I have autotest setup with growlnotify using growl_glue (version 1.0.7):
require 'growl_glue'
GrowlGlue::Autotest.initialize do |config|
config.notification :use_network_notifications => true
growl version is 1.2
each time autotest runs and displays the notification growl popup I also get an OS X firewall popup asking Do you wa...
I am attempting to test user interaction with an off the shelf product.
The current process is to run through a manual script and record how long certain processes take to populate data, it may populate a datagrid, a tree, a list box, etc...
It will also need to be able record how long it takes to generate a pdf report.
We do not requi...
Hi All,
I'm developing a software component responsible for testing if a network interface has conectivity with the internet. Think of it as the same test the XBOX360 does to inform the user if it's connected with the Live network (just as an example).
So far I figured the autotest would run as this:
1) Test the physical network interf...
Autotest is supposed to map my tests to a class, I believe. When I have class Foo and class FooTest, autotest should see FooTest and say, "Hey, this test corresponds to the unit Foo, so I'll look for changes there and re-run tests when changes occur." And that works, however...
When I have Foo::Bar and Foo::BarTest, autotest doesn't see...
Autotest will rerun all tests every time my tests start passing when they were failing. I have a lot of tests, and for reasons I won't go into, rerunning all of them is painfully slow.
How can I make it so autotest will never rerun all tests unless I Ctrl-C?
I am running Rails 3 Beta2 and attempting to get Autotest working with rspec.
When I run autospec, I receive the following message:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:334:in `bin_path': can't find executable autospec for rspec-2.0.0.beta.5 (Gem::Exception) from /usr/local/bin/autospec:19
I am using Ruby 1.9.1 with the foll...
In one of my project with some existing code, some code is covered by _test.rb file, other is by _spec.rb and we introduced .feature
It became a nice mixture of stuff to check.
I am stumped how to run .feature, _spec.rb and _test.rb for red-green cycles.
/usr/local/bin/ruby -rrubygems -e "require 'redgreen'" /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/bin/spec --autospec <files_here> -O spec/spec.opts
invalid option: --autospec
Test::Unit automatic runner.
Usage: -e [options] [-- untouched arguments]
which spec says "/usr/local/bin/spec"
which autospec says "/usr/local/bin/autospec"...
I've just installed a ZenTest to use autotest in my project. I use rspec and have an integration folder inside it. As I don't want all my integration tests run every single time I start autospec , so I'd like to somehow restrict autospec from running tests in that folder.
How do I exclude a chosen folder inside a /spec from running by a...
I installed the autotest gem and intend to use it with rspec. The problem is, when I run autotest under my rails app, all I see is :
railsapp$ autospec
loading autotest/rails_rspec
And its stuck there until I Ctrl-C out of it. Nothing changes even if I change a rspec test or code.
Here's my ~/.autotest
require "auto...
I am trying to get the whole setup working with Autotest/Growl/Shoulda on my Mac to test a gem I'm working on for Authlogic. I've used RSpec in the past quite a bit but would like to switch to Shoulda.
This gem is going to work with Rails, but others gems I've made are just plain old ruby libraries with no dependencies on Rails modules...
Basically it's an extension for autotest that listens for notification from OS and allows autotest not to scan for file changes permanently while testing only necessary changes. It saves CPU and disk use.
As far as autotest is concerned, how do you do autotest for C++ programs? are there any autotest framework that can be utilized to do unit test and integration test?
I want to get autotest to run Steak acceptance tests whenever one of my rails app's relevant files is changed. After studying Rspec's and Cucumber's own autotest configs, I'm trying the following mappings:
Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|
at.add_mapping(%r%^spec/acceptance/.*_spec.rb$%, true) { |filename, _|
I'm having problems running my Rails unit tests via autotest using Test::Unit 2.0.6. Running tests via rake test:units works perfectly, but when I run the tests from autotest, I get this:
/Code/projectdir/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:105:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant Test::Unit::TestResult:...
hey all
im going through the setup on
and im stuck on this particular error:
ERROR READOUT: http://pastie.org/1015405
What i can see being the tell-tale issue here is the
No such file or directory - Files/rubygems-1.3.7/rails_projects/sample_app/spec/controllers...
attempting to use rspec2, rails3, and autotest. When running autotest I get stuck with the following:
loading autotest/rails_rspec2
style: RailsRspec2
...bin/rspec:2:in `require': no such file to load -- rspec/autorun (LoadError)
Looks like a path ...
I'm using cucumber, rails3, rspec2 and autotest. I'm trying to figure out why my features are infinitely looping. I suspect it some file being changed during the tests but I'm not sure which one. I've added some exceptions to my .autotest with no dice.
Are there any steps I can take to troubleshoot this problem?
It'd be cool if I could...
Hi, I'm little confused on how to use cuke's options.
I know that I can run spec and cucumber in two different console. But I want it to run both.
So, I can pass args/options for rspec like bundle exec autotest -c -f specdoc but if I pass cucumber options like --tags @wip --format pretty, it blows out.
So, how can I accomplish this??
I'm running into the exact same problem as was posted at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1574896/zentest-autotest-not-running-tests. However, nothing on that article is helping me to solve the problem. I have ZenTest and autotest-rails both installed, and yet when I run autotest from the command prompt, I see "loading autotest/rails"...