
Dynamically bind argument and default value to existing function in Javascript

Let's suppose you have some function someFunc() already defined in javascript, that may or may not have its own argument set defined. Is it possible to write another function to add a required argument and set that argument to a default for someFunc()? Something like: var someFunc = function(arg1, arg2 ...){ Do stuff...} var addRequired...

reading optional attributes from optional setting in javascript

What is the most efficient way of reading optional attributes in an optional setting argument. I'm using something like: f = func(var1, optionalsettings) { var2 = (optionalsettings === undefined ? 0 : (optionalsettings['var2'] == null ? 0 : optionalsettings['var2'])); }; But I've the feeling it can be done more efficient...

jquery, IE 8 Invalid argument error

Hello All, This code works fine in FF, Chrome & Safari, but IE 8 is throwing several Invalid Argument Errors when I run it: <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { $('div .box').each(function() { $(this).width($(this).find('img').width()); }); }); </script> You can see it in ...

typedef solving for dll wrapper

I want to write a wrap for a DLL file, in this case for python. The problem is that the argument types are not the C standard ones. They have been typedef'end to something else. I have the header files for the DLL files... so I can manually track the original standard C type the argument type was typedef'ined to. But wanted a more syste...

Drupal: change view argument

Hello, I searched far and wide to find a working solution to this but couldn't find it. What I want to do is change the argument that is passed to the view because I want for pathauto cleaned taxonomy terms to work as an argument. I have a code that transforms cleaned term back to a original one, but cannot make the view use it. I saw s...

How to pass argument with exclamation mark on linux?

I have simple python script that receive username and password as argument. But my password contains two exclamation marks.When i call script: salafek@dellboy:~/Desktop/$ -u username -p pass!! command that I enter earlier replace exclamation marks salafek@dellboy:~/Desktop/$ -u username -p "passemailsender...

In PHP, I need to make a POST request, but one of the variables must be a text file. How do I do it?

Here's what I need to do. In my PHP script, I need to make a POST request, but one of the arguments must be sent as a text file named data.txt. I already wrote a little script that will send the POST request and send the arguments. The server expects an argument that's an array with two elements, arg0 and arg1. arg0 is a regular string, ...

Create menu link to view with argument

Hi there, I'm trying to use hook_menu to create a link to a view which takes an argument. However if I use the path (in $items[view-path/%dest]) that I've already set as the path in the view then the link doesn't appear. I'm guessing there's a path conflict somewhere. Is there a way round this? Or can I use another method to return the ...

c++ Start process with argument

i know how to Start process with argument but im trying to create a program that uses this arguments. for example IE8 uses Process::Start( "IExplore.exe",""); as a argument to open new window with url i want my program to use the argument are send it but i don't know how to get the the argument. like Process::Start(...

Python: object as an argument of another object

I have a module including definitions for two different classes in Python. How do I use objects of one class as an argument of the other? Say, I have class definitions for Driver and Car, and tuen want to have a Driver object as an argument for a Car object. ...

Why is it necessary to load every argument onto the stack in CIL method?

Hi, in my application I need to dynamically create a type that contains multiple properties. I am aware that in cases such as this, one has to generate an CIL for both getter and setter methods of a property by using an ILGenerator. More by a trial and error than anything else, I've finally arrived to the following code that generates ...

Macros as default param for function argument

Hello, I'm writing logger file. I'd prefer to use macros _FUNCTION_ there. I don't like the way like: Logger.write("Message", __FUNCTION__); Maybe, it's possible to make something like: void write(const string &message, string functionName = __FUNCTION__) { // ... } If not, are there any ways to do that stuff not by hands (I mea...

jQuery animate opacity, remove div and getting invalid argument error within ie8

Hey everyone, i got a list of logos, which have to be centered, so far so good. While accessing the page i've noticed that the pictures got an ugly jump while being positioned. So i've decided to set a div above those logos, drop opacity from 1 to 0 and finally remove it, so that their are clickable again. Works very nice in Firefox, O...

RSpec Argument Error

I'm getting an argument error whenever I run an RSpec test on any controller action that uses a POST or PUT action. It's happening on all of the controllers, no matter what I do. It's just the "wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" one. The app is working, but the tests are all failing. I think this is happening whenever a "save" is call...

Throwing ArgumentNullException in constructor?

For a constructor with a single parameter, is it OK to throw an ArgumentNullException inside the constructor if the parameter is null/empty? OR, should it be thrown in the method that actually uses the argument? Thanks. ...

EXCEL VLOOKUP FUNCTION | When switching to another doc, Function Argument window disappears?

Hello! I have problem with Excel 2007 when using VLOOKUP function. After switching to another document for referencing value in "Table_array" field, window dissapears. Google finds some results about the problem, but nothing helpful. Following things have already been considered: - Security problems (Trusted center is OK, settings too...

In GWT 2.1.0.M2 the options "-style pretty" couldn't be recognized

I am using GWT eclipse plugin and try to add option "-style pretty" inside arguments tab of debug configuration window in eclipse. But after click debug it just prompts "Unknown argument: -style". I used to use webcreator to create gwt app. this is my first time to use plugin and i am not sure i put it into the right place or gwt 2.1.0.M...

passing functions

Ok, it's been a while since I wrote in C++. and I've never done anything quiet this high level. So basically I need to create a class. The constructor for the class needs to take a reference (or pointer) to a method form another class, or to a function. Basically I have a class that needs to on occasion read a value from a fltk valuato...

[C#] Pass arguments to running application

Hey all, this is my first question I'm posting on this website so if it isn't the correct way to do it I would like to apologize upfront. I am making an image uploader (upload image to image hosting website) and I'm having some issues passing an argument (image location to an already running application) -First of all let's say MyApp.e...

C++: Trouble Using String as Argument of a Function

Okay, I am having trouble with the following piece of code (in a header file): #ifndef XML_H_INCLUDED #define XML_H_INCLUDED #include "libxml/parser.h" #include "libxml/xmlwriter.h" #include <string> class XmlFile{ public: XmlFile(string filename){ file = xmlParseFile(filename); } xmlDocPtr file; //Pointer to xml...