
Adding configChanges ="locale" programatically

I use configChanges="locale" on my activities. Without this options in AndroidManifest.xml in 2.x i get flickering screens. It works in all my activities excepting in the preferences screen i add programatically. I have one Preference Activity --> it works after setting configChanges="locale" to the AndroidManifest.xml. Inside of the P...

Full size image in ImageView

Hi, I'm trying to draw an image in an ImageView, but i want it to be unscaled, with scrollbars as necessary. How can I accomplish this? Right now I just have a drawable set as the android:src of the ImageView in the XML. This autoscales the image to fit the screen width. I read that this might be because of the compatibility mode (deve...

Android WebView progress bar

I have looked at a question similar to this here but as I am a newbie could someone explain how to get this to work in a WebView or at least how to set a 10 second time delay so people know that it's loading? ...

Problem designing google maps app in the application

I have seen the tutorial provided to display google maps here... But sadly when i try to extend MapActivity instead of Activity the whole program is getting ruined and showing errors starting from onCreate... Whats the solution and how could i get google maps wo...

Find contacts created after a particular time-stamp

Hi, is it possible to know the time at which a contact was created. Actually I want to find all contacts created after a particular time (say 12:00 pm 29th march 2010). I thought that the contact ids were assigned in an increasing order and just noting the largest id at that point would suffice. But with Android 2.0, the internal syn...

Lua on Android: Comment character

I have a tiny Lua script which is supposed to disable call forwarding: require 'android' android.dialNumber('*21#') The problem is that the script only dials '*21' and omits the '#' character. Playing around It looks to me like the # character is treated as comment character as everything after it is ignored. I've tried singel and do...

Refresh the pages

I am developing the chatting application but by using that application two persons are not received chatting messages properly.If one person send a chat message to other did not receive it immediately .For that i want the refresh that application For that what can i do?Give me some suggestion .Thanks in advance ...

Referencing external classes

My Android project references external classfiles that are not included in the in the Android SDK. I added those classes as an external library properly in eclipse. The code compiles with no problem. But as I try to run the application I get an ClassNotFoundException by the DalvikVM, although all the neccessary classes have been ported. ...

Turn Off Sound and screen blink on incoming calls in Android?

Hi, I would like to know whether this is actually possible in Android? When Android phone receives an incoming call from a specific number the phone's ringing should stop and also the screen should not blink. What I mean is the user should not be able to know that there was incoming call, but actually there was. I do not want to del...

How to display list of resource drawables

I would like to display all resource drawables in a list so that the user can select one. Is there any way to loop through all R.drawable items so I don't have to hard code them into my program? ...

how to add a checkbox in a listview?

hello guys, i have a question, been stuck for a while, i dont know how can i add a checkbox in the list, for example if I have a list of items i want to be able to check them. my xml code is the following: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/topLayout" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:la...

Which Android app resolutions to support?

I see on the Android SDK pages, it mentions some screen resolutions to expect on Android platforms: Small screen QVGA (240x320), 2.6"-3.0" diagonal Normal screen WQVGA (240x400), 3.2"-3.5" diagonal FWQVGA (240x432), 3.5"-3.8" diagonal HVGA (320x480), 3.0"-3.5" diagonal WVGA (480x800), 3.3"-4.0" diagonal FWVGA (480x854), 3.5"-4.0" diago...

Android App crashes in emulator - logs blank.

I am completely new to android, and pretty much a Java newb. I have a simple app that I am building to get the hang of android's development environment - and things like click events, etc.. The app loads, and I am able to change the text in a textfield using a button handler. However, when I import the location class, and try to do a ...

how to show the web view as OverviewMode(completely zoomed out) in android? how??

i want to load my web view as a overview mode(completely zoomed out). that is the webpage zoomed out completely at the initial state. i coded like this: webview_obj.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true); its not working. what is the mistake and how to rectify it? ...

Overlay only draws line between first 2 GPS points in Android

Hi, I am experiencing an unusual error using ItemizedOverlay in Android. I am creating a GPS tracking device that plots a route between waypoints stored in a database. When I provide the first two sets of longitude and latitude points through the emulator in Eclipse, it draws a red line just how I want it, but if I send another GPS p...

Which Android phone to use for development...?

Hi, I'm planning to port a couple of games from iPhone/Windows Mobile to the Android platform. The games are written in C++ so I plan to use the NDK with a thin java wrapper. I'm new to the Android platform and need some advice on which phone to buy for development. I suspect like Windows Mobile there is a level of fragmentation with d...

Volume Control in android application

I'd like to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys (contrary to my belief , I've read they control only the ringer volume). Should I overwrite the onKey Down/Up? Or is there other way to accomplish this? I'm asking because if I overwrite the upper mentioned function for an activity, then the functions will r...

How to implement a "hidden" Android app?

I would like an application which is not readily apparent to casual perusal of the Android. How best to activate it and bring its screen to the fore? Can I detect a special dialing sequence, like *1234#? Or a hotkey combination? When activated, I guess I can pop up an anonymous screen which does not mention the app, but only asks ...

New to Android - Drawing a view at runtime

HI all, I'm just getting started with developing for Android. I'm looking to port one of my iPhone applications, but I'm kind of at a loss for how to draw a view at runtime (a view not declared in the XML). Basically, I want to draw a simple rectangle, but then be able to manipulate its frame after being drawn. Sorry if this is a real...

Set the volume of an android application

In order for the user to control the volume , my android application has a menu consisting of a slider that provides int values from 0 to 10 , when dragged. After I obtain a value , I must set the volume to the corresponding value chosen by the user , and well , this is the part that I don't know to implement and I 'd like to find about ...