
authlogic openid auto_register feature tries to duplicate registration

I am trying to enable openid authentication on my website as well as use auto_register feature of latest authlogic_openid add-on. Everything works fine until second login. The first time user is created and logged in, but after I logout and try logging in into the system with same OpenID identifier I get user registration form with erro...

using authlogic to auto create users bypassing explicit user registeration

Hello, I'm wondering how to go about using Authlogic to auto register a user who chooses to use open id. Right now they have to register first before being able to login in, even if they choose open id, but I'd prefer if they could just login directly provided I get all the necessary details from the open id provider. But I'm not sure ...

authlogic openid + recaptcha + confirmed?

Hi all. Could you show me live code examples of integration authlogic-openid and recaptcha? I want to prevent users from registering using they own openid-servers to create multiple accounts and use it for spam. Also could you help me plz to understand - how to check confirmed? field on creation UserSession for openid registered users?...

Rails, OpenID and Authlogic

I've been following ryan baytes screencast #170 and adding ruby-openid, authlogic and authlogic-oid to an existing authlogic authentication system. However, i keep getting the following stack of errors: NameError (uninitialized constant OpenIdAuthentication::InvalidOpenId): /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/authlogic-oid-1.0.4/lib/authlo...

Authlogic openid: getting undefined method openid_identifier? error in functional test

I use Authlogic with the Authlogic-openid addon (I gem installed ruby- openid and script/plugin install git:// and get two errors. First when running functional test, I get an undefined method openid_identifier? message on a line in my new.html.erb file when running the UsersControllerTe...

Access recovery mechanism if site only supports OpenID login

Say I have a site, like StackOverflow, which supports OpenID login only. Suppose someone had an account on the site, bound to his OpenID, and then he lost access to his OpenID provider (that's surely possible and not harder than losing your email password). How would he then restore access to his account? I see two options: one is the u...

OpenID register on login (authlogic_openid)

What is the proper way to register users automatically when they log in with openid? I am using authlogic with an authlogic-oid gem (and an older version of openid_authentication). The stuff I read online so far seems to be obsolete. Does anyone know the proper way to do it with the new gem? What I do now is: options = params[:user_s...

Recaptcha with Authlogic and OpenID problem

Hi all, I have a fully functioning rails app with authlogic and openid as per railscasts episode 170 ( The problem comes when I want to add recaptcha and a user signs up with openid. Apparently the verify_recaptcha method overrides the openid parameters. There must be a way to g...

Authlogic, logout, credential capture and security

Ok this is something weird. I got authlogic-oid installed in my rails app today. Everything works perfectly fine but for one small nuisance. This is what i did: I first register with my google openid. Successful login, redirection and my email, along with my correct openid is stored in my database. I am happy that everything worked fi...

Authlogic OpenID: Fetching E-Mail from Provider.

This is a really weird problem: I have set up the authlogic_openid_selector_example app. When i register, the email id is not returned by the openid provider the first time. But if i delete the account and register again, the email id is returned. How do i fix this problem? I have hosted my version of the app here: http://pingauthtest.h...

Authlogic+OpenID- UserSession returns "not match any users" error

Hi, I'm working on OpenID authentication in my Rails app. Because Authlogic seems to be received well by the community, I gave it a try. I got to the point where I can register a new user with an OpenID URL. However, when I tried logging in with the URL I signed up with, I keep receiving a message: "Openid identifier did not match ...

Authlogic and OpenID registration and login in one action

I was playing with Rayan Bates sources as the basis. So I created few icons for OpenID providers, like Google, Yandex, OpenID, and user have to choose which one to use (similar like here on stackoverflow). So everything is fine. Now I decide to make only one click for login or reg...

authlogic openid: fullname is not a defined simple registration field

I finally got an open id demo app going: rails 2.3.5 authlogic openid When I create a new user in the database, I get the following error: fullname is not a defined simple registration field This is after I authorize the localhost,etc. I don't have fullname anywhere. Any ideas? ...

Can authlogic-oid be configured to use a tablename other than session?

I'm working on a rails3 login using Authlogic and Authlogic-oid, with activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter, and user/session code pretty much like Holden's demo on github. When I have a session table, I get this error, because there are no quotes around "session": ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (OCIError: ORA-00903: invalid table name...

force user to register

Is it possible to require a "logged in" user to complete registration before he can continue on? This scenario happens when a user logges in via facebook or some other oauth/open id provider and the session does not provide all the requires registation data. Here is my application controller and I am tryint this require_registration me...

Authlogic + Openid: can create session but not register

I've been following the railscast (170) on openid + authlogic. So far, I've got everything just about working. I bumped into some trouble midway through but this was solved by using mreinsch's forked version of the authlogic_openid gem: Anyway, i...