
Android: Tutorial on Custom View creation

Can anyone suggest a good tutorial about how to create custom view? ...

how to set the tabs in the bottom of the screen in android?

hi all, i am working on tabactivity. i wanna show my tabwidget below the tabcontent(framelayout). i done it by setting the tabwiget tab attribute as android:gravity="bottom" but the framelayout cant align with those tabs. that is the tabs are shown at the bottom of the screen and overlap the framelayout how to do that? if set so...

Create Shortcut key out side the application.

Hi Friends, i want to do this exercise: i have one app like "". when user "longpress" of any key say "A".in short i want to create "shortcut key" for my app how can i set listener for it. please share if anyone come with it. ...

Modifying platform/frameworks/base package

Hi, I'm planning to modify some bits in the platform/frameworks/base project in Android Donut r2. The modifications are very small and goes into java packages and android.text (the API isn't affected). What jar libraries do I have to copy from the recompiled platform? the modifications are small and I don't want to rep...

Where is email stored on an Android device ?

In an Android device: Where is Email stored ? Please can anybody tell me? Thanx in Advance ...

Getting contact picture on HTC Hero

So I just recently wrote a class that can get me the contact pictures from all versions of Android, ranging from 1.5 to 2.1 However, it does not work for HTC Hero. Can anyone help me getting the pictures from HTCs crappy contacts-app? Cheers, ...

Handling Status Bar notification

in my app a background service starts and from that service i want to set Status bar notification, that the service has Started following is the code : Context context = getApplicationContext(); String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE; int icon = R.drawable.icon; CharSequence tickerText = "Hello"; long when = Syst...

Which org.apache.http is android using? And where can i get that as a jar?

At the moment I'm trying to build some integration tests for an android project. I would like to use the same apache http classes I use on the android. Which version is this and can I get a jar of that somewhere? Trying to use the jar that comes with android only resolves in Exceptions... But most of the tests won't need running them i...

How to set the mainfest.xml to remove the default label

Any one can share the mainfest.xml. How to set it? then can remove the label..? Thanks very much ...

How to authorize to a web server with android and the org.apache.http classes?

I'm trying to authenticate to a web server from an android class with the org.apache.http.HttpClient. How can I do this? The code for my connection is: HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("url"); HttpResponse response = null; try { response = httpClient.execute(httpGet); } catch (Client...

Using ListViews on Android?

I am just getting started with the Android SDK and I had a quick question. I am trying to set up a ListView with a rectangle of color on the left and then a bit of text for each row. I also want to make it so I can click each entry in the list and open a new activity to display some information (similar to the contact list). Anyone have ...

How to create layout-small-land folder?

I want to create separate folders for my layouts, like this in my resource directory: layout-land layout-port this is ok, but this: layout-small-land layout-small-port or layout-land-small layout-port-small Results in: 'Invalid resource directory name' What gives? ...

Read SharedPreferences when you haven't set the name of the file.

When you createa a PreferenceScreen on Android, your application creates a default SharedPreferences file for the settings. I want to read this name, or get a reference without specifing the name. Currently I use: SharedPreferences prefs = ctx.getSharedPreferences("prefs", 0); SharedPreferences.Editor ed=prefs.edit(); But this return...

Android thread problems due to background processes

I have written a very simple game with some simple animations, but I've noticed that when the phone checks email, or several other apps are running, the animations that update in my thread start behaving slowly or choppy. This is a problem as the game mechanic requires some careful timing of your screen touches based on the animations. ...

Fingertip drawing applications on Android?

Hi, I'm a new user to this interesting forum! I want start developing an application for android and before starting i want learn about some android features... The first android feature is how to correlate finger motion on the screen with java... Are there any source code examples that show how to draw with your finger on an and...

Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText

I'm showing an input box using AlertDialog. The EditText inside the dialog itself is automatically focused when I call, but the soft keyboard is not automatically shown. How do I make the soft keyboard automatically show when the dialog is shown? (and there is no physical/hardware keyboard). Similar to how when I pres...

Android Unit Testing - Resolution & Verification Problems

I just switched the way my Android project is being built and non of my unit tests work any more...I get errors like WARN/dalvikvm(575): VFY: unable to resolve static field X in ..... WARN/dalvikvm(575): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature These errors only come from my Unit Tests, where classes defined in it can't even...

Is it possible to start a service with a shortcut?

I'm trying to create a shortcut on the home screen that, when pressed, will start a service instead of an activity. Is it possible? How? Thanks! ...

Create an IntentFilter in android that matches ALL intents

Is it possible to create an IntentFilter in android that matches ALL intents that are Broadcasted on the phone (perhaps by way of using a BroadcastReceiver)? I.E. the ones I see in ddms when I use the phone, under the ActivityManager tag? After digging through the documentation, and looking at the framework source, I am left to think it ...

Nexus One and High Quality youtube video

Hi all, From our android app I launch Youtube app with the proper video id. This works well across all devices. On Nexus One the youtube app defaults to using low quality video. I have added &fmt=18 in the url (for eg: , see this blog for details http://blog...