
Recommendations for persisting data on Android?

There is a web service that provides some data that my app makes use of. This data is fairly large and only changes VERY infrequently so I thought it would be nice if the app could cache it on the SD Card and only update it as needed. Currently I'm grabbing the data (an XML file) and parsing it into an object tree using SAX. This proces...

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

On Android 1.0 there was a namespace for driving directions: Route - Improved Google Driving Directions But in newer SDK it was removed by some reason... Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6? On BlackBerry there is also lack of APIs for such stuff: how to find the route between t...

Catching market search intents?

I'm trying to catch an Android Market search intent. That's the way you launch Android Market and search for an app by package name: startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://search?"))); Now, here's the intent filter for one of my activities: <intent-filter> <action android:n...

Nooby Android Developer

Hi all, so I just recently (yesterday) started developing on the Android platform. So far I have created a Hello World application as described in their tutorial, but it does not run. When I run it, it waits at the blinky Android screen, then finally moves to the screen where it says Android in a fancy font and its kind of glossy and sil...

Android Default Media Player Access.

All, I'm coding an app that works with the current status of the Android Media Player, basically, I'm trying to find a way to obtain, for example, the current track information or the track next on the library/playlist. Thing is, I couldn't find any way to "connect" to the app, I read about some services and copying an Android MP file t...

voice enabled-keyboard

hii all :D i'm dying to see the source code for the voice enabled-keyboard feature for android :\ i'm new to open source developing yet i'm very interested in this application particularly can someone tell me where to find the code ... please :) Thanx in advance ... ...

Different accented characters available to keyboard vs. Latin IME?

In the Android emulator, a long keypress on the "keyboard" will pop up a selection of variants on that letter to choose from. A long keypress on the same key in the soft keyboard displayed on the device itself (still in the emulator here) will also pop up a selection of variants on that letter to choose from. But the two lists are diff...

Difference of px, dp, dip and sp in android..

Can anyone tell what is the difference between px, dip, dp and sp in android? ...

Any Tips for Writing a Google Gadget / Google Android App?

I'm going to be starting on a project building a Google Gadget and a Google Android with similar functionality. I've read through a bit of the documentation, but before I start I thought I'd ask if anyone has any tips they'd like to share to make the job easier. I program in lots of different languages, so I don't think it'll be too h...

change the pitch of a wave file in Android?

Can somebody tell me how to change the pitch of a wave file in Android? ...

Hello, I've got working code that uses the gdata to retrieve feeds from my user's Google Finance portfolios, but I had to use setUserCredentials(username,password). What I'd like to do is avoid asking the user for their username/password since the Android device already has access to their Google account. I believe I should be able to ...

android custom view how to draw button on top of the view

I am creating a android app using LunarLander as a example. Now I need to create a few buttons which are drawn over the view. I do not want them as a seperate layout above or below the view but in the custom view. Is this possible or am I going to have to programmatically show the button images then detect the touch. The buttons I create...

Service call backs to activity in android

HI, I have a back ground service running.I have a client which interacts with service. When the client requests for some operation, the service performs it and it should send the result back to the activity(client). I know how to invoke the service methods in activity and using call backs we can achive wat I wan to do. But I am not ab...

Cannot get android project into Eclipse

I have been developing my program on my desktop, and now want to continue to work on my program on my laptop. I copied (via SFTP - using filezilla) the folder of the project (in the workspace) to the workspace on my laptop. When I open eclipse, it did not show up. I am developing for androind 1.5. I have copied over the android SDK f...

Maximum line length on Android TextView

I'm putting a formatted single line text (no \n's) to a noneditable TextView. In the navigation of the program, the text can be changed. On some text, the TextView shrinks to 0x0 pixel and I can see nothing! I added some menus to truncate the text 10 characters each time and I found that if the number of characters are larger than 4470, ...

Android - Way to appear bordered text on the TextView ?

Hi guys. Is there a way to appear bordered text on the TextView ? Thanks in advance. ...

Android MapView + Tab example

Hi, i need to have an mapview on a tab. The attached example shows how to do this if using intents. Now i want to change the zoom level of the mapview(s). How can i do this, although i'm using intents (or is there completely different solution)? Activity code: public class TabMapsExample extends TabActivity { TabHost mTabHos...

Android icon sometimes open new app sometimes brings up old app, help!

Hello, I have an android app which i have written, which exhibits some strange behaviour. When i have an app open, say with three acitivties in the stack A - B - C where a is the entry point and C is the currently viewed activity, if i press the home button and reselect the icon for my app sometimes i see A, which on pressing the bac...

Dilemna : prevent StackOverflowException or improve user experience ?

Hi All, In my application, I have 2 list activities which can start one or the other by clicking on their items. |--Activity1--| |--Activity2--| |--Activity1--| | item11 | ->click-> | item21 | | item21 | ->click-> ... | item12 | | item22 | ->click-> | item12 | | ...

How can I get the position of a view in an AbsoluteLayout?

Hi! Can anyone give me a tip for how to get the position of a view what is a child of an AbsoluteLayout? I want to do this for drag and drop the selected view. Thank you! ...