
Large file uploads with Java applet

Hi, I've been tasked with implementing large (2gb+) file uploads via a web browser. After evaluating various technologies, java applets seem to be the way forward (only one's which provide proper access to the local disk). I was wondering if anyone can recommend a 3rd party file upload app we can use as a base? requirements are Decen...

How can I cause the browser to navigate to a given URL from a Java applet?

I have a Java applet consisting of a wizard-like form with three steps. At the final step, the user can click a "finish" button. I want that button to cause the web browser to navigate to a specific URL. Question: Is there a way to cause the browser to navigate to a specific URL, in such a way that it will work across all modern browser...

how to open word document in ie without open / save dialog in java applet

how to open word document in ie without open / save dialog in java applet ...

Finding the class with the main method in an applet

I'm trying to use this tool to find some information out about an applet's swing structure. Unfortunately, I didn't develop the applet. I've pulled the jars for the applet from the cache, but there are several hundred .class files in the jars, and I don't know which one has the main method. Is the...

What does the "J" in JApplet mean?

What does the "J" in JApplet mean? ...

Applets and JDBC

Hi Im new to Applets and I am trying to set up a login applet that connects to my mySQL database.... It shows in Netbeans but not when I load it.... Can someone have a look and give back any suggestions? P.S.Do I need to place my file in Tomcat? /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the edi...

Elgently ignoring netscape.javascript.JSException during development

Hello, Eclipse allows you debug applets using sun.applet.AppletViewer. It will actually start the applet, run it and emulate complete browser runtime. If you have javascript manipulation code in your applet this will cause JSException because the present context is not a real JS enabled engine. How would you solve this issue? I can see...

How to get java 1.6 applet working on mac os x

anyone got java 1.6 applet working on mac os x ? check it on I got Java using object and applet tag 1.5.0_16 (1.5.0_16-133) from Apple Inc. and you ? on windows and linux 1.6 working gracefully :S ...

How can I open and close a browser window from a Java applet?

I would like to open a new window at, but then later close that window. My current code is as follows: link="" try { AppletContext a = getAppletContext(); URL url = new URL(link); a.showDocument(url,"_blank"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println( e.getMessage() ); } ...

Active rendering and the EDT (Swing animation)

How should I run animation in a Swing applet? I have an animation thread performing active rendering and it initially animates fine. Sometimes (anywhere from 1 minute to 2 hours later) it begins to fail to update the screen and only the sounds occur. I believe this is due to the fact that the paint is not performed from the EDT causing ...

Playing audio streams on a web page

I have a list of radio stations, mostly .mp3 and .ogg. I would like to have a player on a web page that could be controlled with JavaScript. Now I use jlgui, but it is somewhat limited. Do you know of any alternative to jlgui? Preferably a java applet, but I can tolerate flash or even a system-default media player for a particular conte...

Accessing resources locally in an applet on IE6

Was trying to follow when came across error. Seems that getResource returns null when accessing the page locally (i.e., when URL is, say, "C:\projects\html\test.html") in IE6. Class and resource are in same JAR file. Anybody know the reasons and a work-around (if one...

applet fails to load class from jar

Some users are complaining that the applet no longer works, When they view the java console they are greeted with a java.lang.noClassDefFoundError and checking my access log's I see they have downloaded the jar file that contains the class, and then issue a get request for the particular class. Different users break on different classes...

Draw Gaussian curve in Java

I'm coding an interactive applet with Piccolo and I need to include a Gaussian curve (aka Normal distribution chart) inside it. I imagine any kind of Java implementation would be enough, but I can't find any. Ideally, I'd like to pass a set of values and have the chart drawn in a panel, an image object or anything that can be embedded ...

loading applet in the web browser's page

import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Color; public class sampleapp extends Applet { public void init() { this.setBackground(Color.BLACK); } } I am trying to load the above mentioned applet in mozilla browser. <applet code="sampleapp.class" width="100" height="100"></applet> After hosting that web page(i...

What are the correspondent of Servlet and Applet in .NET?

I am trying to understand what's the correspondent of servlets and applets in .NET but I don't have much experience in JAVA. I am thinking applets could be compared to the silverlight stuff, meaning you code independently from the browser, but then it's not like that since (between other things) you can re-use an applet outside the brow...

How can I check if I have that java 6 plugin 2 for applets installed?

Also, is creating an applet that uses the java 6 plugin 2 thing any different than creating a normal applet? ...

In the Java Plug-In applet options, what does jar "pre-loading" do?

I'm investigating options for speeding up the initial load time of our applets. Looking at the Java Plugin Developer Guide, i see an applet parameter option called cache_archive_ex which references pre-loading. What's that? I can't find any documentation on what that means exactly anywhere. And a deeper question, which noone need answ...

Why is this simple applet using up >50% of my CPU?

I wrote a simple applet to have as a base fr making games, and it's already using up >50% of my CPU. I'm on a 3ghz P4 with 1.5gb ram, so I know it shouldn't take up THAT much. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class applettest extends Applet implements Runnable { long lastFrame; public void init() { (new T...

client-side applet caching?

Is it possible to cache a jar file used in an applet on the client-side? I am reading conflicting information: it appears you can set a "cache" parameter with <object> + <param> However - I guess <applet> is the preferred way to go? I have not seen any sort of cache attribute for the applet tag. Does anyone know of a way to c...