
How to convert a Swing Application to an Applet?

I created a desktop application with Swing Application Framework, now how can I convert it to an applet? The main class extends SingleFrameApplication. EDITED: This is the starting class, used NetBeans GUI builder: public class PhotoApp extends SingleFrameApplication { /** * At startup create and show the main frame of the ap...

Injecting Maven project information into Swing Application Framework resources?

I have a Maven project using the Swing Application Framework and would like to inject project information from the pom.xml into my application's global resources to avoid duplication. The base application (provided via netbeans) uses Application.title, Application.version, Application.vendor, Application.description resources etc for ...

Java application code structure

My Java application is not very big, but I would like to do it the "right way". Looking for suggestions to not make a big mess... I am using Swing, the Swing Application Framework and H2 database. It is a single frame application with different tabs. Most tabs will reflect some aspects of the data in the database. Some of them will be ...