
How to add View to Gallery?

Hi, I have multiple ListViews and would like to add those to Gallery. I tried with addView but it is not supported since Gallery view is an AdapterView. Can someone let me know how to go about it? Regards Sunil ...

android form Fields grouping?

dear friends, i want to know that is there any way to create groups in a form? i am not talking about heading but groups we make with borders around set of specified field sets.(field sets are for example TextView,EditText and button). for example. Vital information: ----- Other information ----- any help would be appriciated. ...

Storage of events in Calendar application in Android 2.1

Does the calendar application in Android maintain a cache of its database? Whenever I edit and mark some events via the calendar app, it is stored in the database but if I edit the calendar.db from some outside source the changes made are not reflected in the calendar app. So my question is: Does the calendar app maintain a cache or so...

Why is android contact detail not shown?

I have the below code which is suppose to show a list of contact with check box on left side, I use Android API version 4 and running on a emulator with Android 2.1. The check box is shown but not the contact names right to check box is shown. What is that I am doing wrong. public class CheckListActivity extends ListActivity { priva...

Exception in setDrawingCache in Android 1.5?

Hi, I am developing an application where I am using setDrawingCache and then once I get the Bitmap I destroy the cache by using destroyDrawingCache(). The application has been developed with Android SDK 1.6. When testing the application in emulator with Android 1.5 the application throws NullPointerException when try to manipulate the ...

Programmitically accessing internal storage (not SD card) on Verizon HTC Droid Incredible (Android)

Hello, I'm trying to find information on how to programmatically access the HTC Droid Incredible's supposed 8GB of internal storage. To determine the external storage (SD Card) location, I'm using android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(). I've not been able to find any corollary for internal phone storage. In examining HT...

MMS interception

Dear, is there any way to intercept MMS(not SMS). How to track outgoing and incoming MMS. i have completed SMS interception but not get any appropriate help to implement MMS interception. also provide links also if possible. thanks. ...

Android browser scaling?

I'm trying to create a mobile website for android. When I set the width of the body to 480px (the width of the screen) the result is about 50% larger than what I expect. It seems that android is scaling what it draws and messing up all my layouts. Does anyone know how to disable this, or work around it? I'm already using this: <meta n...

how to get Contact database schema.

Dear, is there any link that provide me the Contact Schema. when i store new phone number in mobile, the informaion store in the database. so i need schema to create my own table for back purpose. i have alreay get People table column by the follwoing code. boolean displayFlag = false; String str = ""; Uri CONTACT_URI ...

How to change Exception message, "The application ... has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again later.”

Is there any way to modify the generic Android Exception message "The application ... has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again later.” to display something more meaningful to the user? ...

Using the android Account Manager to keep a username even if the app is deleted

A month ago I asked this question. Even with a Bounty nobody came up with a better answer then using the Imei of the device to identify the user and then sync the phone with the server. Now I stumbled across the Android AccountManager classes. Would it be possible to use this classes to store a username and a password that could be acc...

Android - storing references to ApplicationContext

I have a static Preferences class that hold some application preferences and stuff like that. Is it ok to store reference to ApplicationContext there? I need that reference so i can get cache folder and stuff like that in classes that don't inherit Activity. ...

Android widget design - default black background

In the new version(s) of Android such as version 2.1, default widget (music widget, news and weather widget, youtube widget) have been restyled to use a black background with a white radial gradient at the top in the middle. I've seen other widgets starting to use the exact same background. However, I can't find this background anywhere...

GUI testing with Instrumentation in Android

I want to test my Android applications UI, with keyevents and pressed buttons and so on. I've read som documentation that Instrumentation would be able to use for this purpose. Anyone with expericence with using Instrumentation for UI testing? ...

How to add ListView to MapView from the xml resource ?

Hi guys. How to add ListView to MapView from the xml resource ? In order words, I am trying to make a screen contains google MapView and ListView. Because impossible to extends 2 Activitys' (ListActivity & MapActvity), I am trying to add a ListView(It is created from xml resource) to MapView. Thanks in advance. ...

application resources after update

Hi, I have a curiosity about application updates . What happens after such a process with the resources supposing that the update needs different resources than the ones the old version used ? Are they overwritten ?( like overwrite string.xml) or the old resources are deleted and replaced with the new ones ? ...

loading multiple images( textures) on the screen.

Hi. I need help on openGL android. I am trying to create a small application which shows texture of four bitmap moving on the screen. Basically the application has 4 bitmaps which are moving one after the other depicting a moving picture. Can somebody help me on this ASAP. ...

android resources in apk

In my android development project under the folder res there are all the resources my application uses. The size is 3.11 mb and contains 1013 files . On the other hand in the apk there is the folder res with all the resources as well , but this has a size of only 760 kb and contains only 332 files . Now does this means that not all the r...

Can't exit an Android application

When I exit my android application it resumes to the previous screen. How can I exit the Android application properly? @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub switch(item.getItemId()) { case EXIT: try { this.finish(); ...

access resources of an apk

Hi I'm thinking at putting a .txt file in res/drawable or in res/layout to have it in the apk when the application is packed, and then after install to open and read from it to perform some tasks . Can this be done ? If yes please let me know how can I access the file ,as I don't know it's path . ...