
what’s the best way to do this operation

hi ,,, I have a question about what’s the best way to do this operation: I have a database let’s assume that it has 4 tables(the number of table could go up much higher), when I want to do any CRUD(Insert,update,delete) operations for table1 , table2 and table3 I have to do the same operations to table4,now table4 is very critical s...

Any advice regarding a hexagonal architecture with serialization as the primary metaphor?

I've got the opportunity to rewrite the core of an internally-developed application that my employer uses for document control. My "core" requirements list goes something like this: Make it easier to import/export to various formats (collection of files + fairly extensive metadata being the common factor) Make it easier to add new fie...

In agile development how do you deal with the "less-well-architected" code that results from a sprint-focussed mindset

I work on an agile project using Scrum. Sprints have come and gone and we have fulfilled milestones successfully. The system works well enough to meet the current customer requirements. However, we are left with a system in serious need of refactoring, as much of the development was performed with little eye on the future (instead the...

I designed an architecture for web app running on single computer

Hi, I am planning to build a web app running on a single computer and exploit the hardware resources as efficient as possible. The logic of app will not be complex. The following is my design: OS: Linux (CentOS 5) Web Server: Nginx Web script: PHP Database: Tokyo cabinet + Tokyo Tyrant Index: Sphinx I am not going to use RDBMS such...

What are the steps to get plugin or extension functionality in a C# application?

I've done plugin architectures in Win32 & C/C++ for years, with extension points dynamically loaded from DLLs with LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress, etc. Now the time has come to C#. What are the corresponding steps there - dynamically load an assembly? Or is it a completely different schema? ...

Affect of Content Deployment on Caching

Hi All , we are working on a website with three tier architecture. And the content store is a File System which contains the static content like images and all. We have two types of pages which contain static content and dynamic content but on the whole the page rendering is dynamic. The question is what will be the affect of accessing...

Long Integer and Float

If a Long Integer and a float both take 4 bytes to store in memory then why are their ranges different? ...

n-tiered architecture with Silverlight, WCF and nHibernate

Dear All! I try to set-up a clean and flexbible application-framework for data-centric applications with silverlight-only UI. I want to have a strict seperation of concerns, and want to be as flexible as possible (e.g. exchange the ORM later) while still reducing the amount of code. It took me weeks to figure out an appropriate archite... mvc am i using too many classes for my models?

I am creating an n-tier wep app with mvc which calls a stateless service layer. so, in addition to the "model" that the service layer handles with an ORM, I have a DTO for each model class which maps to a specific controller. Then for each DTO class I have a UI model class, which i populate with appropriate data from the DTO th...

Mac 10.6 Universal Binary scipy: cephes/specfun "_aswfa_" symbol not found

Hi folks, I can't get scipy to function in 32 bit mode when compiled as a i386/x86_64 universal binary, and executed on my 64 bit 10.6.2 MacPro1,1. My python setup With the help of this answer, I built a 32/64 bit intel universal binary of python 2.6.4 with the intention of using the arch command to select between the architectures. ...

java: refactoring case (M and C of MVC?)

I have a situation in Java where I have an external device that I want to communicate via serial I/O. I know how to do this, but I'm now in a refactoring mode to make sure I've got a maintainable software package, & was looking for advice on what to do / not to do at a high level (specific questions below) Conceptually, let's say I have...

Call graph of the whole application

Hi all, Is there a non-toyish tool that can create a call graph of the whole application? I don't mean just getting a picture or drawing call graph by means of pointing method-by-method. I need a call graph, which is accessible programmatically, i.e. the tool should flush it to a file in text mode (e.g. XML) or build the call graph in ...

OOAD book recommendation: from theory to practice

I am on the quest to be a good OO-developer. OO intrigues me, because I understand the patterns, know why composition gives you more flexibility then inheritance, and more of such wisdom. However, I came to the conclusion that I know how to implement a factory of a singleton, but that I do not know how to come up with a robust OO design....

How to make lookup tables shared to multiple site with the same DB and every site can have a customized list of this lookup ?

I want to having all common data (i.e. nationalities) identical in all site (the main webmaster/administrator who should decide either to make a certain list global or not) how to achieve this goal in the database design or in the system architecture ...

MVP and communication between GWT widgets

If I am using the MVP pattern with GWT, as in the GWT architecture best practices talk from Google I/O from 2009, but have spread out the information into multiple widgets, how should the value object be populated? Say I have a EditPersonView/Presenter, a EditPetView/Presenter and an EditAddressView/Presenter and the last two are widget...

Server multi-threading, a must for Protocol ? and more

Suppose a application level protocol is implemented via UDP. Client timeout is required, thus server need to keep state of each client it talks to. Also suppose select is used. Is it always the best to implement multi-threading server? I figure a link-list will do the same, where server timeout time=Earliest Timeout of a client- Curre...

C# Business Object Architecture question regarding Business and DTO objects

Background We have our own Business Object Architecture, a much lighter (...and loosely based on, but does'nt actually use...) version of the "CSLA" business object framework with similar usage, validation, inclusive DAL etc. All code is generated (stored procs and Business Objects are creaed using CodeSmith) The Business Objects are q...

Avoiding sub-type selection in view code

Hi, I have some code where the model contains some classes like ( pseudocode, but could be any OO language): Enum AttributeType Boolean Date String End Enum MustInherit Class Attibute Must Override Function Type As AttributeType End Class Class BooleanAttribute: Attribute Function Type As AttributeType ...

Can a J2EE solution architect contribute in a .NET shop?

An organization I work with is heavily invested in .NET technology, including several high-traffic ASP.NET websites that are used by internal and external customers. We are looking into hiring a solution architect to support these applications and work on new initiatives. Several of the resumes coming in are from candidates whose entire...

Which function architecture is the best for maintainability in this simple case?

I'm adding "promo code" functionality to an online shopping cart written by someone else. This is a pretty micky mouse architecture question, but I would like to hear a couple of opinions. All three of my ideas would work, but which do you think is best for maintainability? So, here's the basic table structure for the promo codes: CR...