
ClickableSpan on TextView in App Widget

I have created an App Widget for Android 1.5. It uses a TextView to present a number of individual Text Links using ClickableSpans. However, the onClick event handler on the ClickableSpan is never called, it appears that you can not select individual components on the widget just the whole widget. This approach works fine for a normal...

Android:AudioTrack support?

Hi All, I like to know on which version of SDK does support 'AudioTrack' class? Does 'AudioTrack' can be used from 1.5 SDK, 1.6 SDK and 2.0 SDK? Thanks. ...

How to get ListView to grow to the size of content

So I have a fairly complex activity the parent being a linearlayout with a table with some basic info and buttons. Then a couple listviews that the user can add items to. So these listviews grow more and more as the user uses the app. The problem I'm running into is the Linearlayout is bigger then the resolution of the screen and so it n...

Nexus One Android Debugging in Ubuntu 9.10

I can't get Ubuntu 9.10 to recognize the Nexus One as a debug device. I tried following the instructions found here but they are not working: Anyone know of a link or know how to get the Nexus One to debug correctly in Ubuntu 9.10? ...

What is Repo and Why does Google use it?

When I wanted to get Android source code, I knew that I have to use "repo". So what is repo? Why do they use repo and not just use GIT?, and is there a GUI for repo that enables me to pause/resume syncing, because every time I get disconnected occasionally it seems that repo starts syncing from the beginning! ...

Existing SQL database android help

Hey guys, I am new to android programming and i am trying to make an app that will interface with a website i have. It is a movie website with all of its information stored in SQL database. I know how to write the requests and queries in .asp but dont know how to get information from the database in my app. I want the user to be able to...

Why does my Android App crash when loading image from gallery the 2nd time?

Hi folks, I've written an app, thats loading images either using the android gallery app or by taking a photo using the cam. When I now load an image using the gallery, everything is fine. When the code is being executed a second time (for loading another image), the application crashes. try { Uri data = intent...

Dismiss android preferences dialog on Keyboard ACTION_DONE press

I would like to be able to close the editpreference dialog (as shown here by pressing the 'Done' button on the keyboard. Currently, pressing 'Done' just dismisses the keyboard but leaves the dialog. In other parts of my application I use code similar to the following to intercept the 'Done' key press and exec...

Android: Map Overlay Labels

I am building a MapView and I want my custom overlay items to display the name of the location they are marking when the user taps them, like the Android Maps app. I setup the onTap listener and the floating TextView to hold the location name. I still need to set it up so that it redraws the label when the user moves the map, etc. Any...

Creating an image of an Android phone

Does anyone know how to create a 1:1 disk image of an Android phone? I am taking a forensics course and our final project involves creating tools to recover information from a suspect's Android based phone, however to do this we need to be able to create a 1:1 image of the phone's disk for baseline comparisons. Also would the image be lo...

How to save a picture to a file?

I'm trying to use a standard Intent that will take a picture, then allow approval or retake. Then I want to save the picture into a file. Here's the Intent I am using: Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE ); startActivityForResult( intent, 22 ); The documentation says: The caller may pass ...

Android App Build system differences between Eclipse and Ant?

The Eclipse build for my 1.6 application project is succeeding and the Ant build is failing. I'm looking for help on why they aren't behaving the same way. We are developing on Mac OSX 10.5.8 with Eclipse 3.5 against SDK 1.6 + Google APIs. There are no setting changes in Eclipse, either at workspace or project level. Similarly, our a...

How do I vertically align an item within a list using relative layout?

I am using a list view in Android 1.5 to show a list of images and text next to the image. I am trying to vertically center the text but the text is at the top of the row instead of centered. Below is my layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" an...

(Android SDk 2.1) Getting error when I use setAudioSource and setVideoSource

I got the follow error when I run setAudioSource and setVideoSource. 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/audio_input(52): unsupported parameter: x-pvmf/media-input-node/cap-config-interface;valtype=key_specific_value 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/audio_input(52): VerifyAndSetParameter failed 03-16 10:26:25.302: ERROR/CameraInput(52): Unsupported pa...

How do I display consecutive AlertDialogs in Android?

I'm trying to port one of my iPhone apps over to the Android. It was all going along swimmingly until I came to AlertDialogs. In the iPhone app, sometimes there will be more than one alert to pass to the user. When this happens, the first alert dialog will come up, and when they click it away the next one will come up. I can't seem to ge...

What happened to Android aapt?

I downloaded the most recent version of Android for linux (android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz). I was trying to use the the Android Ant task(s) for packaging, building, and deploying my code. I should mention that I'm running AMD64, but have the 32-bit libraries installed. The Android Ant tasks are all broken. First, the start-emulator tas...

The problem about use the exist sqlite database,

I have a sqlite database, and i put this file in "assets" folder. The code like below, Pls help and tell what's wrong in this code, How to use my own sqlite database. public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.SGMalls/databases/"; private static String DB_NAME ...

File observer problem

Hi, I want to listen to the changes occured in file system.I am using FileObserver.Here is my code: Code: class MyDirObserver extends FileObserver { String superPath; public MyDirObserver(String path) { super(path, ALL_EVENTS); this.superPath=path; ...

Integrate zxing code with the application and install in on Android os higher than 1.5

hi all i am working on an application that needs to scan bar codes as a functionality..I have integrated all the code of zxing with my app code and now when i try to install it on my device(OS 1.6) it gives me an "INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE" error... i cant use intents to use the barcode application because that will create a ...

Refresh a ListView if I change the content of the ListItem

Hi, I have a ListView in my android activity. And I populate the ListView by sub-class the BaseAdaptor (which returns a View in getView() method). What if in my click listener of a button in a list item view, I change the text of the TextView in the List item view or change the dimension of the list item view by adding/removing chil...