
Why not check in AssemblyInfo.cs

I was watching a video on Git and the guy went out of his way to ignore the AssemblyInfo.cs. Why should I not check that file in? If I don't check the file in won't Visual Studio complain for the next user when he checks my code out? ...

Accessing Assembly Information GUID in a C# Form Application

I would like to use the GUID in the Assembly Information of my Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition project for use in a Mutex that is used to verify that only one instance of the application is running. How can the GUID be accessed? I only need to use it in the Program.Main(...) function. Thanks. ...

Details of Assembly version

Hi, we will find Assembly version from Assembly.cs in every library. [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] My question is what is meant by this? Thanks ...

Adding a comment to the file generated by an asminfo NAnt task

I am using the asminfo task in NAnt but would like to be able to include an explanatory comment in the generated file (to tell the uninitiated that the file was generated by NAnt, and what its purpose is). Is this possible? ...

Problem with assembly file

I have this problem Error 23 The "AssemblyInfo" task could not be loaded from the assembly AssemblyInfoTask, Version=1.0.51130.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35. Could not load file or assembly 'AssemblyInfoTask, Version=1.0.51130.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The s...

How can I change AssemblyProduct, AssemblyTitle using MSBuild?

I have an MSBuild script which compiles my existing solution but I'd like to change some properties of one of the projects within the solution at compile-time, including but not limited to AssemblyProduct and AssemblyTitle. Here's a snippet of my build script: <Target Name="Compile" > <MSBuild Projects="..\MySolution.sln" ...

referencing and storing the strong name externally for reuse

I have a lot of assemblies that have set the InternalsVisibleToAttribute pointing one specifc assembly within the same solution. Unfortunately the assembly that is being pointed to has a stong name, so I always have to put the same public key token over and over again into the AssemblyInfo.cs files. Since there is no precompiler in c#,...

How to get the AssemblyVersion of a .Net file in Linux

Is there any way to obtain the AssemblyVersion of a .Net executable in Linux without using mono? What I am trying to have is a script or command that will let me obtain the AssemblyVersion on Linux boxes. I tried: #strings file.exe | grep AssemblyVersion but it only the string and not the number. Also checked with:#file file.exe but o...