
DataTable.Select vs DataTable.rows.Find vs foreach vs Find(Predicate<T>)/Lambda

I have a DataTable/collection that is cached in memory, I want to use this as a source to generate results for an auto complete textbox (using AJAX of course). I am evaluating various options to fetch the data quickly. The number of items in the collection/rows in the datatable could vary from 10000 to 2,000,000. (So that we dont get di...

Does VB.NET have anonymous functions?

From what I can find on google, VB.NET only has one-statement lambdas, and not multi-statement anonymous functions. However, all the articles I read were talking about old versions of VB.NET, I couldn't find anything more recent than vs2008 beta 1 or 2. So the question: How can I do this in VB.NET? C# code: private void HandleErrors( ...

when not to use lambda expressions

A lot of questions are being answered on stackoverflow, with members specifying how to solve these real world/time problems using lambda expressions. Are we overusing it, are we considering the performance impact of using lambda expressions? I found few articles that explores the performance impact of lambda vs anonymous delegates vs ...

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem with a lambda expression and anonymous method.

Passing two parameters to a new thread on the threadpool can sometimes be complicated, but it appears that with lambda expressions and anonymous methods, I can do this: public class TestClass { public void DoWork(string s1, string s2) { Console.WriteLine(s1); Console.WriteLine(s2); } } try { TestClass te...

CodeDom - can I generate an anonymous method?

I can't find any way to generate an anonymous method. any ideas? ...

Problem declaring an anonymous method with Action(Of T) and lambda.

Imports System.Reflection Public Class Test Private Field As String End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) Dim test = New Test Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) fie...

Scope of anonymous methods

One nice thing about anonymous methods is that I can use variables that are local in the calling context. Is there any reason why this does not work for out-parameters and function results? function ReturnTwoStrings (out Str1 : String) : String; begin ExecuteProcedure (procedure begin Str1 := ...

Implicit conversion to Func

Let's say I have an interface IMyInterface<T> that simply describes one function: public interface IMyInterface<T> { T MyFunction(T item); } I could just about replace this with Func<T, T>, but I want the interface for semantic reasons. Can I define an implicit conversion between that interface and Func<T,T> such that I could pas...

How does one release/dispose/destroy captured variables in anonymous methods?

I am using anonymous methods to handle events in a COM object. Once the program terminates, it appears that the resources I am using in the anonymous method are not being "closed correctly" in that I get a first chance exception (InvalidComObjectException) for every resource I was watching. I suppose this isn't a big deal, but it doesn't...

anonymous delegates in C#

I can't be the only one getting tired of defining and naming a delegate for just a single call to something that requires a delegate. For example, I wanted to call .Refresh() in a form from possibly other threads, so I wrote this code: private void RefreshForm() { if (InvokeRequired) Invoke(new InvokeDelegate(Refresh)); ...

Closures for anonymous methods in C# 3.0

Why do closures exist for anonymous methods? Why not just pass state into the method without the overhead of a new class being generated with the closure variables being copied in? Isn't this just a throwback to "making everything global?" Someone talk me down, I feel like i'm missing something here... ...

Anonymous method as parameter to BeginInvoke?

Why can't you pass an anonymous method as a parameter to the BeginInvoke method ? I have the following code: private delegate void CfgMnMnuDlg(DIServer svr); private void ConfigureMainMenu(DIServer server,) { MenuStrip mnMnu = PresenterView.MainMenu; if (mnMnu.InvokeRequired) { mnMnu.Begin...

What is the recommended way of writing anonymous functions in C#?

var seq = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Reverse(); var sort1 = seq.OrderBy(i => i); var sort2 = seq.OrderBy(delegate(int i) { return i; }); i think sort2 is more explicit but sort 1 is shorter. besides that, i don't really know the difference. what is the recommended way of doing this? ...

Terminology when copying the captured variable for a lambda/ anon-method

I translated this code(it has bad side effect that it just capture the outer variable): foreach (TaskPluginInfo tpi in Values) { GenerateMenu(menuStrip, tpi.MenuTree, tpi.MenuText, delegate { tpi.ShowTask() }); } To this code(because the above is not working): foreach (TaskPluginInfo tpi in Values) { ...

Accessing 'self' object in closure

Hello, I've got following problem: (c#) There is some class (IRC bot), which has method, which needs result of some event for complete (through it could be asynchronous). Maybe not clear: // simplified class IRC { void DoSomeCommand() { OnListOfPeopleEvent += new Delegate(EventData e) { if (e.IsForMe) { ReturnToUserSom...

Simple Anonymous Method in C#

Hi See the second bit of code below.. code doesn't compile. Am trying to figure out anon methods, and I get it.. But not the example of not using anon methods which I found on the web, which doesn't compile Using VS2008.. compiling to .NET3.5 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; nam...

Can an anonymous method in C# call itself?

I have the following code: class myClass { private delegate string myDelegate(Object bj); protected void method() { myDelegate build = delegate(Object bj) { var letters= string.Empty; if (someCondition) return build(some_obj); //This line seems to cho...

JavaScript-like anonymous functions in C#

Can the following be done in C#?: var greeting = "Hello" + function () { return " World"; }() + "!"; I want to do something along the lines of this (C# pseudo code): var cell = new TableCell { CssClass = "", Text = return delegate () { return "logic goes here"; }}; Basically I want to implement in-line scoping of some logi...

In C#, why can't an anonymous method contain a yield statement?

I thought it would be nice to do something like this (with the lambda doing a yield return): public IList<T> Find<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new() { IList<T> list = GetList<T>(); var fun = expression.Compile(); var items = () => { foreach (var item in list) if (fun.Invoke(i...

Anonymous methods - C# to VB.NET - Warning, this is a doing my 'homework' like question.

I am sorry to ask this on here as I know it is like doing my homework for me but I have a very urgent requirement to implement a single VB.NET instance of an application on a terminal server. To do this I am using code from the Flawless Code blog. It works well, except in the code is written in C# and uses an anonymous method which is no...