
On zoom event for google maps on android

Hi We're building an application which is using the google maps api for android. I have my MapController and MapView, and I enable the built-in zoom controls using: mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); I would now like to get an event when the user actually zooms on the map, how do I go about that? I can find no such event or any g...

Problems wih minSdkVersion 1.5

Hello, we have a problem related to the manifest file and the property "android:minSdkVersion". The issue is: If our platform is 2.0 and we use the property "android:minSdkVersion=3" (3 = sdk 1.5) the graphics get corrupted (In details, the application's resolution get reduced to a 2/3 part of the original size, this is, when the reso...

Populate EditText widget text from another EditText widget text

I am trying to populate the text of a second EditText widget with the text from the first EditText widget only when the second EditText widget receives focus, the second widget is not empty, and the first widget is not empty. I have the following OnFocusChangeListener handler code. public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean has...

Geolocation in Browser works in 1.6 (Gears) but not 2.0 (HTML5/W3C) - Tested in emulator and real devices.

I created this little Geolocation experiment site it works great on my Android 1.6 (Magic, I/O Phone) it prompts the user to share, returns lat, log and is snappy. 1.6 uses Gears for this. I tried it on an up to date Droid and a 2.0 emulator image and it detects the "navigator.geolocation" element (excellent!) and...

"Header" Views and buttons: how do I attach listeners to Buttons in a "header" that does not have its own Activity?

Hey, I have touched on this question here, where Christopher gave an answer to this, but I dont really get it so I thought its time to make it a real question, not just a "follow up" =) As it stands, the application Im writing has 4 different screens: 1. Screen 1 - list of nodes (main screen) 2. Screen 2 - options menu, tableLayout w...

ListPreference with a max number of selectable options

I want to have an element in my preference menu that does the following: Show a list of options. Many are selectable Maximum amount of options to be chosen 2. Possibilities I thought of: Doing a separated PreferenceScreen and showing options as checkBoxes but I don't know where to place the logic of max 2 options. Extending DialogP...

can't catch java.lang.VerifyError

I'm getting this error: "Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception java.lang.VerifyError" It's only happening on 1.6. Android 2.0 and up doesn't have any problems, but that's the main point of all. I Can't catch the Error/Exception (VerifyError), and I know it's being caused by calling isInitialStickyBroadcast() w...

TabHost inside of a Scrollview: always scrolls down when a Tab is clicked

I have an Activity which has a Scrollview as the top level element. Inside there are some other Views and at some point there is a TabHost. You might get a better impression by looking at the screenshot. The TabHost has three tabs, each with another Activity that are launched by an Intent. Everything is working fine except one thing. W...

ContentProvider/Assets not loading

I figured out my other question I had posted on here but now I have another issue with this same project. I'm basically making a plugin for an app. The parent app pulls the graphics and other resources for it's interface from the drawables folder but with my plugin I'm making the graphics and other parts of it being pulled from the Asse...

How can you make a review copy of an Android app?

I've been asked for some review copies of an Android app I've written, which is great, but I'm not willing to give out the full app to just anyone. I want to make a time-limited version (which works for about two weeks, then gives up the ghost). What is the easiest way to do this? I haven't tested this myself, but I think that in theo...

What functionalities can I access by WebKit?

Would I be able to access the following information by HTML 5? GPS position Bluetooth device list Wi-Fi network list Contacts Calendar ...

Android RSS Example

How do you do you fetch a single RSS feed and show it in an ListView? I realize there's hundreds of ways, but a clean and simple example would be appreciated. ...

Styles / style does not work on Button

Im trying to figure out how to use Styles. It seems easy, but its not working. First, here is my XML for the Button: <Button style="@style/Btest" android:id="@+id/Button01" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Some text"></Button> And here is the values/styles.xml: <?xml version="1.0...

Rich image scroll and zooming on android

I'm looking for a way to implement image zoom and scrolling the way it is implemented in Droid Comic Viewer. Is there any quick way to do that? If not, then could you please give some advices at least on implementing kinetic scrolling. ...

Android 1.6 sms problem (older app code)

Hi. I have HTC Tattoo. Android 1.6. I make Java program for sms sending. Simply. I get source on Internet (more), I think, versions before 1.6. Problem is: sms sent twice. All source. And more app from free Android Market. What is possible problem? If possible, please simply sample code what work OK. Thanks. ...

Debugging Android Widget Code In Eclipse

I am starting with Android programming with the help of Unlocking Android / Manning which came from Santa and is a pretty good book. After running a few little tests and examples, I'm moving towards developing the concepts for my own application. I want my App to execute as a Home Widget and I'm using this example as my model to get sta...

SAX, StringBuilder and memory leak

Hi All. I have strange problem. I'm parsing a document with large text field. in my characters section i'm using StringBuilder currentStory.append(ch, start, length); then in my endElement i'm assigning it to the appropriate field on my object. if (name.equals(tagDesc)) { inDesc = false; if (currentItem != null ) { ...

Android - ClipDrawable, ScaleDrawable, how does it work?

I'm having quite a problem here and I hope for someone here to able to help me. let's go. Let's say, I have quite a big image ( 1500x2000 ), i load it as a drawable, fine so far. Now I have a SurfaceView and I want to draw a certain region ( lets say the top-left-most region ) onto a canvas, in a non-scaled version. I thought using Cli...

How to programmatically setting style attribute in a view

I'm getting a view from xml with the code below : Button view = (Button) LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.section_button, null); I would like to set a "style" for the button how can I do that in java since a want to use several style for each button I will use. Thanks in advance, Lint_ ...

Need advice in how to update my Activity due to contact info changes

Hi, I have an activity which queries and display some Contact Information. And it has a button which launches the intent for 'Edit Contact' (the default Android activity). What should I do to refresh my view in case user edits Contact Information? requery in the onResume() of my activity? add a content observer? Thank you for any a...