
How to control ASP.NET ModalPopupExtender after AsyncPostBackError

Hi there, I have a pretty simple question which I'm sure somebody has come across before. I am using an AJAX ModalPopupExtender to initiate an Ajax request. In the event of an error I want to raise an alert and hide the Ajax ModalPopupExtender. My attempts of hiding the ModalPopup extender and displaying the exception as an alert have...

Runtime error codes on AsyncPostback from AJAX toolkit

I'm interested in the meaning of the runtime error codes come from ajax like. 110|error|500|d:\ *PATH* \SomeControl.ascx(5): error CS1026: ) expected| Does anybody knows where are can i find list of error codes with the meanings or has someone a collection? Maybe it's a very general error i will figure out nothing from it but...

ScriptManager1.AsyncPostBackErrorMessage not showing error message

I've always used the following two bits of code (which use to work) to catch Ajax asyncPostBackErrors. <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" OnAsyncPostBackError="ScriptManager1_AsyncPostBackError" /> and protected void ScriptManager1_AsyncPostBackError(object sender, AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e) { ScriptManager1...

Problem on UpdatePanel and Asynchronous Postback on server

Hi Friends, I have created a page based on MultiView and it contain 10 view. I'm changing view index on click of corresponding LinkButton by Asynchronous PostBack with UpdatePanel. It's working in localhost. But I faced a problem on SERVER. After clicking LinkButton I found that there is no reflection on the page. Another case : Af...

Duplicate System.Web.UI.AsyncPostBackTrigger Controls keep getting inserted automatically, causing Parser Errors

I have an update panel with a number of [asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger...] controls, and everything was working fine. But now, something keeps inserting duplicate AsyncTriggers, and instead of simply being [asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger...] controls they're [System.Web.UI.AsyncPostBackTrigger...] controls, and I get parser errors as a result. So...

AsyncPostBackTrigger not working in my application

I am experiencing an interesting issue. We are running a website using masterpage and in one of the pages, I need to create an update panel that will display group SSID on completion. So, in one of the content placesholders, I put this in: <asp:ScriptManager ID="scManagerConfirm" runat="server" /> <asp:Timer ID="tmrStatus" OnTick="tmr...