
Timer events do not fire in a thread when using Server.MapPath

Hi, I have the following scenario with ASP.NET 2.0. I have declared an atlas:timer as follows in my .aspx page: <atlas:Timer ID="Timer1" OnTick="Timer1_Tick" runat="server" Interval="3000" Enabled="false"> </atlas:Timer> I also have a button on a form which when clicked launches a new System.Threading.Thr...

C C++ Linking Error

Hello, all! I am writing a program in C++ which uses the CLAPACK ATLAS library. However, I cannot get the program to link successfully to the library. I have written a small C program to better demonstrate the problem. Interestingly enough, this small demonstration program links just fine if I compile it with GCC, but I get the same link...

Compiling scipy on Windows 32-bit: linker error with libf77blas.a

Has anyone tried compiling SciPy 0.7.1 on Windows using numpy-1.3.0 that was built with the pre-built ATLAS libraries ( linked in the installation document. I get the following linker error, and have no ideas as to how to fix this issue. $ python config --compiler=mingw32 build --compiler=mingw32 i...

Redirect to Denied page after Ajax Login

Hi, folks, In my website i use Ajax login(that the part of standart Ajax Extension for When i don't login and try to access to the denied page, i got redirected to page, after i've logged in and have permission to access denied page, i still stayed ...

How many Ajax libraries/frameworks are in the mainstream right now?

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET MVC and your first reaction might be to tell me I don't need to learn all the Ajax stuff to learn MVC. Fine, I get it. But I am not very confident if I don't know what's going on around me, i.e. in the environment surrounding my code. Since my goal is to learn ASP.NET MVC, I first tried some examples, watched...

ATLAS Linear algebra and openmpi on multicore with python

I use mpi4py and openmpi on a multi-cpu/core machine to do linear algebra. My numpy is built using ATLAS. Suppose I have a 4 core machine and I would like to run a 4 node python script that does linear algebra on each node using numpy. How can I ensure that ATLAS does not use more than one core when it is doing linear algebra in each no...

How did cappuccino (objective-j) / Atlas take relative and absolute positioning out of the picture?

I've been checking out Cappuccino and Atlas lately, and they seem to have abstracted relative and absolute positioning away into something that just "works". I was wondering for those familiar with the project - how did they do this? I've always thought that relative and absolute positioning is kind of an obscure way of thinking about p...