Using Html.LabelFor to display human readable label?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 and I'm struggling to understand how can I use the Html.LabelFor helpet method. Assuming I have a model: public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } } In my view, if I write: <%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.FirstName) %> What I get on the page is "FirstName". But I don't want that because...

ASP.NET MVC2: Client-side validation not working with Start.js

Ok, this is strange. I would hope it's something I'm doing wrong and not that MS has two technologies that simply don't work together. (UPDATE: See bottom of post for Script tag order in HEAD section) I'm trying to use the dataView template and client-side validation. If I include a reference to: <script src="

ASP.NET MVC search box: use modal popup or inline div or redirect to another page?

I have a view with a textbox and a search button, eg CustomerTextBox and CustomerSearchButton. The list of customers is too long to display in a dropdown, and there has to be advanced search functions anyway. What is the best practice in MVC to handle this case? When the user clicks on the search button, should it: A. Load another ...

Migrating ASP.NET (MVC 2) on .NET 3.5 over to .NET 4 #gotchas

I've currently got a ASP.NET MVC 2 application on .NET 3.5 and I want to migrate it over to the new .NET 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010. Reason being that it's always good to stay on top of these things - plus I really like the new automatic encoding with <%: %> and clean web.config :-) So, does anyone have any experience they could share...

How to deployed Mvc Application on shared-hosting Server?

hi, I My Web site on a HELM Control Panel. I developed my web site on MVC.But My Hosting Provider having a Following components installed on That Hosting Account framework 3.5 and IIS6. But I am Unable to Run My site it display me Page not found error. ...

Change the Views location

I am developing a website in MVC 2.0. I want to change the View folder location in my website. I wanted to keep the views folder inside other folders, When I try to do so i am getting following errors The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched: ~/Views/Search/Index.aspx ~/Views/Search/Index.ascx ...

Using of Templated Helpers in MVC 2.0 : How can use the name of the property that I'm rendering inside template helper?

Hi. I'm reviewing new features of ASP.NET MVC 2.0. During the review i found really interesting using Templated Helpers. As they described it, the primary reason of using them is to provide common way of how some datatypes should be rendered. Now i want to use this way in my project for DateTime datatype My project was written for the...

Deploying MVC2 application to IIS7.5 - Ninject asked to provide controllers for content files

I have an application that started life as an MVC (1.0) app in Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 with a bunch of Silverlight 3 projects as part of the site. Nothing fancy at all. Using Ninject for dependency injection (first version 2 beta, now the released version 2 with the MVC extensions). With the release of .Net 4.0, VS2010, MVC2 etc., we dec...

Use a different port with RequireHttps filter in MVC2

Is it possible to use [RequireHttps] filter with a different port other than 443? I can't find much documentation about it. ...

MVC LOB application

Hi, I'm new to web development and i'm starting with a MVC project. I have a view to create a new Service. In this view, i need to have a button to show a dialog with client names (i also would like to implement filters and paging in this dialog). Once the user selects a client from the dialog, i need to populate some combo boxes in the... mvc create view

I have created a Create view.Now the thing is that I want to throw all the fields from the create view into the data plus two other fields which are not on the view which are created date and created by .How will I do that? ...

Preferred method to inject dynamic model validation parameters in ASP.Net MVC2

Say I have a model which has a payment date public class PaymentModel { [PaymentDateValid] public DateTime PaymentDate { get; set; } } I have created a custom validator PaymentDateValid deriving from ValidationAttribute. The validator needs to lookup from the database the latest payment date and verify that the submitted payme...

Can I Inherit a view of mvc2 from normal master page

Can I Inherit a view in mvc2 from normal master page ...

Asp.Net MVC EditorTemplate Model is lost after Post

I have a controller with two simple Methods: UserController Methods: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult Details(string id) { User user = UserRepo.UserByID(id); return View(user); } [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Details(User user) { return View(user); } Then there is one simple view for displayin...

Unable to use IIS7 with Visual Studio 2010, MVC2.0 and NET4

Here is my environment Windows7, Visual Studio 2010, MVC2.0 and NET4 My default web site is configured to use ASP.NET v4.0 application pool. Here is an easy way to reproduce my problem Create a new MVC2 application Open the properties Window Go to the Web tab Check "Use IIS Local Web Server" Click on "Create Virtual Directory" button ... mvc custom model binding

Hi I am using a custom model binder with mvc 2.0 , everything works locally but when deployed to the server runing iis 7, i get a weird error which is hard to get information about the error is as follows, I am also attaching my model binding class [MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionar...

Applying data annotation on entity framework auto generated file

I have generated entity framework designer classes . After Generating the designer what is the most nicest and cleanest way to apply data annotation to the properties there . I have 3 classes there ...

How do I get property injection working in Ninject for a ValidationAttribute in MVC?

I have a validation attribute set up where I need to hit the database to accomplish the validation. I tried setting up property injection the same way I do elsewhere in the project but it's not working. What step am I missing? public class ApplicationIDValidAttribute : ValidationAttribute { [Inject] protected IRepository<MyTyp...

Changing the Default View Engine's view search behavior.

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 2. I have a bunch of partial views that I render based on different conditions within the same controller. I'd like to not put the physical partial view files in with the controller's other views. I know that when I want a ViewResult using the View() or PartialView() methods the default view engine will sea...

MVC2 EditorTemplate for DropDownList

I've spent the majority of the past week knee deep in the new templating functionality baked into MVC2. I had a hard time trying to get a DropDownList template working. The biggest problem I've been working to solve is how to get the source data for the drop down list to the template. I saw a lot of examples where you can put the sour...