
Is it possible to run the Chromium Browser on Android?

Since you should be able to build Chromium browser on any reasonably modern Linux distribution, can we assume that you should be able to build it onto Android ? ...

How to stay connected to an Android service between multiple activities?

Hi! I have multiple activities and one service.. In MainActivity I successfully connect to service (using a class what implements ServiceConnection + bindService() + startService()) but when i try to apply same method in other activity i see in LogCat a error: 01-15 22:29:37.438: ERROR/ActivityThread(12206): Activity

GPolyline overlay in android MapView

Hi, I have a working mapview application in which I can hit a service and show GPoints on the map as overlay. What I want to do next is show an encoded Gpolyline as an overlay on my mapView. When I try to instantiate a GPolyline poline object in my main activity, eclipse doesnt recognize the class. Is there a library import I am missin...

Using a Spinner with a SimpleCursorAdapter

I have an activity which has a Spinner widget to display categories. Initially I was using an ArrayAdapter to populate the the spinner as in the following code private static final String[] arrayCategories = { "Business", "Personal" }; mCatSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<String> catAdapter = new Ar...

Android SDK Resource Transformation/Compilation Issue

Hi, I'm developing an Android app, and I am having an issue with a layout resource, failing. I'm new(ish) to Java, Android and Eclipse. Everytime I save the XML, Eclipse simply outputs the following: ... "Invalid file name: must contain only [a-z0-9_.]" I've checked there are not .out files kicking around. I've checked over the XML...

Where exactly in the Android OS is text renderred?

Let me first state what I am trying to achieve: To create a patch for the Android OS to enable it to display Arabic/Hebrew correctly. Both of these languages are Right-to-Left (RTL) and their script involves connected letters/glyphs (unlike Latin alphabets which have discrete letters). Example: The Arabic word for "car" is: سيارة...


I am not able to get the ACTION_WEB_SEARCH to work correctly, does this require any permissions on the AndriodManifest.xml? This is my code: String q = edittext.getText().toString(); Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH, Uri.parse(q)); startActivity(myIntent); Any help would be much appreciated. Platform 2.0. ...

threads or service

I need to have gps running all the time in my application, but I don´t know if it is better throw it like a thread inside of the activity or if I should creat a Service and then in the Service, throw the thread Can anybody help me?? Thank you!! P.D: Sorry for my English ...


I am getting the text 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@435b9ba0' returned from a spinner.getSelectedItem().toString() call. I'm not sure why. The spinner is tied to a SimpleCursorAdapter. Here is the code cCategories = (Cursor) myAdapter.getAllCategories(); this.startManagingCursor(cCategories); SimpleCursorAdapte...

Read contents of a URL in Android

I'm new to android and I'm trying to figure out how to get the contents of a URL as a String. For example if my URL is I want to get the HTML for the page as a String. Could anyone help me with this? ...

Class variables set in onActivityResult are reset when method returns

Hi, I have an activity which lets the user select a phone number. Naturally, I'd like my class to remember the id of the contact selected, so I save this in a class field. However when the method onActivityResult returns, my class variable is reset. Here is what I'm trying to do: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Peo...

Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach?

Inside an OnClickListener I cannot access most variables "outside" of the scope, like this: findViewById( OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent mainApps = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); mainApps....

How to start Sygic Navigation from code

Im not sure this is actually allowed here, but since I usually go to StackOverflow and search for answers (and in many cases find the answers) I thought I would ask a question and then answer it myself =) So, I have Sygic Navigation om my HTC Hero, and since I need to start that app from code (and then use the API to control it) I did s...

Start external app/Activity and add my own header?

I am using Sygic Navigation on my HTC Hero. I can start it by calling the correct intent as I described here. Now, Sygic starts in fullscreen-mode and I cannot use the BACK-button to go back to my previous Activity (dont ask me why). The question is: is there some trick or way so I can control how that Sygic Activity is started? I want...

Should a legacy Android application be rebuilt using SDK 2.1?

I have an Android application that uses the well known Strategies for Legacy Applications. It is build with the Android SDK 2.0 with manifest settings minSdkVersion="3" (API 1.5) and targetSdkVersion="5" (2.0). Question1: Since maxSdkVersion is not specified, the application should be installable and compatable with newly released Andr...

How to make a mutable ItemizedOverlay

Hey all, I would like to make a Google map overlay with changable pins. An easy way to visualize this would be to think of a near real time overlay, where the pins are constantly changing location. However, I can't seem to think of a safe way to do this with the ItemizedOverlay. The problem seems to be the call to populate - If size(...

Making an android Python service to run in suspend state

Here's my Python script written using android-scripting: import android, time droid = android.Android() interval = 1 # every 1 minute while True: # define your own vibrate pattern here droid.vibrate(200) time.sleep(0.3) droid.vibrate(300) time.sleep(60*interval) It basically vibrates every minute (like a motivat...

Android Intent related

I have an intent open my phone; when something comes from the server from another Java class I want to refresh the current screen. Can you please help me with how I can refresh my current screen without creating a new one? ...

How to set text on status bar ?

Hi guys, How to set text on status bar (line that placed Battery life, time ..etc) ? Thanks in advance. ...

How to set height and width for MapView ?

Hi guys, Do you know about how to set coordinates (X, Y position), height and width for MapView ? Is there any method for this issue ? Thanks in advance. ...