
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget

Hi, all. I saw this topic and implement IntentService as describes, but what if I want more that one button? How can I distinguish button from each other? I'm trying to setFlags, but cannot read it at onHandleIntent() method: public static class UpdateService extends IntentService { ... @Override public void onHandleIntent(Int...

how to load an imageview by url in android?

for example i have an image's url: i want to load this link image into my imageview in my ...

requestRouteToHost android

Greetings everyone! I'm getting rather fed up with android's ConnectivityManager class. I've been trying for 5 hours to get the requestRouteToHost to work. I'm running my code on the emulator but the requestRouteToHost always fails. I know I have connectivity because I called getActiveNetworkInfo() and it was connected. I've added the AC...

Can't build and run an android test project created using "ant create test-project" when tested project has jars in libs directory

I have a module that builds an app called MyApp. I have another that builds some testcases for that app, called MyAppTests. They both build their own APKs, and they both work fine from within my IDE. I'd like to build them using ant so that I can take advantage of continuous integration. Building the app module works fine. I'm havin...

Class initialization issues loading java.util.logging.LogManager in Android Dalvik VM

I've done changes in an Android native library and installed a new system.img file but am now getting an unrelated Error on startup. I can get past it by swallowing the error but I wanted to know if anyone can explain what the issue is. The Android implementation of claims that it is Forcing the LogManager to be initialized ...

Receiving a NullPointerException when calling a cursor in Android

I am creating an application which tracks the users location using GPS, stores the longitude and latitude in a database using a content provider then output the first long and lat to a mapview. I am able to create the cursor using this line of code: Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(GPSContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, ...

Is there a limit to the size of an application in the Android Marketplace?

I know from reading this: That there wasn't a limit to the size of an application that could be downloaded over the air (OTA) but I wonder if a limit, like that imposed by the Apple App Store (20MB) exists now that the Nexu...

Recovering the deleted data from Android SD Card ?

I am trying to make an Android application which would try to recover deleted content from the SD Card. How feasible is it? I have the following methods in mind: Since, the files are not actually deleted, can I access the file system to see files which has been marked to be overwritten. Or will I have to do header/footer file carving...

Using XMPP for push user notifications on Android - any way to target these so they don't go to Google Talk etc

I want to use XMPP to push data to my client which would translate to a notification for the user, and plan on using their google-id for login to my application. The way I understand XMPP is that its a simple message that goes directly to the adress, but I want the client to get it as instructions and turn it into gamestate information....

Android development

I'm currently trying to get a grip on Android development and working my way through Notepad example part 2 when this warning popped up and I can't fix it. [2010-03-18 21:26:47 - androidTest] ActivityManager: Can't dispatch DDM chunk 46454154: no handler defined [2010-03-18 21:26:47 - androidTest] ActivityManager: Can't dispatch DDM chu...

setting up Droid for development

Hi, I am trying to follow the instructions on this page "Developing on a device". After I finished all the steps, and executes command "adb devices", my Droid is not listed. Is there anything else that I need to do if my device is Droid? It seems there are discussions on this issue but I could not find any definitive answer. Thank you. ...

ListView and dynamic row sizes

I'd like to use different row descriptors (from the XML layout resource) in one ListView. Can I and how? Also, I'd like to be able to programmatically change the size of the rows, based on the data in each row, in a ListView. Can I and how? Thank you in advance--I LOVE stackoverflow. M ...

how to pause and stop a changing ImageView

hi, i have an ImageView in which the picture switches every 5s, i am trying to add a pause and resume button that can stop and restart the action. i am using a Handler, Runnable, and postDelay() for image switch, and i put the code on onResume. i am thinking about using wait and notify for the pause and resume, but that would me...

Trouble getting Android emulator to run in eclipse

Hi there, I'm new to Android and Eclipse. I'm Trying to run the SDK Samples on the Emulator in Eclipse 3.5 Most of the time the AVD Manager hangs when I try to create a new AVD. When I manage to create an AVD and try to start the emulator I get this: emulator: ERROR: no search paths found in this AVD's configuration weird, the AVD's...

How can I set the TextColor of a TextAppearanceSpan?

Hi, I currently able to create a Medium size TextAppearanceSpan, But how can I set the text color to a specified RBG color (say #c71585)? new TextAppearanceSpan(context,; I see there is a constructor for public TextAppearanceSpan(Context context, int appearance, int c...

Set the RBG value of android.R.styleable.Theme_textColorDim

Hi, Can you please tell me how can I set the RBG value of android.R.styleable.Theme_textColorDim for my android application? Thank you. I have added this styles.xml file in my project: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> resources> <style name="ApplicationStyle" parent="android:Theme"> <item name="android:textColorDim">#00ff00</...

Android - UI for text wrap an image

Hi, Is there anyway to wrap a TextView around an image? It's the typical thing that people do in CSS like this Thanks, Tee ...

How can I discover zeroconf (Bonjour) services on Android? I'm having trouble with jmDNS.

I'm working with a Droid / Android 2.0.1 and encountering an issue apparently many people have: I'm unable to discover services using the one pure-Java zeroconf library I know of, jmDNS. (Apple's Bonjour, while it works on Linux and Windows Java, I believe would be harder to port to Android because of reliance on native code.) I can cre...

How can I tell if the screen is on in android?

In Android 2.2 (Level 7) the function PowerManager.IsScreenOn() returns a boolean that is true if the screen is turned on and false if the screen is turned off. I am developing code for Android 1.5 (Level 3). How do I accomplish the same task in older versions of Android? I do not want to turn the screen on or off in my code. I just want...

How do I call window.openDatabase from a webView hosted in an android application?

I created a native Android app that basically hosts a webView control. That webView is then used to load a page that calls window.openDatabase from JavaScript. I can successfully confirm that the API exists by verifying window.openDatabase. Calling this method returns a null when called in a hosted webView control. Calling the same m...