
ant iterate over files

I want to iterate over a list of jars (undefined number) and add them all to the jar file. To add them I plan to use something like this: <jar id="files" jarfile="all.jar"> <zipfileset src="first.jar" includes="**/*.java **/*.class"/> <zipfileset src="second.jar" includes="**/*.java **/*.class"/> </jar> but how do I iterate over...

Antcontrib <for> and <var unset="true"> in ant?

What versions of Antcontrib support <for> and also <var unset="true" /> in Antcontrib? (Or where can I go to find out that information?) ...

Testing Macrodef Attribute without IF

I am attempting to remove all lines that begin with log if a macrodef attribute is set to prod (example below). I plan on using replaceregexp to remove all lines beginning with log. However, I am not sure how to test if an attribute is set to a specific value, besides using the if task. I would like to not introduce any non-core Ant ta...

Generating arguments for the mxmlc Flex Ant task

My ActionScript project builds with several compile-time specified constants. They are all Booleans, and only one of them is true at any given time. The rest must be false. When I represented my build process in a bash script, I could loop through the names of all these constants, set one of them to be true and the rest to be false, the...

Need a Java Package Dependancy Analysis Tools

Is there anyway to run a package dependency analysis using jDepend, ant contrib's verifydesign task, or any other similar tool, which uses blacklists instead of whitelists? That is to say, I want to be far less strict (at least initially). Instead of specifying package A must only depend on B, C and K; package B must only depend on Q, ...

How can "if-else" logic be emulated using "condition"?

Hello, everyone! I know that there is ant-contrib, which provides "if-else" logic for ant. But I need to achieve the same without ant-contrib. Is that possible? Pseudocode which I need to work: if(property-"myProp"-is-true){ do-this; }else{ do-that; } Thank you! ...

Using Ivy to download/install ant-contrib, bsf, beanshell, commons-logging

I am building a project using Ant and Ivy. The build.xml file depends on ant-contrib, bean scripting framework, beanshell, and commons-logging. Ant searches for libraries in several places, including ${user.home}/.ant/lib. Is there any way in the build.xml file to have these libraries automatically download and install in the ${user.ho...