
How to stop the android soft keyboard from ever coming up in my entire application

I'm developing an application on a hardware device that has a built-in hardware keyboard that does not slide out so is always visible (like a blackberry). Therefore, I NEVER want the soft keyboard to display for my entire application. I'm aware of another SO question that gives the following lines of code: InputMethodManager imm = (In...

Restarting an activity in a single tab in a TabActivity?

Hi, I have a TabActivity. Each tab points to a sub activity. Works great. Is there any clever way to refresh one of the activity tabs? I just want to 'restart' the activity in tab #3 for example. Not sure of a good way to do this other than building in refresh support to the activity itself, or clearing ALL the tabs and recreating all...

Can anyone explain UriMatcher (Android SDK)?

I have been tasked with designing my web services client code to use the utility class UriMatcher in the Android SDK. Unfortunately, the example in the Dev Guide does not relate to anything in my mind. I know I am missing some fundamental points to the functionality and possibly about Uri itself. If you can tie it to some web APIs tha...

How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS?

So I want to create an Android app so it would be registered somewhere in android OS (or just would start on system start) and when phone user clicks on special button on a web page inside a web browser a la: <a href="myapp://mysettings">Foo</a> my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that URL. So how do I do such thin...

Android - Nesting ViewFlippers

Hi, I want to nest several viewflippers. is this possible? I have not been successful thus far. My first tier flips as required but when I flip to the first nested viewflipper its contents appear blank and I can't "flip" it my views are V1 V2 V3 -> H1 , H2, H3 When I flip to V3 vertically ... H1 does not appear. where as H is my ...

Android change context for findViewById to super from inline class

I am trying to get the value of a EditText in a dialog box. A the "*"'ed line in the following code, the safeNameEditText is null; i am assuming because the 'findVeiwById' is searching on the context of the 'AlertDialog.OnClickListener'; How can I get/change the context of that 'findViewById' call? protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int...

What is the functionality of "sync contacts" in Exchange account in Email application?

Hi i am testing android E-mail application . I have configured an Exchange account where in i could find an option "Sync Contacts from this account" in Account settings. According to my understanding if i check "sync contacts from the account" option , i must be able to access contacts in the exchange account i have configured. But i d...

Android: What happens to my activity in case of incoming phone call?

I want to know that what will happen to my activity incase of an incoming phone call? Will the state of my activity be saved or I have to explicitly save it? Another question is that will the activity resume after the call is disconnected? Please help..! ...

Call RecognizerIntent from service

Hi, I am working on an Android service. I need to call RecognizerIntent from a service in order to use in the service the recognized text. I have no startActivityForResult() method in Service class so I have problem understanding how to achieve this task. Is it possible? Many thanks ...

Why do I get a Illegal Access Error when running my Android tests?

I get the following stack trace when running my Android tests on the Emulator: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: client.HttpHelper at client.Helper.<init>( at test.Tests.setUp( at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest( at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(AndroidTestRunner.ja...

Android : How to Remove all capital letters from image filenames before importing into Eclipse

As you know, you can't have capital letters in your image filenames that you use in your Android project (Ressource/Drawables folder). I've got hundreds of small images (GOOG.GIF as an exemple) that I need to import into my project (I usually do a simple drag and drop from a desktop folder into Eclipse). So here's the question : How ...

Updating Android App on Android App Market

I want to update a Application on Android App Market but the problem is I have a two builds on with the resources for one kind of Devices that is 320x480 and sdk1.5 and another one is for 480x800 and sdk2.1 now how m'I Supposed to do this and How is it Possible. Please Give me some light over this. ...

User Agent in http client Android

Hi everybody, I building an Https Client to send some data to a server, but I don't know what to pass in User-Agent. Should I use the webkit one's or do I have to build one explicitely for my App? I'm using this handy post Thanks for any help ...

Android: How to access http web sites thru code

I need to access HTTP site thru code. I do not want to use Web Service of Android or iPhone. ...

How to set up android SDK for command line development on linux?

I'm trying to set up the android SDK to develop a simple program on the command line in linux (Ubuntun 9.10). I tried eclipse, but it has know problems running on Ubuntu, so I gave up on it. Here's what I've done so far: downloaded android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz from tar xvzf android-sdk_r0...

How do I style buttons in a LinearLayout like a ListView

I have a vertically orientated LinearLayout with some Buttons in it: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical"> <Button android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android...

How to display a two column ListView in Android?

Hi, I have an android application that shows a grid view that shows: 1 2 3 4 GridView gridview=(GridView)findViewById(; DataBaseHelper dbhelper=new DataBaseHelper(this); ArrayList<String> test=new ArrayList<String>(5); backlinksadapter.add("1"); backlinksadapter.add("2"); backlinksadapter.add("3"); backlinksadapt...

Catching Intent exceptions and/or return codes?

I've a piece of code that launches an Intent. I'm wondering if there's any way to get return codes and/or catch exceptions? The particular scenario I'm facing is when I launch an Intent passing a 'rtsp' URL but it turns out the URL isn't available. ...

(Android) How to catch a "ring" event?

Hi android developers! I'm clearly a newb, and I was wondering if anyone knows how I can detect a "ring" event on my cellphone through the android sdk? Generally I want to do something with the phone when it begins ringing! Any thoughts? If you want to simply point me to a page in the api documents that would be a good answer for me,...

Is there a possibility to run applets on Android or Blackberry?

This is what the Java site says: "KVM, the virtual machine for mobile devices, is the counterpart of JVM (Java virtual machine). It is used to run applets and applications written with Java technology on mobile devices. KVM must be installed by the manufacturer. It is NOT available for download or installation by consumers"...