
Array::include? on ActiveRecord collection not calling op== ?

Given a collection of named Foos from ActiveRecord, why does Array#include? not seem to call Foo.== but yet index does? class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base def ==(s) == s end end class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :foos end bar.foos << :name => 'hmm' ) bar.foos.all.include?('hmm') # does select all from ...

Could you help me write a proper query in rails for accessing the following information?

@workname = [] @recos = [] @bas = [] if current_user.recommendations.size != 0 current_user.recommendations.each do |r| if r.work_type == 'J' @job = Job.find_by_id(r.work_id) @workname.push "#{@job.title} at #{}" else @qualification = Qual...

Hibernate Criteria query on association

Hi There, How would I go about executing the following Hibernate query using the criteria API. I have an object Parent with List children. I would like to search through all parents and find which parents contain a specified child. i.e. List<Parent> findParents(Child child); Thanks. ...

Rails / ActiveRecord Modeling Help

I’m trying to model a relationship in ActiveRecord and I think it’s a little beyond my skill level. Here’s the background. This is a horse racing project and I’m trying to model a horses Connections over time. Connections are defined as the Horse’s Current: Owner, Trainer and Jockey. Over time, a horse’s connections can change ...

Dependency injection and aggregation/association

In both association and aggregation, one class maintains a reference to another class. Then, does constructor injection imply composition? Going by the same logic, is it safe to say that setter injection leads to an association, and not an aggregation? ...

ActiveRecord Associations Question

I'm new to rails and have volunteered to help out the local High School Track team with a simple database that tracks the runners performances. For the moment, I have three models: Runners, Race_Data and Races. I have the following associations. Runners have_many Race_Data Races have_many Race_Data I also want create the association ...

CakePHP Bake association problem

I have only two tables in my database with a one-to-many relationship between them (user hasMany messages) and am trying to get basic CRUD functionality going. Bake detects the associations correctly and specifies them correctly inside the model classes, but in controllers and views it looks like Cake doesn't know anything about those as...

Using build with a has_one association in rails.

This is a really noob question but im having trouble finding the answer, is there a way in rails to have 0 or 1 association? For example, I create a user with no objects, than later on create an object for that user. I tried using build with a 'has_one' association but that blew up... The only way I see this working is using 'has_many'....

Rails Association Problem

I am having trouble with this association. I need to get an array of the primaries that belong to the soldiers in a platoon. So once I get all the soldiers in a platoon: @company = Company.find_by_id(1) @platoons = @company.platoons <% @platoons.each do |p| %> <%= p.soldiers.primaries.find(:all,:conditions => ["relationship =...

Rails Association Question...

I have three models: User, RaceWeek, Race. Current associations: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :race_weeks end class RaceWeek < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :races end class Race < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :race_week end So the user_id is a foreign key in RaceWeek and race_week_id is a foreig...

rails override default getter for a relationship (belongs_to)

So I know how to override the default getters for attributes of an ActiveRecord object using def custom_getter return self[:custom_getter] || some_default_value end I'm trying to achieve the same thing however for a belongs to association. For instance. class Foo < AR belongs_to :bar def bar return self[:bar] || Bar.last ...

Rails Association Question (addendum)...

My original question and accepted solution was posted here: Check that out first. My follow-up question is this: I want to return an object that has both the user attributes and the race attributes. That way I can access, for example, the user's name and the faste...

How to apply Data Mining (Association Rule) to a huge database ?

Hello What I want to do is to apply Association method of data mining on my SQL Server 2000 database. Association rule is something like "finding the most frequent items that appear together in database." For those who don't know or who want to remember what is association method is like, take a look at this presentation about Associa...

Using fields from an association (has_one) model with formtastic in rails

I searched and tried a lot, but I can't accomplish it as I want.. so here's my problem. My models are: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :profile accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile end class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :user_id, :form, :title, :name, :surname, :street, :housenumber, :zipcode, :place, :...

[PHP] Associate different data

I will try to be as clear as possible because I can't get anybody to help me around, I am trying to associate some data from a 'videos' table with their respective ID. Lets say, I have column ID, title, serie, season, episode. I am getting my data : <? $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE serie = '".$row['serie']."' ...

Active Record two belongs_to calls or single table inheritance

In linking a sports event to two teams, at first this seemed to make sense: events - id:integer - integer:home_team_id - integer:away_team_id teams - integer:id - string:name However I am troubled by how I would link that up in the active record model: class Event belongs_to :home_team, :class_name => 'Team', :foreign_ke...

Rails: Multiple "has_many through" for the two same models?

Can't wrap my head around this... class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :fantasies, :through => :fantasizings has_many :fantasizings, :dependent => :destroy end class Fantasy < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :users, :through => :fantasizings has_many :fantasizings, :dependent => :destroy end class Fantasizing < ActiveRecord::B...

cakephp association error?

Warning (512): Model "User" is not associated with model "User" [CORE\cake\libs\model\behaviors\containable.php, line 340] im getting this error when accessing datas of photo, friend user has many photos and friend, photos and friend belongs to user in photos index page, two warnings one for user mentioned above and other for 'Friend' ...

ordering a collection by an association's property

class Person belongs_to :team class Status #has last_updated property class Team has_many :members, :class => "Person" Ok, so I have a Team class which has many People in it and each of those people has a status and each status has a last_updated property. I'm currently rendering a partial with a collection similar to: =rend...

Java many to many association map

Hi, I have to classes, ClassA and ClassB and a "many to many" AssociationClass. I want to use a structure to hold the associations between A and B such as I can know, for each instance of A or B, which are their counterparts. I thought of using a Hashmap, with pair keys: Hasmap<Pair<ClassA, ClassB>, AssociationClass> associations; ...