
Sorting within gridview without any data binding control - how to do it?

Hi, I have a GridView control on my page. GV doesn't use any .net control as a data source to bind to data. I'm doing this in code behind where I'm creating my own DataTable and DataSet. Then I'm binding this DataSet to GV. Next i would like to enable of sorting colums. The issue is that this doesn't work as it should when you don't use...

how to update dynamicaly generated gridview textboxes

i have done to create the parent textbox and child gridview dynamicaly add row in child and all the data is save..... but now i want to update all the data against the Purchase order number and all data must be papolate in specific text boxes like parent txtboxes and gridview dynamicaly (generate gridview textboxes agains the purchase or...

DevExpress Datagrid sorting

In a DexEpress ASPxGridView I have a column that contains voltage. The original values look like 200, 1000, 120 but I am applying a scaling that transforms the values into 200 V, 1 kV and 120 V. How do I sort the column based on the original values and not the string values? (In a .Net datagrid I had 2 columns: one with the original da...

how to make custom export to xls for aspxgridview detail in mastergrid

please help guys.. i'm newbie in c#, i'm using devexpress aspxgridview for my proposed project,it's seem strange to export detail aspgridview with master aspxgridview aboveit, any idea how to make custom export detail aspxgridview to xls. very thank for advance and help.. ...

i want to change pager buttons in devexpress aspx gridview

Hello All, I want to change the Pager buttons which are getting displayed on the aspx gridview.The css is provided through the below way the img tag is given the property src as "/GridNavigatorReports/DXR.axd?r=1_3" How shall I change it.The client wants to display diffrent buttons.Please tell me. Thanks Ritz ...

Configuring a filter for Devexpress ASPxGridView

I have a column named Status that display an image corresponding to states. And I have a filter on this column. How can I localize? <dx:GridViewDataImageColumn Caption="Status" FieldName="Status" Width="100px" ShowInCustomizationForm="True" VisibleIndex="9"> <Settings AllowSort="True" SortMode="Value" AllowHeaderFilter="True" ShowInFi... GridView isn't updating properly.

I have a Gridview with these parameters: <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="ItemGrid" CssClass="Grid" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="true" OnRowDeleting="RowDeleting" AutoGenerateEditButton="true" onRowEditing="RowEdit" OnRowCancelingEdit="CancelRowEdi...

aspxgridview get MasterRowKeyValue from parent

Hi, I am trying to nest a grid within a grid. To populate the most inner grid i need the KeyValue from both the Grids' direct parent, and the parent of the Grids' parent. How can i retrieve the MasterRowKeyValue from the outter most parent? I have 3 grids nested like so: <dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="gridParents" runat="server" ObjectDataSou...

Insert hidden column in asp:GridView but still available client side

This is simple. All I want to do is insert a hidden column into an asp:Griview that I'll be able to access through javascript. Any pointers? ...

DevExpress ASPxGridView callbacks and jQuery

Hi, we have a DevExpress ASPxGridView in our webapp with EnableCallbacks=true to allow client side events for this grid. As soon as we include jQuery (1.4.1 or 1.4.2) and perform eg. a filtering on the ASPxGridView, all client-side grid functionality stop working. We have tried the solution discussed here

ASPxGridview Custom Sorting?? by Month Name

Hi, I have an aspxgridview which groups first by year and then by month. Basically my query returns Month and year as seperate columns. Now if I return month as "January or February" then ASPxGridview does not know how to sort this. I heard of custom sorting, but even then if I return month column as a number and use dataitem templat...

Get checkbox checked event in gridview

I have a gridview with one column of checkboxes and other columns with different custom controls . What I want is that when a checkbox is checked an event is triggered which toggles the visibility of other elements in the row . ...

RaisePostDataChangedEvent not called after returning true from LoadPostData

I have derived my own class ControlStateDropDownList which extends DropDownList. As its name suggests, its purpose is to use the ControlState instead of the ViewState to store the SelectedIndex. AutoPostBack is set to true. This is a requirement because this derived DropDownList needs to be inside an ASPxGridView column, and the ASPxGri...