
Android daemon process

Is it possible (without violating any licenses) to write a native C/C++ application on top of the Android OS and make it run as a daemon process? There are already several daemon process' running which one can see with the 'ps' command, the legal part concerns me the most. And also the lack of documentation on how to exactly do this. F...

Listview with alternating resources in Android

Hi! I have a ListView and an adapter that sets alternating background colors to the list items overwriting getView Method in my adapter. I want to go further and I would to set to each row a Resource background. I try in getView call the method setBackgroundResource: private int[] messages = new int[] {R.layout.message,R.layout.messag...

How to add the textviews equally in a Row?

Hi Guys,i have 5 text views to be added horizontally,and it needs to occupy the displaywidth.When i change the screen orientation,it should change based on it.Is that can be done by Layout or it should be done programmatically Regards Rakesh Shankar.P ...

wait t time before launch an action ?

Hi, I actually had a multiautocompletetextview, where i call host after 3 characters to have a dynamic search list. But if the user put others characters, my code call host for each of them. So it must be very long. Could I wait a moment (about 500 ms) before launching the action , in order to look if user do an action or not ? that's ...

how to get GPS position from one emulator to another

I am trying with android 2.1 how can we get GPS location from one emulator to another....... ...

Logging SQL Statements in Android; fired by application.

Hi. I have a small Android app and currently I am firing a sql statement in android to get the count of rows in database for a specific where clause. Following is my sample code: public boolean exists(Balloon balloon) { if(balloon != null) { Cursor c = null; String count_query = "Select count(*) from balloons where...

How to call android application from web browser

I want to call android application on clicking of button on some website from mobile. Suppose I am opening one url on android browser and I want to call my application on clicking on button provided by that site. How to do that?? Suppose we are using browser other than Chrome then is it allowing?? ...

(Android) Why won't invalidate() update my buttons immediately?

I have read several forums and examples on using invalidate() in order to update views immediately but I still do not understand why what I am doing will not work. The code below uses image buttons defined by "red", "blue", "green", and "yellow". I set a 1 second delay between each time I try and change a button's appearance. Please som...

How to implement Android Facebook API and retrieve the session key

I am getting the same session key every time i log into. Why am i getting the same session key ? Wonder if someone has worked on this API on Android: ...

Android : Downloading and Displaying images simulataneously?

Hi, I'm having a situation in my current project where I want to Download a wallpaper image from network. I want to download the image in chunks and at the same time display whatever image that has been downloaded in a ImageView. Can someone let me know how to implement this? The type of Image that I would be downloading would be "PNG". ...

Detect network connection type on Android

How do you detect the network connection type on Android? Is it through ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().getType(), and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile? ...

How to Toggle Bluetooth in All Android Versions 1.5+ and Upwards

I am trying to write a simple android application to toggle a users bluetooth connection. I would like a single application that can work on all versions of Android 1.5+. I am aware that the Android 2+ API officially added support for bluetooth however if I am targeting a SDK level of 3 (android 1.5) then I don't get access to the off...

Select TextView with trackball

I have different elements in my layout: Buttons, RadioButtons, EditText, a ListView and I have made a RelativeLayout that is clickable and starts a new intent. Everything works ok except that I can't select that element with the trackball. Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks in advance. ...

How does android communicate with dynamic services?

I am trying to develop an app and I want it to bring in data from a mySQL database. But from some reading I have done on different sites, I am realizing that it is probably not going to happen. But I am curious to know, how do apps like PhoneFlix and others view that dynamic data on the application? Does it somehow just bring it in throu...

map refreshing problem in Android

Hi all, i am developed one android applicaiton.that is using google map service.but refreshing the map it is getting slow .why it is become slow while refreshing . Thanks in advance Aswan ...

Gets Flickering layout's background while scrolling the listview in android?

while scroll the listview, the Layouts background gets flickering. that is the layout is has a background image. this image will gets invisible and reload all the time while scrolling. how to rectify this? Any Idea? Note: its happening for inbuilt android Array Adapter too. setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, ...

RFCOMM Before Android 2.0?

I have several apps which I wrote using the standard SDK. They all connect to RFCOMM devices using bluetooth, so at present, I can only support devices which are 2.0 or newer. What options are available for backporting a bluetooth app to pre-2.0 apps while re-writing as little code as possible? Thank you. ...

android unlock screen intent?

Is there an intent that is fired when a user unlocks their screen? I want my app to adjust the brightness when the screen turns on, but the problem im running into is that the screen on intent is fired on the lock screen and it does not adjust the display on that screen. ...

Get Mobile Phone OS over Bluetooth

Is it possible to check over Bluetooth if Android is running on a mobile phone? ...

Android Development Device

I'm looking to get a device (phone, tablet, etc.) for developing Android applications. I know I can use the emulator to get me started, but I feel like that will only get me so far along. I'm looking for something reasonably priced, and I don't want a phone contract, data plan, etc. Anyone have any suggestions? ...