
NullPointerException when trying to run an applet of multiple classes

I'm trying to display an applet in an html page. I've had success doing this in the past, but now that I have more than one class in the applet, I seem to get an error every time I try to load the applet in an html page. For a bit, I was writing the html page by hand, but then I realized the applet viewer in netbeans (the IDE I'm coding ...

accessing javascript from inside java

Hello all. I know that there are lots of examples out there on this, but they all feel a little dated (even the sun docs) so I'm asking here to make sure what I'm doing is up to date. How would I go about talking to javascript from inside a java applet? Something simple like how to call alert() is all I'm looking for. Bonus points for a ...

Applet Based Jasper Report!

The thing I am doing is displaying Jasper Report in an JApplet in web browser. Eeverything is working fine except two. The detail section of my report is not showing up in the applet. I'm sure that there is no issue with the report filling as the values of query fields put in other sections like page header are showing up. Only the det...

New Java applet plugin not being used?

I am deploying a signed & trusted applet. We need to run the applet in a separate JVM & increase the heap size. Setting separate_jvm & java_arguments works on our local boxes. Curiously we have clients that though they are using 1.6.0_15 don't seem to be running the new plugin architecture. When I check their Java config, "use next-gener...

XCode: File Not Found?

I have a target that uses classes from a static library (.a file). I have the static library in XCode and it is required for the target and is in the "Linked Libraries" section. In the code I use a class from the static library like: #include "class_from_static.h" But XCode complains that the file "class_from_static.h" is not found...

Executing a command from the web browser

What is the best way to execute a command on the client computer via the web browser? I know a Java applet is one way, but I really don't want to use Java. Will a firefox plugin work? ...

What is the Applet replacement in .Net

What is the Applet replacement in .Net. If i would need to change the Stock Ticker Applet to a .Net version, What technlogy should i suggest??? Thanks ...

Upload file without "Browse"

I'm planning to write a web application (.net probably) that will need to analyze images found on users local machine. The trivial solution would be letting the user browse and select the file to be uploaded. I want to automate this process as possible and since I should know the exact location of the image file on the local disk (I'm ...

Java Applets, Internet Explorer and Fiddler

Wish the latest Java runtimes (1.5 or 1.6) is the applet pluggin suppoed to use the Internet Explorer web stack to download the .jar file? The reason I ask is I can't see the request in Fiddler. More background - I'm trying to troubleshoot this error: load: class at.workforce.applet.VMVersionApplet.class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFou...

Java: Problem using setText() method with Button

Hello all, I'm new to java and I'm trying to swap out the text on a Button I've created. The code for my main class is as follows: import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.*; public class TeamProject extends Applet implements ActionListener, MouseListener { char[][] charVa...

Looking for a web based embeddable file manager that is cross platform

I'm looking for a web based embeddable file manager that is cross platform. I haven't found anything suitable through Google or the Stack Overflow archives. Does anyone know of a file manager that meets the following criteria? The file manager must be embeddable (e.g. Flash or a Java applet) run from my server (no storing uploads in...

Unicode/Japanese characters in a Java applet

I'm writing an applet that's supposed to show both English and Japanese (unicode) characters on a JLabel. The Japanese characters show up fine when I run the applet on my system, but all I get is mojibake when I run it from the web page. The page can display Japanese characters if they're hard-coded into the HTML, but not in the applet. ...

Capturing text from controls on a Java Applet

Is it possible to capture the text of say a Edit Box or Label control on a Java Applet? In a more traditional Win32 program this can be accomplished using FindWindow, FindWindowEx together with things like GetWindowText. I have investigated with WinSpy but the Java Applet is just one large window with no children. I am wondering if th...

JApplet/JPanel not receiving KeyListener events!

Hello, I cannot get my JPanel within my JApplet to receive keyboard events. I CANNOT FATHOM why! Note that... Clicking the panel (with mouse) before typing makes no difference. This is by far the most common advice I see given on the Net. I have tried using the 'low-level' java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher interface. That makes no differen...

XSS and Applet/Param HTML Keywords

I have a Web application and have run a XSS scan on it and it reports that one of my pages that has a Java applet in it could potentially be open to XSS. The test managed to assign a javascript alert box to the following HTML code: <param name='id' value='' onMouseOver=alert(40041)> My question is - Is this a valid test? Will doing ...

SELinux, Fedora, and Trusted Applet crashing?

For some reason, if I run Firefox 3.5.x under Fedora 11 with SELinux enabled, my browser crashes when I attempt to embed the applet dynamically. Under Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac, the user is prompted to trust the signer and then trust the executing java applet, but under Fedora, I never see this prompt. If I disable SELinux, I get NO promp...

APPLET tag missing CODE parameter - not really?

Hello all, I am trying to implement this demo on my local machine. I have placed these 3 files in a folder: LittleShootApplet.class appletLoader.js filepath.html I have pointed my browser to that location but I keep getting applet missing code parameter even though it does?! APPLET tag missing CODE parameter. j...

How do I override calls to ActiveX and Java Applets made by javascript so that I can change the resource path? These objects are being dynamically embeded.

I have developed a reverse proxy and currently ONLY process the "html/text" responses from the remote applications, everything else (images, javascript, etc) are passed thru unmodified. The problem I'm having is when the remote site contains javascript that dynamically inserts either java applets or activex controls into the page, as th...

System.getProperty("user.language") always return "en" not user current Language settings

Hi, This is now drying me mad. I have a javaApplet on top of a page. Within this javaApplet I must detect the user preferred language FireFox-Tools-Options-Content-Languages-Choose.I have 3 languages in there and the firstOne is Spanish/Spain[es-ES]by doing the following String locale= System.getProperty("user.language")+"-"+...

reading data file on any network device from java applet ?

how can java applets read data file from any device which is in same network with client computer is it possible with signed applets or with any security policy ? ...