routing (in webforms) without wildcard mapping

If you cannot turn on wildcard mapping for IIS (shared hosting) or can't be bothered (lazyness) can you still use ASP.Net routing if your routes end in one of the "known" ending all routes with .ashx, .aspx etc? From Chris Cavenagh's blog, could his examples of: var routeHandler = new WebFormRouteHandler<Page>...

Is it possible to use System.Web.Routing in Castle Monorail?

Is it possible to use the Microsoft (or Mono) supplied System.Web.Routing instead of the MonoRail routing stuff when building a Castle MonoRail app for ASP.NET? Any good information on how to implement this as a solution? Pros and cons? ...

Advanced ASP.NET MVC routing scenario

Hello, I have an ASP.NET MVC app with the following deployment requirements: The URL structure must be something like: http://server/app/[enterprise]/[communinty]/{controller}/{action}/... What I think I want to be able to do is intercept the URL before the MVC route handler gets its hands on it, remove the [enterprise]/[community] p...

Can ASP.NET Routing be used to create "clean" URLs for .ashx (IHttpHander) handlers?

I have some REST services using plain old IHttpHandlers. I'd like to generate cleaner URLs, so that I don't have the .ashx in the path. Is there a way to use ASP.NET routing to create routes that map to ashx handlers? I've seen these types of routes previously: // Route to an aspx page RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("route-name", ...

ASP.NET 3.5 + System.Web.Routing

I have downloaded sample from here (Demo)but when i deploy it on my Godady server it gives me error Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the...

After throwing a Security Exception, redirect to Login page...

I'm using WebForms and Asp.Net Routing. When trying to implement security on a members folder, I'm following the directions here : private IHttpHandler GeneratePage(string VN, RequestContext RC) { string virtualPath = string.Form...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Point Return Links to Appropriate View

The default scaffolded views generated by ASP.NET MVC 2 contain links such as: <%: Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") %> <%: Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create") %> These links are perfect if I came to this page from that same root. But for example, if I have Orders and Persons and I navigate to /Orders/Edit/17 via /Persons/O...

ASP.NET 3.5 Routing kills DefaultDoc in IIS5.1

I've followed the steps to setup ASP.NET routing here: ASP.NET Routing… Goodbye URL rewriting? I'm on IIS5.1 (yeah, i know) so I had to do the "Wildcard Application Mapping". And now my IIS DefaultDoc "default.aspx" is giving a 404. I can see other people with the same problem here and here, but no solutions. David Wang makes it soun...

RouteLink with dynamic parameters

Hello I'm trying to store routes in database, and list those based on parameters. Kinda like: Route = "NewsDetail" ParamKey 1 = "NewsID" ParamVal 1 = "4" .... 2..3 And I would like to know how I create those routeparameters for the link... <%= Html.RouteLink("Somename", "NewsDetali", new { newsID = Model.News.NewsID, headline...

Return url by routename and routevalues

Hello I'm trying to programatically generate a link by routename and routevalues. I store the routes and values in the database. How can I adjust this helper in order to make it work? public static string GenerateLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string routeName, Dictionary<string, string> parameters) { // ?? RouteValueDictiona...

Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms Routing Not Working in IDE Debug Mode

Greetings, I am using Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0 to build a WebForms project that uses the new routing features in System.Web.Routing. When I build my solution and run it from within VS.NET's debugging environment only routes with RouteUrl's that include a ".aspx" extension are being properly routed to the PhysicalFile. It app...