
java - multiplayer connection

Ok so I'm not Java expert but I'm just programming this java applet game for fun to test my skills. the hardest part so far has been blocked tiles and coming on and off new maps. Anyways, my current game is located at I know, the design is really really simple and bland but I plan on changing that later. They ar...

java - change array

OK let's say I have this array: public int[][] loadBoard(int map) { if (map == 1) { return new int[][] { {2,2,24,24,24,24,24,1,3,0,0,0,1 }, { 2,2,24,23,23,23,24,1,3,0,0,0,1 }, { 1,1,24,23,23,23,24,1,3,3,3,3,1 }, { 1,1,24,24,23,24,24,1,1,1,1,3,1 }, { 1,1,1,1,7,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1 }, { 6,1,1,1,7,7,7,7,7,1,1,1,1 }, { 6,3,3,1,3,3,3...

Creating a custom modal dialog for a Swing applet / application

I'm writing a Swing application that needs to function either as an applet in a browser or as a standalone application, i.e. it may be contained in either a JFrame or a JApplet. In this context, I'd like to display a custom modal dialog box to the user (i.e. a complex dialog with a custom layout and logic, not just one of the simple JOp...

java for arrays

I am trying to fix a array problem where it stores images into arrays so I don't have to do it individualy. Here my code: tiles = new Image[NUM_TILES]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TILES; i++) { tiles[i] = getImage(getClass().getResource(String.format("tiles/t%d.png", i))); } weapon = new Image[2]; for (int xi = 0; xi < 2; xi++) { ...

java - applet delete image

Sorry asking so many questions but believe me.. I tried Google first. :) When you use the g.drawImage in paint() on an Applet... is there a way you can remove it? What I mean is remove the image that was drawn. ...

java border gui

I am not good with GUIs or User Interfaces in Java. Would a Border or JPanel be good for something like the image below? So, what would be the best option for me? Thank you. ...

java textarea no focus

I have this applet and within that applet it's within a Borderlayout. Anyway, I'm using KeyEvents on the applet and I make sure the focus stays on THAT by using this.setFocusable( true ); ok, so i can move around using keyevents. However, if the user ACCIDENTLY clicks on the textarea... there is no more way to go back to the screen...

java jpanel not working

I'm trying to make a 4x5 Grid within a JPanel that is on a BORDERLAYOUT in EAST... soo here is pic: Here is the code: setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); JPanel invOne = new JPanel(newGridLayout(4,5)); JPanel game = new JPanel(); add("Center",invOne); add("East", game); add("South", c); for (int i = 0, j = 2...

java applet buttons

OK so I have this applet thats like this BorderLayout.CENTER - (Within this is JPanel) BorderLayout.EAST - (Within this is a new GridLayout (4,5) BorderLayout.SOUTH - (Within this is a TextArea) Anyway, on the applet, I have to HOVER over the buttons to see them. They don't paint there I guess but I'm adding them in the init() metho...

How can I embed a Java applet dynamically with Javascript?

I want to be able to insert a Java applet into a web page dynamically using a Javascript function that is called when a button is pressed. (Loading the applet on page load slows things down too much, freezes the browser, etc...) I am using the following code, which works seamlessly in FF, but fails without error messages in IE8, Safari...

java.lang.RuntimeException: ERROR: Failed to recover corrupt cache entry

I just had this error message from one of my users. (IE8, Java 1.6.20 ). It is from an applet which receives instructions from Javascript and executes certain processes on the client. RangeError java.lang.RuntimeException: ERROR: Failed to recover corrupt cache entry at com.sun.deploy.cache.CacheEntry.recover at com.sun.deploy.cache.Cac...

java images to grid layout

Can you add an Image to a GridLayout? ...

Java Null Pointer Exception on JLIST

OK so I'm trying to output the current string from an array that was put into a list... However when I click on the list I get a NullPointerException... :\ Help? :) import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class lisTry extends JApplet implements MouseListener { public static...

java refreshing an array into jList

OK so I have a JList and the content is provided with an array. I know how to add elements to an array but I want to know how to refresh a JList... or is it even possible? I tried Google. :\ import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class bs extends JApplet implements MouseList...

Java applet - mouse and key listener

Is there a way to implement a KeyListener and MouseListener in the same applet? I already tried any ways I thought that would work and I tried Google. :\ my try: C:\Users\Dan\Documents\DanJavaGen\ tileGen is not abstract and does not override abstract method mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) in java.awt.event.Mouse...

Java Applet - List error

OK so I'm doing an ArrayList into a (awt) List and I'm getting the following errors when compiling. C:\Users\Dan\Documents\DanJavaGen\ cannot find symbol symbol : constructor List(java.lang.Object[]) location: class java.awt.List list = new java.awt.List(arr.toArray()); ^ C:\Users\Dan\Docume...

Java List set Background of list item

Simple question: How to change a background color of a Java AWT List? By that I mean the list ITEM *not* the WHOLE list. SO > Google :) ...

Java JList not appearing

On every JList I've made... I've had to CLICK on it before ANY of the JList would show up. It was like... invisible but still there... UNTIL I clicked on it... I have tried list.setVisible(true) and such... but no luck. :\ Help? Yes, I tried the Javadoc, Google, AND SO Search. >_< I have never encountered a problem like this. Code: i...

Limit Java Applet to only one instance.

Hi all, I have been using Stackoverflow for a while to find solutions to my programming questions, but for the current question I haven't found a useful solution. So I joined up. What would be a good solution to limit a Java applet to only one instance. I'm using php to serve the applet to the end user, so that would be an option. But...

Signed java applet

I am creating a socket connection with an unsigned applet to a different host and I'm getting access denied If I sign this applet with either "self-cert" or "CA cert" does the applet gain the permissions to create a socket connection to a different host (not the same host it was downloaded from) and...