ASP.NET MVC 2 - avoiding returnUrl parameter being set by partial view's Ajax ActionLink

In a master / detail scenario, I use an Edit ActionLink that fetches the partial details view via a jQuery Ajax call; pretty typical, right? The problem I've come across is when a user's auth token expires and he clicks on the Edit ActionLink. The returnUrl parameter of the LogOn action is being set by the ActionLink that returns the p... solution Licensing

Hi, Im developing an mvc 2 project and I would like to implement the following licensing scheme: Customers can buy the solution compiled or with the source code (the second option it will be more expensive). So if they buy the source code they can customize it as they need. But I would like them to pay for each copy of my softw... mvc application improving Efficiencey suggestions

Please can any body provide me suggestions for standards that you feel are necessary or are areas where effciency/maintenance would improve through standardization. Like GUI,Controller,Repository. Any ideas reagrding ViewModels can be specified under the Controller section? if we place any good results? Thanks ...

Having difficulty with ModelBinding and Dictionary, ASP.NET MVC 2.0

Using the following model, I expect that when the Submit button is hit, the Edit Method to Fire, and the model parameter to have the adjusted values. But it keeps returning an instance of the class with all null values. It is as if no model binding ever happens. class Trait { string Name { get; set; } // other properties } class Desi...

ASP.NET MVC Long-Lived Complex Object

The title is a bit complicated, but it fits my problem. I have a complex object that acts more like a service that I need to expose within the scope of a user's session. The majority of the application will exist within a page or two and numerous ajax calls for dynamic interaction with the service. I'm still getting used to MVC so exc...

How to pass the anti-forgery token an action method with the HttpDelete attribute in ASP.NET MVC?

Is this even possible? Code looks like this ... [Transaction] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] [HttpDelete] public ActionResult Delete(int id) { ...} ...

How should this user process be implemented to make it as intuitive as possible

I have to create this process: you have an arbitrary list of people you have to set their working schedule in terms of 5-2 or 6-4 (workdays and free days) you have to schedule it for several months ahead (usually 3 or 12) schedule sequence repeats schedule sequence starts on any day for any person - so first work day is not necessarily...

Pass collection of enums to ASP.NET MVC ActionMethod

Is there a way to pass a collection of Enums to an ActionMethod (on a GET) automatically? For example, if I have the following enum definition: enum DaysEnum {Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri}; and, I have an ActionMethod definition of: ActionResult SampleActionMethod ( List<DaysEnum> days) Is there a way I could render, in a Vie...

Creating Menus in MVC

I want create menu item in MVC just as like as home and about us.I tried adding following code in "Site.Master" page. <%: Html.ActionLink("Patners","Patner","Home") %> And I've created one view called "patner" by right clicking on "Home" folder in solution explorer and checking the check box of "create strongly-typed view" and vi...

event not rendering by jquery to view in mvc

Hi, I am implementing the full calender in jquery in my mvc application by referring from here but as per this blog it should be render the events on dates given in the controller action. but it is does not. i followed exact same steps . i checked many times there is no mistake. so why should be this happening? please guide me ...

ASP.NET MVC2 - Custom properties on a ViewPage

Hi, What I thought should be a fairly simple search, turned out to be alot more. Atm I'm using a baseclass(MasterModel) for all my Models, that then get passed down from the ViewPage< HomeIndexModel > to the ViewMasterPage< MasterModel > and everything works fine. This was done this way after reading a post by "Scott Gu". Then I thoug...

ASP.NET MVC Authorize Attribute does a 302 redirect when the user is not authorized

MSDN explicitly says it should do 401 redirect, but I'm getting a 302 redirect on FF, and this is causing problems in AJAX requests as the returned status is 200 (from the redirected page). I've found someone else with the same problem:

I need to send an Email notification in my exception message using MVC

Hello Friends, I need to send and Email when Any Message occurs I am trying to logg the errors once I logged it I need to send the Email to them.. Thanks ...

Problem binding selected value to DropDownListFor inside Editor Template

Description I have a payment page that includes a form for entering bank account information. I have encapsulated the bank account information into a Model / Editor Template. The page itself has its own View Model, which happens to contain a BankAccount property to be passed in to the Editor. [[View Models]] public class PaymentPageMo...

ASP.NET MVC2 Multiple submit buttons, submit value null with FireFox and Chrome

I have a form with multiple submit buttons: using(Ajax.BeginForm("Submit", "myController", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post" })) { %> <button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_a">a</button> <button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_b">b</button> <% } %> The controller method is as follows: [Authorize, Hand...

How to write the messages in the Email with two line spacess for each Message

message.Body = "Message: " + ex.Message +Environment.NewLine + "Data:"+ ex.Data + Environment.NewLine + "Stack Trace:" + ex.StackTrace; I am using Environment.NewLine., its going to next line perfectly but I need to put two line separated with ---------------- in between each message Data StackTrace. ...

Mock MVC Site, an Outline for coders to see functionality and to start coding.

I have to setup an MVC project to house all the HTML documents. This would be like a hierarchical structure using routing. The pages don’t have to function, just act as placeholders. It’s really just for the group to see all the HTML Pages to get an Idea of functionality. Then we would back fill groups of pages with the functionality by...

Enterprise Library - validate blank spaces " "

Hi, how do I deny blank spaces (" ") using Enterprise Library validation? [StringLengthValidator(1, RangeBoundaryType.Exclusive, 100, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive)] allows them. Thanks. ...

Can ASP.NET MVC return a javascript response like Ruby on Rails can?

Hello. I'm diving into ASP.NET MVC and I'm coming from a Ruby on Rails background. I'm trying to understand how ASP MVC handles AJAX functionality and, after reading some of the tutorials on the ASP website, it appears they implement AJAX functionality very differently. One of the ways that RoR handles AJAX functionality is by returni...

Log4Net for ADOnetAdapter..for my mvc application

I am using log4net code found at: How do I write the code behind to insert the information in to the table? ...