
Adding dependencies to C# project - same assemblies of different versions

I need to be able to call utilities from different versions of the same assembly both residing in GAC: gacutil /l TestAssembly TestAssembly.dll, Version= .... TestAssembly.dll, Version= .... And somewhere in code I need to dynamically load either one: TestObject testObject; if (loadFromVersion1) { test...

.NET: Get Resources by Reflection

How do I get all th resources dynamically from my current assembly? I have tried two methods, GetManifestResourceNames and GetResourceSet with no success. I am comfortable with solutions in or C#. First Method This first method only returns an array of length 1 with this value "MyNameSpace.Resources.resource". The problem is tha...

How to build/deploy project that requires multiple versions of the same assembly?

I am working on a project that uses conflict.dll version 6.2, but the project also uses helper.dll that uses conflict.dll version 5.8. I could install 6.2 and 5.8 into the GAC, but I'ld like to have this project xcopy deployable. I believe .net will search for the assemblies in the application bin directory like so: \bin\conflict.dll (6...

Visual studio assembly references

Is there anyway to localise an external assembly reference? Here's my situation: I am working on Project A and it contains assembly references from Project B. Now when I release this Project to my client I don't want to have to include the whole of Project B with it. Is there anyway to force it to copy the dll's from Project B onto Proj...

One application depending on the other for the domain code

Hello, I am building two applications, one application depends on the code in the other. App1 has a simple domain. And App2 uses this domain to read data from the a database. What is the best way to build this dependency ? Without having problems with namespaces etc. ...

Using Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.Dll from SQL Server 2008 vs 2005

I have an application which uses the Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo DLL build against SQL Server 2005. In a production environment only SQL Server 2008 is installed, which has a different version of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo DLL. The program fails in trying to load the 2005 version DLL. Assuming that the 2008 version DLL is backwards compati...

C#, reflection, plugins, assemblies

Hi, I'm a noob to this stuff. I want to make a C# program that uses plugins (as a way of learning). However, I don't understand where I'm going wrong here: PluginClass = a.CreateInstance("MBPlugin"); PluginClass is of type Object. However it's always null. a is of type Assembly. The assembly definitely contains a class named MBPlugin....

What is primary assembly

I am trying to use ILMerge in our build process. ILMerge has the Kind enumeration, which contains the SameAsPrimaryAssembly field. What is the this primary assembly? How can I set the primary assembly? ...

Silverlight 4: How to reference class from another assembly

In XAML-file of the SquadView page (VfmElitaSilverlightClientView.Pages.SquadView) I am using custom value converter. XAML-file is in "VfmElitaSilverlightClientView" namespace. Separate folder was created for converter and it is in "VfmElitaSilverlightClientView.Converter" namespace (in the same assembly). To use converter following code...

How can I show all internal classes to all projects in Visual Studio solution?

Hello, I have solution in Visual Studio, so this solution contains a few projects, also I have public only interfaces and internal classes, I'll use ILMerge for build one dll from all projects in this solution, Attention :) question, How can I show all internal classes to all projects in solution? Thanks. ...

Configuring GAC-placed assemblies. Best practice

I have to implement .net assembly that would be put into GAC. It relies on RDBMS connection string and some additional params - what is the best place I should put it? Machine.config, registry or something more appropriate? Such information should be placed into application configuration file (app.config/web.config) that uses component ...

How to use Ninject in constructor injection of a type in an external assembly

I am loading a type from an external assembly and want to create an instance of the type. However, this type/class is setup for constructor injection by objects currently being managed/bound by Ninject. How can I use Ninject to create an instance of this type and inject any constructor dependencies? Below is how I get this type. Assem...

Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT question

Our C# application needs to launch a thirdpart (from our customer) executable (VC++) to do something. it worked fine in XP and windows 7 but it crashed in Window Embedded Standard 7. Following is the log from System event log. Activation context generation failed for "C:\Ande\thirdParty\cogs2.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT,...

Resource referenced in user control does not appear when user control is referenced in another assembly

I have 3 assemblies: Number 1- ResourceAssembly which contains a subfolder Images with 1 image in it (build action = resource). Within that subfolder is a ResourceDictionary with build action set to resource. The resource dictionary contains the following- <BitmapImage x:Key="BluePlus_48x48_72" UriSource="112_Plus_Blue_48x48_72.png"...

Find Where .Net Assembly Is Being Pulled From

I have fou.dll that also needs friendfou.dll When I compile my project friendfoul.dll is being pulled into my bin folder from somewhere, I can tell because I delete friendfoul.dll and it reappears on compile. How can I tell where friendfoul.dll is being pulled from? ...

Strange assembly issue using WESTWIND globalization

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework. I'm attempting globalization for a website using the free westwind globalization dll. I add the Westwind.Web assembly then its two dependencies: Westwind.Globalization and Westwind.Utilities Initially, after adding the assemblies the objects are recognized...

Merge two assemblies at runtime - C#

Is it possible to merge two assemblies at runtime such that, when you iterate over the ExportedTypes, all the types from both original assemblies are returned? The why: I use a database migration framework to update my databases. It take a single assembly made up of special classes which defines the modifications made to the database....

How to programatically find the bytecode (CIL) in a .Net executable/dll?

I would like to open a PE file (which i know is a .Net assembly) and find where the .Net bytecode is (ideally starting at the entrypoint). I know that the PE header data (entrypoint RVA) take me just to a stub which calls CorExeMain from mscoree.dll. This is not what i'm looking for though. I would like to find the bytecode that gets ru...

When does .net check for assembly dependencies?

While pursuing a spearate problem I've come to a very peculiar situation. A demo code would be: public class Global : HttpApplication { protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log("In Application_Start"); SomeClass.SomeProp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PropValue"]; } protecte...

Is there a way to unload or reload the currently loaded runtime?

Ever since we started upgrading some of our projects to .NET framework 4.0, I've been running into a lot of issues regarding the following error: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. It's now happening with our installer application. The installer goes through a list ...