
Confluence Persistence

Is there a simple in built way to maintain data in Confluence when writing your own macro? This data needs to be quaryable across pages, i.e the user will add the marco to their wiki page. Then this data can be queried by another summary macro. I have read something about Bandana but I am not sure how to get this to work with my plugin....

Accessing the Atlassian Crowd SOAP API with Suds (python SOAP library)

Has anybody had any recent success with accessing the Crowd SOAP API via the Suds Python library? I've found a few people successfully doing it in the past but Atlassian seems to have changed their WSDL since then to make the existing advice not entirely helpful. Below is the simplest example I've been trying: from suds.client import ...

How to get the project version description in Jira via the Soap api

Does anybody know how to get the version description field for a Jira project? Using the ProjectService.getVersions method we can get an Array of RemoteVersion objects but these RemoteVersion objects do not contain the description field.

Using JAXB inside a Confluence Plugin

I have a Confluence plugin I am working on that contains a series of classes that use JAXB. When the plugin runs I get the following runtime-exception: [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory not found [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] - with linked exception: [INFO] [talledL...

Have a StackOverflow type of voting system on a Confluence page

I am looking for a Confluence plugin/macro to add voting capabilities to a page, similar to the one StackOverflow is offering. (Like the one next to this entry.) ...

How do I add a pages breadcrumbs to an action in a Confluence Plugin?

I'm writing a plugin for Confluence and there isn't much documentation on what you can use in velocity vm files. I'm able to add a base breadcrumb that goes from Dashboard -> ActionName but I want to to do something similar to page edits where you get the full page breadcrumb followed by the action name. Here's what I'm using now: #app...

Jira as Test Case Management Tool

Hello, I have reviewed several test case management solutions available for Jira such as: I was wondering if it is possible to expand this test case management solution even mo...