyboard ( using some sophisticated prediction ), and drawing it using canvas is insufficient in terms of perfomance. I'm getting frame drawing times well above 100ms, which is clearly unacceptable. The keyboard itself consists of about 33 keys, each of them drawn using drawRoundRect and a sim...

Android Development Forum?

I'm looking for an Android development forum that I can use to learn more about developing for Android, preferably with tutorials, though it's not a requirement. I just really want a forum that has an active user base. I've looked at andDev, but most of the questions people ask there go un-answered and I can never find exactly what I'm l...

Custom Updatable ListView - Android Development

As a goal for my first Android application to learn the Android SDK, I am trying to create a simple RSS viewer for a specific url. Disregarding the networking side of the goal, I am having trouble with getting a listView to display a custom layout. What I'd like to do is have each row of a list view show one of two images(read or unrea...

How to insert rows/info into Android SQL DB with EditText and Buttons?

Hello, im working on a simple Android app, it is much like any other simple Database app. I have 4 EditText fields where the user inputs 4 different small pieces of text. I want this text to be inserted in to my Database table in the corrects rows for my columns. I am not really sure how to go about doing this. I know onClickListener nee...

Where can I go to learn Java

Duplicate: Question 167179: Java Tutorial I want to learn Java because I want to program for the Android but don't know the best place to look. Where did you go. ...

What is the fastest way to draw a lot of Points in OpenGL ES?

I'm making a game for android where I need to draw a lot of points that change position every frame. I use the ndk to get faster processing performance of the math/physics section of the game, so I need to use OpenGL to get the fastest performance. Right now, I make a texture every frame out of an array that holds the colors of every p...

Problem in AutoCompleteTextView

Hi Friends.... I am working on AutoCompleteTextView.Its working fine and doent give any error.Now the problem I am facing is,suppose we have 3 words starting from "A",when I start typing the letter "A",It shows all the three words.If we have three words like "An","Am","Az",when I type "n" after "A",two other words should be removed from...

Saving and retrieeving numeric values from Sqlite3

How to properly save a numeric values into SQLite3. I've used Real type for storing numeric value. For example: when I store 233333.00 is fine. But when i store 23333333.00 it becomes 23333300.00. Why is it saved as 2.3333333E7 and retrieved as 2.33333e+07. Is there a way to overcome this? ...

How to detect a double touch/taps on an Android ListView ?

Hi guys. Do you know about how to detect two touches/taps on a ListView? I am trying to have the following method called when double touched: @Override protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { } Thanks in advance. ...

Listen to a shoutcast with Android

Hey, since quite some time I'm trying to listen to .pls files (shoutcasts). I have to say that I failed horrible. Since StreamFurious can do it it must be possible. First I tried to connect to the shoutcast via sockets (TCP and UDP) --> failed. I couldn't even receive one byte from the server. I'm at the verge of tears. I don't even ha...

Can Android DDMS show the line the program failed?

I think I must be missing something really basic here, but if my program dies, DDMS doesn't tell me which line it died on - all the stack references are inside the Android source code giving "source not found" errors. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it, as Anroid is driving me crazy. Thanks! ...

How do you set a line's width when drawing in Android?

Hi guys, I've searched about sets line's width and no succeed. How to set Line width ? What method is used for it ? Please help guys. Thanks. ...

Creating a standard Android preferences dialog

New Android developer here - I'm hoping this is simple. I want to create a "row-based" prefs dialog, like you see in most standard apps. You know, black background, fading-line separators, bigger/bold label text for each entry, smaller description text, perhaps a checkbox/down arrow. Is there a standard object in the Android API for ...

How can you access the contents of Android Emulator databases?

I've read the answer to a question as to how to access the contents of the databases, however I cannot seem to get it to work on my machine. Here is the shell log: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb -s emulator-5554 shell # sqlite3 /data/data/ sqlite3 /data/data/

Android - how to set the wallpaper image

Is it possible to set the android wallpaper image programatically? I'd like to create a service that downloads an image from the web and updates the home screen wallpaper periodically. ...