
Is there a way to use a dictionary or xml in the Application Settings?

I have to store a complex type in the application settings. I thought that storing it as XML would work best. The problem is I don't know how store XML. I prefer to store it as a managed XML rather than using just a string of raw XML having to parse it on each access. I managed to set the Type column of the setting to XDocument, but I w...

How do I create 1 .NET Settings per instance of DLL

My service is a DLL and it can be installed multiple times. The DLL has its settings stored in Settings.settings. Each instance of the DLL will have its own Settings.settings. Can this be done with Settings.settings, or do I have to create my own configuration scheme? I want to avoid reinventing the wheel if possible. I don't have to ...

How to access MyProject.MySettings.Default.SomeSetting from xaml?

I have defined a StringCollection in the Project Settings. I want to use the values in a ComboBox. Is there a way to access it xamly? I tried: <CollectionViewSource Source="{x:Static src:MySettings.Default.MyCollection}" /> <CollectionViewSource Source="{Binding Source={x:Static src:MySettings.Default.MyCollection}}" /> *src is...

How to remove Settings when uninstalling

My program is installed with a Visual Studio Setup project. The program, when run, creates a user.config file in its default location since I'm using Settings. When uninsalling, how do I get the uninstaller to remove that user.config file? Also, how do I cause the uninstaller to remove a folder in %AppData%? ...

How do I invoke my custom settings provider?

I need to specify a different location for my settings file. After many long hours of searching, I found out that I have to write my own SettingsProvider. I succeeded in creating one which allows me to specify a path for settings file via its constructor. Programatically, I can contruct it like this: var mycustomprovider = new CustomS...

Where should I store my application data?

I have an application that needs to store data. Currently, I am using the built-in Application Settings to do it, but it only gives me two choices: application and user scopes. Ideally, I want a "local" scope that allows the application to run under another user and still find its data rather than recreate it for that user. The applic...

Documenting (XML) Application Settings in Visual Studio 2010

Hi all, I recently created a (C#) project with Visual Studio (2010) and used some Settings (which I created under Properties). The only place I found where I can add some XML comments for my documentation, would be in Settings.Designer.cs. However this file is auto-generated so whenever I change the Settings, the comments are gone. Eve...

What to store at application Settings, numeric / string representations or objects?

Hello, I've been thinking for a while on what to store at the Project Settings, objects or numeric/string representations of those objects to set a rule and avoid thinking on this at the future so I want to take the best approach. On one side storing object representations grants you that what is stored is valid and saves you from doin...

listbox bound to a Specialized.StringDictionary does not update

I've got a listbox (listStorageLocations) - thats bound to a BindingSource called listStorageLocationsBindingSource. This BindingSource is bound to a collection of StringDictionary items in my Settings.Default.StorageLocations. The listbox's datasource is then set to the bindingsource. I cannot for the life of me get anything to display ...

In a given C# windows form application/WPF, where are user settings usually stored?

I was thinking either: Appconfig File A generic .XML file and have the program load values at launch. What is the best way to do this? A website with a best user tutorial perhaps? ...

Rails: Settingslogic accessible to users?

I have my app configured with Settingslogic, which I love. My question is how to I make a page on my Rails app where Administrators can make changes to the settings specified in config/settings.yml?? I assume said page would have to read and display appropriate form fields for all the values in the YAML file, then save those values back...

Application settings methods? c++

I am thinking about adding configurable settings to an application, and I think the easiest ways are an external file or win registry (its a win only app). Which way would be better? I was wondering, an user with not enough permissions may not be able to create/write the config file. And in the case of the registry, would todays antivi...

How to bind a control boolean property to contrary of boolean application setting?

How to bind a control Boolean property to contrary of Boolean application setting? For example I want to bind "Visible" property of a button to "!Flag", that "Flag" is a Boolean field in application settings. ...

C# settings using ApplicationSettingsBase - roaming and common

I'm using the Windows Forms Application settings architecture (or however you're supposed to refer to it) and am successfully saving user settings to AppData. What I want to do is have some settings common to all users of a particular machine and some settings which roam with users across machines. For example I have some settings relat...

Why does binding my radiobuttons to application settings change their behaviour when clicked?

Possible Duplicate: Using ApplicationSettings to store Checked property for WinForms RadioButtons I have three radiobuttons in a groupbox. When they are not bound to application settings, they behave normally. After binding each of their checked properties to application settings, the following happens: I have to click an unc...

Keep settings in sync between forms application and windows service (or any n-tier, really)

I have a Windows Service that performs a number of periodic activities, and I want to change the settings of this service from a Windows Forms app. I'm not sure, though, about the best way to make sure the service has the most updated user preferences in it (how often to run, what folders to use for things, whatever else the user can spe...

Get the path to the current application settings file

I have so many bloody different nested folders with different names that were all automatically created by the settings engine that I can no longer tell where the active settings file resides on my machine. Is there a way to determine the path to the active settings file programmatically so I can output it to a debug console? ...

Configuration System Error and Folder Names

I just grappled with an annoying, extremely persistent bug that had me scratching my head for several hours. I'm using C# (.Net Framework 2.0) in conjunction with the built in Settings, which generates an XML file. The settings worked wonderfully... until today. Today, whenever I ran the program from the IDE, it gave me this error: Conf...

.NET MVC - How to utilize custom settings provider?

I have created a custom settings provider to store my application settings in a separate XML file. I've created settings and values through Visual studio (Solution -> My Project -> Settings) and specified my custom provider. It doesn't seem to be 'used' by the application. I can put breakpoints everywhere in my custom provider, but they...

WPF Properties.Settings throws exception on launch and close

When my Wpf app starts up I get a BindingFailureException in Settings.Designer.cs [global::System.Configuration.UserScopedSettingAttribute()] [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public global::System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Projects { get { return ((global::System.Coll...