
Understanding proper Android alarm "flow"

I've been working on a practice Android application to familiarize myself with the platform. Specifically, the app I'm trying to implement allows the user to select a sound file (MP3 or WAV) to play at a specific date and time showing a dialog with a progress bar and an OK/Cancel button allowing the user to stop the playing of the sound...

problem with HelloMapView in android

hi i am venka reddy, I am trying to write a mapView application .When i extend my class with MapActvity it will ganerates an error force to close application. And in log chat i got an runtime error like classNotFoundException. plz solve my problem. ThanQ. ...

WebView threads never stop (WebViewCoreThread, CookieSyncManager, http[0-3])

I use a WebView to display some internet content on one of our app's Activities. The problem is that when the user switches out of this activity, WebView's threads keep running! The problematic threads are: Thread [<17> WebViewCoreThread] (Running) Thread [<25> CookieSyncManager] (Running) Thread [<19> http0] (Running) Thread [<29> http...

Use Maps application in my Android application.

Hello. I am currently developing an application which has a maps feature. My map is working, but I still need to create a Directions option. In previous versions of the Android SDK there used to be a class called DrivingDirections, which did exactly what I want. Now it's gone and I don't know how to add this feature to my current map. I ...

Saving Application state

As a follow on from my question on sharing state between Activities, how can I save the instance state of my Application? Since Application does not extend Activity, there is no onSaveInstanceState method to override. NB: In advance, this is not a duplicate. Despite its name, How do I save an Android application’s state? relates to Acti...

How to regenerate R class?

I've changed target for my application from 1.6 to 1.5, and now the generated R class has gone. What's the way to re-generate it (I'm using Eclipse with DDMS plugin)? I tried adding/editing xml files, I have "Build automatically" option enabled... I even restarted computer, but still no R class. ...

android: quality of the images resized in runtime

I want to show images using drawBitmap() method. But before I want to resize it according screen dimensions. I have a problem with quality of result image. You can see screenshots and test code below. How can I resize images in runtime with a good quality? Thank you for solutions. Original image: Result screenshot on device: import...

android listview first visible position

How can I change the first visible item in a list view (I searched a method such as setFirstVisiblePosition) ? ...

Android - How to allow the application to end a phone call

Hi, There is way to allow the application to make a phone call using startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse(toDial))); My question is, Is there any way to end the phone call through application, More specifically I need to try like end the call as soon as i get the call. Cheers, Vinayak ...

Sending Activity to background with out finishing

How can i make an activity go to background without calling its finish() method and return to the Parent activity that started this .I tried so much but it really dint help.So if you guys could help i would be very thankful. Thanx n Regards, HaKr ...

android close application

I've two different activities. The first launches the second one. In the second activity I call System.exit(0) in order to force the application to close but the first activity is automatically displayed instead of come back to the home screen. How can I avoid this feature ? ...

Android ListView Selection Problem

Hi All, I apologize for the following long question... I have a LinearLayout which contains a ListView and some other items. As for the ListView, each on of its rows is a LinearLayout that contains 3 views - Checkbox, ImageView and TextView (from left to right - horizontal). Since I wanted the whole row to be selected when using the t...

Fireing Android Dialogs from another thread without Message Loop

In a SurfaceView, I'm dispatching new thread that draws on canvas within standard "LockCanvas-Draw-unlockCanvasAndPost" loop. (note that thread doesn't contains message loop). How to show Android standard Dialog from that thread? As thread doesn't have msg loop, following code doesn't work: Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(th...

Android: Create a CheckedTextView dynamically

How can you dynamically create a CheckedTextView in android [without creating a new implementation]? It seems CheckedTextView is abstract ... (which does not make any sense at all) because I keep getting the compile time error: "Cannot instantiate the type CheckedTextView" Using Android 1.5 ...

missing packages

I'm a beginner in android and i tried running some code I got from the net. Android can't import the following: import; import; import; Are these packages not included in the sdk? Where can I get these packages? ...

Image Processing on Android.

Hello. I'm writing an application for Android. I need to make some image processing on the picture taken from camera. I use Camera.PictureCallback to get the photo, and I get picture in byte array. The problem is I want to make operations on every pixel of photo (some filtering and other stuff) so I guess, have photo in byte array is n...

Trouble with Native OpenGL Renderer

I am using Native code to render OpenGL in Android and I get periodic errors that look like this: ERROR/IMGSRV(1435): frameresource.c:610: WaitUntilResourceIsNotNeeded: PVRSRVEventObjectWait failed ERROR/IMGSRV(1018): sgxif.c:124: WaitForRender: PVRSRVEventObjectWait failed ERROR/IMGSRV(1435): osfunc_um.c:318: PVRSRVEventOb...

Saving Android application state

I understand how to save an application's state by using SharedPreferences, onSavedInstanceState() & onRestoreInstanceState(), etc as outlined in a similar post ( ), but how do I save the last activity? To be more specific, my application starts up and...

Audio Stream Transcoding with Android

Let me first state that I do not know Java. I'm a .NET developer with solid C# skills, but I'm actually attempting to learn Java and the Android SDK at the same time (I know it's probably not ideal, but oh well, I'm adventurous :)) That said, my end goal is to write a streaming media player for Android that can accept Windows Media str...

Android Component ClassNotFoundException

A component I have created works fine if I put it in the main project and reference it from any res/layout xml, but when I put it in a project on which the main project depends, I get a ClassNotFoundException in the xml. Whilst after compiling the interface works fine, it is a pain in the * to design an interface without seeing what I ...