
Get all the supported Cultures from a satellite assembly

Hi, I am using a satellite assembly to hold all the localization resources in a C# application. What I need to do is create a menu in the GUI with all the available languages that exists for the application. Is there any way to get information dynamically? ...

How are NUnit assemblies appearing in VS "Add Reference" dialog?

So after installing NUnit, the assemblies (nunit.framework, etc.) now appear in the References > Add Reference dialog, but they're not in the %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 dir and there is no NUnit registry entry for the Assembly Path (i.e. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramewokr\AssemblyFolder). There's also no...

Embedding assemblies inside another assembly

If you create a class library that uses things from other assemblies, is it possible to embed those other assemblies inside the class library as some kind of resource? I.e. instead of having MyAssembly.dll, SomeAssembly1.dll and SomeAssembly2.dll sitting on the file system, those other two files get bundled in to MyAssembly.dll and are ...

Referencing different versions of the same assembly

If A references assembly B 1.1 and C, and C references B 1.2, how do you avoid assembly conflicts? I nievely assumed C's references would be encapsulated away and would not cause any problems, but it appears all the dll's are copied to the bin, which is where the problem occurs. I understand the two ways around this are to use the GAC ...

How to load a .NET assembly for reflection operations and subsequently unload it?

I'm writing a tool to report information about .NET applications deployed across environments and regions within my client's systems. I'd like to read the values of assembly attributes in these assemblies. This can be achieved using Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad, however even this approach keeps the assembly loaded. The issue here is th...

Calling .NET methods from VB6 via COM visible DLL

I have created a .NET DLL which makes some methods COM visible. One method is problematic. It looks like this: bool Foo(byte[] a, ref byte[] b, string c, ref string d) VB6 gives a compile error when I attempt to call the method: Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported ...

.NET VS2005 WinForms: How do i drop a user control onto a form?

i've written a UserControl descendant that is in an assembly dll. How do i drop the control on a form? namespace StackOverflowExample { public partial class MonthViewCalendar : UserControl { ... } } i've added a reference to the assembly under the References node in the Solution Explorer, but no new control has appeare...

Why is AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers not the default?

For a .NET assembly to allow anything other than fully trusted callers the assembly must be signed and attributed with AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers. But even with this in place the CLR still (fortunately) checks code rights to ensure that the partially trusted caller can execute the desired code. So my question is, why is the AllowPar...

Assemblies and when strong naming is not an option?

A while back I asked the following question here on stackoverflow Assembly Names and Versions Now I have come to realize I can't sign my assembly with a strong name as one of the 3rd party dependencies is not a strongly named assembly and therefore mine is not signable. I have tried to simply change the assembly filename MyAssembly.dll...

How do I retrieve the version of an Assembly in C#?

I have a reference to a type, for which I would like to retrieve the version number of the Assembly in which it is located. What is the best way to do this? ...

Should return values and arguments for public methods only be types from within the same assembly?

I am wondering what are the best practices for public methods and their return values. Is it ok to return types from referenced assemblies or should I make sure that all the parameters as well as return values are all from within the same assembly? The reason I ask is that I am in the process of merging assemblies with ILMerge and I wo...

Best practices for merging assemblies?

I am wondering what are the heuristics when creating releases of libraries to be included in other projects in relation to dependencies and if I should include them or not. My problem is the following: I have a CommonUtilities library that provides as the name implies a set of utilities that can be used in more than one place. Dependen...

How to enable assembly bind failure logging (FUSION) in .NET

How to enable assembly bind failure logging (FUSION) in .NET. ...

How do I obtain File Version info from a C++ exe in C#?

I need to get the File version information from an exe file originally written in C++ from a C# program. Using Assembly.LoadFile(fullpath).GetName().Version results in a BadImageFormatException. Can anyone help? Cheers, Dan ...

ClickOnce - Overwriting content files

Hi, I have a solution that is deployed using ClickOnce. It consists of an application, serveral referenced assemblies and a SQL Server Compact database. There is also an assembly which is not referenced by the main application, but simply loaded at runtime. This assembly needs to be deployed along with the application, in the same dir...

Loose xaml referencing versioned assemblies

I have a unique development situation and would like some input from others. I have a situation where I need to load loose xaml files within a rich client application. A given loose xaml file may have references to an assembly not currently loaded in memory so the referenced assembly is loaded before the loading the loose xaml. The loo...

.NET Assembly References Compile Time Errors

I have assembly A with class Z that inherits from class X in assembly B. Now in a completely different solution, I have assembly C, which uses class Z. The compiler complains unless assembly C has a reference to both assembly A & B. Even though assembly C does not use class Z directly in anyway. Is this expected? It seems to me that i...

How to determine if a .NET assembly was built for x86 or x64?

I've got an arbitrary list of .NET assemblies. I need to programmatically check if each DLL was built for x86. (As opposed to x64 or Any CPU.) Is this possible? ...

Running ASP.NET MVC preview 3 apps on a box with the beta installed - how can I remove System.Web.Mvc from the GAC after installing ASP.NET MVC Beta?

I have an app built against MVC Preview 3 (referencing local copies of the MVC assemblies) that I'm trying to modify/test on a machine with the ASP.NET MVC beta installed. I am not interesting in updating this app to run against MVC beta yet - I just need to make a few small changes. It's failing with MissingMethodExceptions on RouteCo...

Trouble adding an assembly reference to a project.

I'm having a problem adding a reference to a .NET assembly I built. Here's what I did. I created a .NET assembly (testlib.dll). I made sure it had a strong name (added a keyfile). I creates a WiX installation project for that assembly. I added Assembly='.net' and KeyPath='yes' to the File property for the assembly. The installation w...