
Android - NDK - GNU make problems

I'm new to the NDK. (using Windows) I have downloaded cygwin and the NDK. I have unzipped the NDK in C:\ When I run cygwin I change to the NDK directory and I run the command build/ But I get Error: could not find a valid GNU Make executable. I have downloaded GNU make 3.81 but still no luck, What do I have to do with ...

How do I apply a style to all buttons of an Android application

I have a style applied to my whole application: AndroidManifest.xml: <application android:theme="@style/ApplicationStyle" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name"> And in my styles.xml: <style name="ApplicationStyle" parent="android:Theme"> <item name="android:button">@style/CKButton</item> </style> <style...

On the Android: How to define proper Animation to maximize one View while minimizing 2 others at the same time?

I created an activity which holds 3 custom components (defined in xml). 2 components extend View, 1 extends SurfaceView. They all lie in a LinearLayout, deviding screen real estate equally amongst the components. Click to see. I'm new so I can't post images directly... Now I would like to maximize one View when it is clicked (using a sl...

iPhone-like Keychain in Android?

I'm looking for something like the keychain on the iPhone, but for Android development. Something that gives me the possibility to save small key-value pairs, that are persistent and unchanged even if the user reinstalls the application. Is there something like that? Can I use the standard preferences that way? I would like to achieve...

Creating my own view type from a layout file?

Hi, I defined a layout like this: <LinearLayout> <ListView /> </LinearLayout> and I want to use a wrapper class for it: public class MyView extends LinearLayout { ListView mListView; public build() { mListView = (ListView)findViewById(; } } not sure how to inflate this from my layout file: M...

touchlisteners and textviews

Hello Actually I'm trying to implement an ontouchlistener into my android (1.5) application. therefore i implemented the "ontouchlistener" into the class, and then i put my code into the: public boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent e){ //code } The problem is, that if I am dragging over an (e.g.) Spinner or EditTextView than this Me...

Can you explain(mathematical calculations) gesture example (Levenshtein )?

I got the example in this link. I can't understand the addmove, costLeven and meatureGesture methods. Can you explain it step by step? ...

Is there any disadvantage to using only high resolution image resources for an Android application?

The Android documentation says that best practices are to make two drawable directories - one for HDPI and one for MDPI. It also says that if the MDPI directory doesn't exist and a MDPI device is running the app, it will scale down the HDPI ones so everything looks good. Is there any reason not to just make one high resolution set of g...

Android: (Newb Question) Programatically creating views based on xml

Sorry for the Newb-ness. I want to create a list of view elements in a LinearLayout (vertical). I created an xml layout that is a TableLayout called "category_list.xml" <TableLayout> <TableRow> <ImageView /> <TextView /> <CheckBox /> </TableRow> </TableLayout> I want to iterate an array, on each iteration create a new T...

Start android app with voice command

Hi, i want to launch my service with a voice command like the name of the app. Is it possible, can i listen such an event? I am affraid not but who knows. Thanks in advance. ...

How do I watermark an Android app?

I would like to distribute my app to a group of beta testers but would like to watermark specific version (APK?) to each tester. Is there a way to do so? ...

Does Android home screen widget support auto rotation?

I am working on a home screen widget. I hope this widget can support auto rotation. For example, if the phone is in portrait mode, I want this home screen widget to be 2 cell * 2 cell on the home screen; if the phone is in landscape mode, I want this home screen widget changes be 3 cell * 1 cell on the home screen. Is it possible that I ...

Can't Install ADT. org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui is missing

I am having trouble getting the Android Development Tools to install. I overcame one error involving the GEF. I now have a new error. Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846 ( 0.9.6.v201002051504-24846) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be...

Broadcast receiver for gtalk/gmail message receive

Hi all, It is easy to find on google which is the broadcast receiver to listen for sms messages. Is there also a similar receiver to listen for gtalk messages or new emails? Thanks ...

Grabbing a picture from within an App?

I want my Android app to take a picture, as part of something larger it is doing. Ideally, I would like to just send out an Intent saying "snap a picture" and get back an image file. Is there an Activity that can handle that, or do I need to do all the low level work with the Camera class myself? Thanks, Peter ...

How to use Http connections like a TCP Socket in Java

Hi All, I may be asking a bit much here but I have faith in the community so it's worth trying. I'm making a game and I'm trying to pick the connection type to use for communicating between a Java mobile client and a Java server backend. Socket programing in Java is easy - there's a lovely tutorial on the subject and two way communicat...

Android Bluetooth from within Service

I have a service that theoretically can work without an Activity associated to it (as "services" are intended on the Android platform). This service uses Bluetooth, in particular registers a Bluetooth Service with a given Name that listens for communications. Of course to work it has to have the Bluetooth active. As also shown on the B...

Device for Android development

Hi All, not much of a programming question, but development related still, I'm starting Android development and have been at it for just a little over a week. So far so go regarding progress, specially for someone who hadn't touched Java in his life (but have good C#, Objective-C, VB.NET and Fortran experience) As I'm looking into a te...

Point emulator to an entry in etc host?

Hi, I'm trying to point my emulator to an entry in etc host. It looks something like: in my project, I want to be able to resolve urls like: but it can't seem to resolve. I know the etc host entry works because I can hit a url like the above using curl throug...

Playing an arbitrary tone with Android.

Is there any way to make Android emit a sound of arbitrary frequency (meaning, I don't want to have pre-recorded sound files)? I've looked around and ToneGenerator was the only thing I was able to find that was even close, but it seems to only be capable of outputting the standard DTMF tones. Any ideas? ...