
Move focus from one Edit text box to another

Hi, I am writing a simple calculator application(using absolute layout with 3 edit boxes and some buttons), which has two inputtext boxes and a output box. input1 = (EditText) findViewById(; input2 = (EditText) findViewById(; now once user enters some numerics into input1 and presses '+', now i want to shift...

Android Activity Results

I have two activities in which I need to pass an object array between them. From the main activity, I start the secondary activity with startActivityForResult(), and pass the array as a ParcelableArray in a Bundle. This works fine to get the array to the secondary activity; I can pull the array out of the Bundle and manipulate it from ...

Android Autocompletetextview and editable spinner

Hey guys. Here is my scenario: I've got a database, where 2 columns are interesting for me. I now created an autocompletetextview where the adapter gehts via SQL the entries of one column. So far... so good, but what i actually want is, that if the user types sth. into the autocompletefield i notice this and fetch the text. Via SQL I ...

Android - How can I link my free app to the Pro version

How can I link my free android application to the "paid" version so a user of the free one can instantly click on the link and be taken to the android market page for the full version. ...

How do I create an android phone ap?

what software do I need to create an android app? ...

When should and shouldn't you break away from OOP for speed/performance?

In their developer articles for Android, Google states that you should usually declare public variables rather than private ones with getters and setters to enhance performance on embedded devices (I suppose function calls are more expensive than just writing to an address). I was wondering - to what extent should performance be sacrif...

[Android SDK] Throw a custom exception from a service to an activity

Hi, I'm currently working on an XMPP app' on Android and I'm pondering about the best way to throw a different type of Exception than a RemoteException to my activity from my service. As it seems impossible to throw another thing than a RemoteException using IPC (you can't declare to throw anything in your .aidl), I just see two soluti...

Droid browser causing havoc on my site

I have a mobile-optimized site that uses a pretty simple trick of serving a different page based on browser width. This worked great until the Droid came along, with its very high pixel density screen. I understand that the default setting of the screen is 800 pixels wide (significantly wider than my width detect script, which is makin...

How to close screen while moving to next screen in android platform?

Hi, How to close screen while moving to next screen in android platform? i have one working scenario like this. while moving from one screen to other screen need to close(i shouldn't show screen while press Esc key). Please help me Regards, Jeyavel N ...

Activity / process lifecycle - when to save/load data to/from disk

Hi, My app is made of two activities, A and B. I'm considering this sequence of steps: Activity A is started. A launches B [A is paused, B is running]. B launches a map intent [A and B are both paused now]. Now the user is using the maps application and the system decides it needs more memory. Can the system kill only one of my acti...

how to call email application in android platform

there is an intent for “send an email.” In our application needs to send mail, how can invoke that intent ...

Process android

Hi , I want to check whether the process is still alive or not through programmatically ,Can i do that i am trying to do it by process name in onCreate method but the issue is that the onCreate method is called always .When i check that in onCreate method i always get the process name and i can not kill the current app and switch to ...

Problem while implement location listener in android appwidget

Hi, I am working on a Widget which will get the Current GPS location and pass this value to remote PHP page to get the Information and display it in the Widget. This is what I am trying to do. I am facing problem while implementing Location Listener for appWidget. It is not updating with the Current Location and It is showing the initi...

Android camera intents

Roger, I see that you've been tinkering with camera intents. I'm having real trouble just getting a simple app to tell me when the camera button has been pressed. Do you have some code to help me on my way. Thanks. David ...

android how to get every row's imageview

I am having custom Listview. Every row in listview contains image and textview. After finishing the page I want to execute a thread which will get the reference of all the rows then will extract imgeview and set resource image as lazy loading image. I just want to know how to get every row's image view so that I can set image resource ...

Android Frame by Frame Animation problem on elements in a CursorAdapter

Hi, I am having trouble applying an animation to a View. I am trying to load the animation from inside the constructor of a CursorAdapter, so I can set it later assign it to certain children in the list. In the constructor I have : shineAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ctx, R.anim.news_list_item_shine); the animation is in m...

Android data storage - File vs SQLite

I am developing an application that periodically sends information to an external server. I make a local copy of the data being sent, for backup purposes. What is the best option to store the data in terms of saving battery life? Each data submission is a serialized object (the class has 5 fields, including a date, numbers and strings...

How to send an email from my application using email application?

Hi, How to send an email from my application using email application? I am having the one scenario like send email to particular mail id([email protected]). In my application while clicking the link it should call email application and then need to pass above mail id to in "To" box (after login) . Is there any solution for this issue?...

Tagsoup and XOM on android

Can i use Tagsoup and XOM on android 1.6 without any performance problems ? ...

How to parse (non well-formed) HTML in android ?

How to parse non well-formed HTML in android ? I tried to use XOM and TagSoup, but i get the following error when creating the Builder: 11-26 20:42:39.294: ERROR/dalvikvm(1298): Could not find method org.apache.xerces.impl.Version.getVersion, referenced from method nu.xom.Builder. Must i install Xerces to use XOM or can i use tagsoup ...