
Disable GNOME's automount with Python

Hi, I need to stop GNOME/Nautilus from automagically mounting new devices and partitions as they appear to the system. How can I accomplish this in python? ...

Shell script to name videos on device

I have a .sh script that automounts any usb device that is plugged in. I need it to also find if there are videos in a certain location on the device that is plugged in then write them to a videos.txt file. Here's what I have and its not working. Also I need it to put the mountpoint in the videos.txt file. ${MOUNTPOINT}$count is the path...

What is the workflow for automount in Gnome 2.30?

I have a ASUS laptop with Fedora 13. My problem is that any USB storage I connect does not automount. I have other computer with Fedora 13 which does not have the problem. I have not be able to find any difference in configuration between my laptop and other computers that work. So to try to trace down the problem I started to looomk f...

How to run a shell script after a device is mounted using UDEV

I wanted to know how to run a script after a usb pen drive is inserted and auto-mounted Till know i am able to run a script as soon as the device is inserted, however the mounting of the device takes place after the shell script action has ended ...