
How to unit-test an MVC controller action which depends on authentification in c#?

I'd like to write (in c#) a unit-test for an MVC controller action which might return one view or the other, depending on whether the request is authenticated. How can this be done? Thanks in advance. ...

Jaas web form authentification in JBOSS 5

Hello all. First of all sorry for my poor english but, i'm french... I try for some time to create my custom jaas module for authentification im my web application. I work under JBoss5. So I have create my own JAAS module (Principal, Group, LoginModule). I have declare it in my ear conf: -myEAR:      |-----my-login-config.xml      |-----...

No Cookies at second Webrequest

Hello, I write a little Tool in C# with Visual Studio 2008. My Problem: I login to a website by HTTP-webrequest, I get an authentification cookie, thats all ok. Than I make a new HTTP-webrequest and add the cookies from the first request to call the next page where i can see my personal data. I see that the cookies will associated wi...

Apache Server connection authentification

How would I go about having my android app be able to automatically enter a set password and username to gain access for a file on my apache server? I know that server side it would be php and obviously java for the app, but i am somewhat new to this and any examples or sites with tutorials would be greatly appreciated/. ...

Simplest way to implement user login / authentification in Python

I'm developing a fairly simple Python web app and I want to allow users to log in. I know the solution will probably involve installing some sort of framework rather than doing it in straight Python and I'm OK with that, I'm just wondering, what would be the easiest, most hassle-free way to add authentification? The app is already writte...

Apache authentification - letting users from X IP address in WITHOUT required password, others must type password

Hi, now my apache configuration looks like this: <Directory /usr/share/myweb/> AuthType Basic AuthName "myweb" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.passwords Require user mw </Directory> It allows everyone to web, but require password. I would like to let some users (from local IP) to be allowed to see the website without a need of aut...

Is this IIS configuration possible, and if not, what would you suggest?

Is it possible to configure an IIS website to provide domain credentials to an ASP.Net application if the user is logged into a particular domain, and use anonomous if they are coming in from the internet? Will I need seperate virtual directories, one with domain only and one with Anon only? I have an application follows different code...