
How do I know when a GLSurfaceView is fully initialized from the Activity?

I have an Activity that contains several views. One of which is a GLSurfaceView. This GLSurfaceView displays pretty 3D effects based on what is selected in my Activity's other views (ListViews, EditTexts, etc). The issue I am having is that I don't know when my GLSurfaceView has been fully initialized from the Activity. I began by si...

How to model game object rendering and behavior in modular way?

I'm making a Java shoot em up game for Android phones. I've got 20 odd enemies in the game that each have a few unique behaviors but certain behaviors are reused by most of them. I need to model bullets, explosions, asteroids etc. and other things that all act a bit like enemies too. My current design favors composition over inheritance ...

CloudMade + Android

Good afternoon, i write in order to ask a question about the use of the API KEY. I'm developing an application for Android, so i use the service provided for for using the api maps. But the problem is the following: when i use the code proposed by nutiteq: mapComponent = new BasicMapComponent("115f89503138416a242f4...

Sliding Drawer From Top

I'm trying to get a sliding drawer to pull down from the top in my application, but I can't figure out a way to do it. Any help? ...

NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipe and Android

Hello. I'm having a problem trying to run an Android app which, up until adding a second external library to its build path, was working fine. Since having added the scoreninja jar, I now get a NoClassDefFoundError when I try to run the app. Here's the message: 02-11 21:45:26.154: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3654): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundEr...

Andoird ksoap2 https problem

has any one been able to connect to a soap server using ksoap2 android via https? i keep getting the error that "Hostname <###>was not verified" im doing AndroidHttpTransport androidHttpTransport = new AndroidHttpTransport (URL);, envelope); apparently looking back at other ksoap which isn't for...

How to Parse ical file (.ics) with the ical4j API in Android?

Hello there, I am developing an application that download the schedule calendar file of specific user to the phone memory and shows to the user in different user friendly formats. Get the user's ID entered in the UI Generate the user's unique calendar URL Retrieve the calendar file over HTTP Save the file locally Display the calendar ...

How can I determine if a geopoint is displayed in currently viewable area?

Say I have mapview control in my Android app. If I know a landmark exists at a certain latitude and longitude, how can I determine if that landmark is currently viewable on the user's screen? Is there a method for getting the coordinates for the top left and bottom right corners of the visible area? ...

Many image files in res/drawable, How to access in Android?

I have to make a dedicated image viewer app for Android 2.x. There are too many jpeg image files: about 2000~ jpegs, over 100MB. I want access the image files with their file names, but I couldn't find such an example. By the way, is it okay to put many image files in /res/drawable folder? I heard that the android application cannot ...

button added to listview in google notepad example

Hi, I've taken the Notepad Tutorial from Google and added a button to the note_row.xml But now, I can no longer edit the row when I click on it. I can however click the button. Any idea what I add where? I did google, but nothing worked for me. Thanks ...

Passing custom arguments to aapt in Eclipse

Is it possible to tell Eclipse to use some extra arguments for aapt (-0 in specific)? I have been looking for past couple of hours and the best hack I came up with was to create a wrapper for the aapt tool to inject the argument to the command line. The trouble with this approach is that whenever I should lose that wrapper, then I'll be...

How to layout text to flow around an image

Can you please tell me if there is a way to layout text around an image? Like this: ------ text text text | | text text text ----- text text text text text text text text text text text I have gotten a response from an android developer about this question. But I am not sure what he means by doing my own version of TextView? Th...

Looking for an elegant appwidget skin solution

I have an appwidget application and would like to enable users to create skins which can be applied at runtime. My preferred solution is to use apk files with nine patch png images that stretch to fit the ImageView's of widget, however its starting to look like I might have to use another packaging technique (e.g. zip files). What I've ...

Android and Checkout API for in app purchases

I want to know if its possible/legal(not against terms of service) to use the google checkout api for an android app to support in app purchases. The types of items being purchased would be something like extra coins where they can be purchased multiple times. I know that this would require getting the user's credentials or pointing the...

Android Account Manger

Is it possible to make an intent you can launch to let the user modify/add/update and then choose and account that can be returned with setResult()? ...

Automatically launch Android app after uploading it to phone?

During android app development, I do the following very often: Run "ant reinstall" to compile and upload an app to the emulator. Switch to the emulator window. Click on the package I just uploaded to run and test it. Is there any way I can tell the emulator phone to run the package I just uploaded? Perhaps an "adb" command I can send...

Android TextViews. Is parametrization possible? Is binding to model possible?

Hello everybody, I am new to both Android and Stack Overflow. I have started developing and Android App and I am wondering two things: 1) Is it possible to parametrize a TextView? Lets say I want to render a text message which states something like: "The user age is 38". Lets suppose that the user age is the result of an algorithm. Usin...

Should only 1 view go in 1 Activity, in Android?

What is "best practice"? Should each view have its own Activity? Never 2 views in 1 Activity? ...

Simple test of medium and high density images

Hi, I'm trying to test out using different size images for different density devices. This is what I did: /drawables-hdpi testimg.png (150x150, 72dpi) /drawables-mdpi testimg.png (100x100, 72dpi) so when I try running this with two emulators (one medium density, the other high density), I see that it correctly picks up the ima...

Why doesn't LogCat show anything in my Android?

It just doesn't print's empty. ...